Abe and Lexie in happier times (in front of flattering lighting at NBC). The only thing standing in their way? The fact that JER made Abe blind, impotent and perpetually crusty. Geez JER - SHARE THE WEALTH!!

Alice and her granddaughters. It's pretty sad when you're the oldest person in the picture (if not in the WORLD) and your hair STILL looks the best out of all 3!!

Why is Rachel Melvin (Chelsea) staring at Ken Corday as if she wants to jump his bones? "He's not Patrick, but he'll do I 'spose.....now where did I put my beer goggles.....?"
Uh, Farah? It's called a CANDID photo. I know you're attracted to the bright FLASH and all, but for the love of god "look aw-ay from the camera"!
Ali's husband sure looks like an insurance salesman in this picture. Everyone else is HOT!
WHY IS SOMEONE PUNCHING FRANCES REID IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD??! Poor old dear. She looks quite put out.
Hey look! It's Bryan, Kyle and one of those brothers from Hanson!
Aren't these 2 just the cutest? Julie P., I love the "Come Fuck Me" shoes! Very red light district. Maybe Billy could borrow them so he could be 5'3 for a night!
That's a WHOLE LOTTA side-boob, Heather. Aren't you supposed to be in a coma, or something?
Who the fuck are those 3 nobodies in the back row?! Ew!! And very very annoying Jan girl is there too! Possibly the most disturbing pic of the whole bunch.
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