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The smallest and most easily forgotten Benelux country, Luxembourg is unlikely to be at the top of anybody's list of foreign destinations. Nonetheless, it's a country worth visiting, if for no other reason as to say you've been to Luxembourg. If you go, I recommend being there during Luxembourg National day (21-22 June), during which the country comes alive with activity.

Essential facts

The national languages are French, German and Luxembourgish. The first is the language of the government, the second the language of most of the people, and the third a widely spoken hybrid of the two. People seem to speak either French or German, not both. We would try one, get blank stares but would be understood in the other. We didn't use any English, but I would imagine it's widely spoken. The currency is the Franc, the same currency as in Belgium, in fact the same notes! Not surprisingly for a country of bankers, ATMs are widely prevalent. Costs are average for Western Europe, i.e. pretty expensive, but not a total rip-off. Unless flying, border formalities are completely non-existent.

Getting there and away

A speck of land between France and Germany.
Map of Luxembourg

By train, Luxembourg City is well connected to the rest of Europe. By car, it's a hop skip and jump away from the other low countries, France or Germany. Travelers from the states might want to check flights into Luxembourg. Both LuxAir, the national carrier, and Icelandair can have good deals flying into Luxembourg airport (Findel) from NYC. With the ease of getting from Luxembourg to anywhere else in Europe, it's definitely worth a look.

Luxembourg City

The "Gibraltar of the North", Luxembourg City is dramatically perched along the sides of a gouge and surrounded by fortifications. It does need to be seen to appreciate it.


The heart of the city is fairly compact and easily explored on foot. There really isn't all that much to see and do besides wandering around the old town itself. Be sure to take in the Bock Casemates, the remnants of the city's fortifications, and the Grund, the chasm dividing the city in two.

View of the City
Luxembourg city viewed from across the Grund.

I encourage trying to get there for Luxembourg National day. A massive fireworks display is set off of the Pont Adolphe whilst a techno-dance party rages on until 3-4 in the morning in the side streets off Place Guillaume II. To this day, every time I hear the song "Horny" by Mousse T & Hot n' Juicy, I think of Luxembourg and the thongs of people screaming along in guttural Luxembourgish accents. Yet another event of the holiday are parades of people carrying flaming sticks and walking dogs (below)

The DOg and Firestick Parade

Why exactly? I really don't know. The whole event is surreal, but winds down in the early morning hours.

The party atmosphere helps appreciate some of the odder sites in the city, including this statue - what the hell is this, a centaur with a helmet on? (right)
Centaur Statue

Food and Lodging

Avoid the Quick burger on Place d'Armes - the food is downright inedible. There are many small cafes and kebab joints scattered among the old town, all good for a beer or light dinner. The hostel is conveniently located in the Bock itself. I've heard good things but did not stay there.

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