What is the World?

We can say the world is an illusion. But what is the world?
What is it that we are trying to transcend?

Is the world a prison where we are forced to enact some sort of mechanical tragicomedy?

Is the world a ghostly corridor, strewn with the lost personal items of many passing travelers?

Is the world a ship tossed on raging seas?

Or only a door that opens with mysterious promise and then leaves us in the dark?

Insofar as we are tossed on the sea, we must transcend the lies and deceptions that fill us with doubt and weakness.

Insofar as life is a corridor strewn with items, we must be investigaors who uncover our future by comparing our plight with the plight of others.

If we are mechanical puppets, transcendence is a matter of performing in a more than human manner, in a way that asks that life change for us.

We must demand the most of life, even if that means repeating a mantra, or changing our routines and schedules. Something good will come of it.

And if life is the opening and closing of a door? What then?
Let us hope that this door is made of many doors, and that each of them leads us to prosperity. Assuredly if we apply firmness to the knob, and move with confidence, the door will open.

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The preceding, as well as all other parts of Nathan's Philosophy and Writing are pending copyright
(c) 2006, Nathan Coppedge

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