Wisdom walks on any number
(An essay poem)

You need a cloth that's wet and a cloth that's dry
A song that reaches and a song that lingers
The finger to beckon and the hand to wave
between one and three feet to walk on your hands
or carry a staff or push a stroller
but wisdom walks on any number
and whether they're hands and whether they're feet
is up in the air.

I tell you there's something besides the discrete
besides these tales of apples and feet
besides these rooms of clocks and fog:
A woman of doors, a man of knobs
as though each were a measure of a different path
A path round the world, some staying power
written in riddles, an eternal flower.

I tell you there's something besides the ruler,
besides the fog, and even the stroller
besides the riddle and even the peace
I'll tell you something while I roll up my sleaves--

The weather is clearer where there's no weather!

And while I'm telling you all this remember:

When hands are legs, legs are hand-like
So you ought to know there's nothing more flexible
than a body of lies stoked on surprise

Which goes to reason, since by now we all know
the system that's written is already true.

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The preceding, as well as all other parts of Nathan's Philosophy and Writing are pending copyright
(c) 2006, Nathan Coppedge

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