Meta-Mapping, Precis

There is a heirarchy of transcendence, and a second, smaller facet of "transcending" the heirarchy. The key to transcending the heirarchy may be not to transcend transcendence, which would leave one motionless and subject to the perjorations of the movers--but to transcend on a personal scale in relation not to the heirarchy, but with the realization of the absolute transcendence of simply being.*

Every heirarchy of values has a similar correspondence of a larger system where there is no victory, and a smaller succeeded system that transcends the herirarchy. By mapping facets of systems generally we can uncover a more genuine systemic world where the utility of abstract metaphor is more readily apparent.


meta-extension: essentially a transcendent knowledge process.

*Not every transcendence is a transcendence of nature or being. Mostly we carry our tools with us, the tools being the mechanics of meaning.

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