And God said, "Let there be more updates and fun things to look at on this kick ass website"...and there was.  And it was good.

Nikki and Galore DO so apologize for keeping all you loyal readers in suspence for so long.  Truth is, I (Galore) just plain STOPPED WATCHING FOR FEAR THAT I WOULD RESORT BURNING MYSELF WITH CIGARETTES.  Which would have been a big feat, considering that I think they are evil and I have never smoked one and thus don't know how to light one properly.  But I'da DONE IT if I had been desperate enough.  I just couldn't take anymore of that creepy North with his hypnosis and wife beating.  And that TEK fellow with his Lexie molesting and sloppy make out sessions.  And I CERTAINLY couldn't take anymore of Claire....does she EVER shut up?!

So I felt bad and watched today for the first time in a month.  Also, I had heard from numerous sources that Dr. Alex got killed but good, and that was incentive enough for me to commence the frivolities that await me in Salem.   The "Larrie-Samstin" quadrangle is still creepy and dysfunctional as HELL, but I wonder whose baby is REALLY in Carrie's womb?  Hmmm?  On another note, Lexie should be FIRED and banned from medicine for the lies that she tells about people's health.  You just can't DOOOO that.  Didn't you take some kind of Hippopotamus oath that says "thou shalt not fuck with people's confidential health information"?  I think the Hippopotamus oath also states that "thou shalt ram others with thy horns".  Great oath, that one.  Covers ALL the bases.

Does anyone else really wanna see Phil drive a racecar?  Cause I DO!  Oh, the funny faces he will make, when he's shifting gears and drinking milk at the finish line.  And it's a RACECAR.  Enough said.

Okay, enough excuses...we didn't watch for a while, and now we are back on track.  We came to the realization that some people REALLY like this website (for some reason) and we feel a moral obligation to those three people.  Ha.  So....WELCOME TO THE SUMMER OF GEORGE!  I mean, THE SUMMER OF NIKKI AND GALORE...where the Salemites are hot, but pouring gas on yourself and then lighting a match is HOTTER!  (Please don't try this at home.)


Galore and Nikki

Sunday, August 6

Some AWARDS, as well as some new blunders, and if you haven't checked the pub in the last few days there is a new storyline up in there.

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