Dynamic Villain's Parallel Universe: Attack of the Effects

Should Natalie Portman have quit her job; Does Anakin think Obi-Wan sucks; Does George Lucas have issues; Will Rick McCallum be able to please his master; How many versions of this movie will there be; Will Yoda's CG Brother ever solve all the mysteries; Is there a deeper meaning to the countless homages; Will Lucas be able to win back the old fans by recycling stuff from the Original Trilogy; Why does Christopher Lee throw the main character aside; What is Boba Fett doing in this movie; Is Jawa Juice disgusting; How many words does Beru speak; Will CG Exposition Trooper be able to make sense of the battle; In what ancient style do the Jedi fight; Will the effects budget be used up; Why did the Tuskens kidnap Shmi; Has Star Wars become a joke; Does the audiance care??

Find it all out and more in Supposed to be Star Wars, Episode 2: Attack of the Effects!

Don't take this too seriously folks (but it should be clear what my problems with the movie are - even if this is over the top)!

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