Lil' Guppies

Lil' Guppies Print Materials Mock-Up


Lil' Guppies Logo

This logo for the Lil’ Guppies Scuba School strives to epitomize the business’s ability to teach children to swim in a fun and safe manner. This is depicted through the logo by the inclusion of the submarine and the fish created through the negative space in the “o”. The submarine represents the safety but does so in a whimsical manner. The fish are reminiscent of the school’s name and both the fish and submarine are representation of objects that move through the water, such as a child swims.


Lil'Guppies Letterhead

In designing a series of print materials for the Lil’ Guppies Scuba School, the letterhead had to remain consistent with the logo I created. I did this by drawing inspiration from elements within the logo itself. I paired the font utilized within the logo with an easy to read sans serif font. To separate the necessary elements within the letterhead, I used the fish from the negative space within the “o” as bullet points. To create a composition compatible with the logo, I drew the colors from the submarine to further enhance the interest in this asset.


Lil'Guppies Envelope

Within the branding materials required by Lil’ Guppies Scuba School was the inclusion of a personalized envelope return label. The creation of this envelope includes the logo, and the sans serif font typeface and color present within the letterhead. Making these elements match ensures that the print materials remain consistent and develop a strong brand for the business.

Business Card

Lil'Guppies Business Card

The business card is an essential part of developing a business’s brand. For Lil’ Guppies Scuba School, I created a business card that both represented the values held by the school, but also provided enough interest that it will be memorable. Taking aspects from the letterhead and envelope, the business card presents the most prevalent information and places it within a presentation box upon a sea of blue. The representation of both the brand and water, through the use of the alternating blue colors, will create a connection between swimming and the school in a potential client’s mind.

Brand Style Guide

Brand Style Guide Page 1 Brand Style Guide Page 2 Brand Style Guide Page 3 Brand Style Guide Page 4 Brand Style Guide Page 5 Brand Style Guide Page 6 Brand Style Guide Page 7 Brand Style Guide Page 8 Brand Style Guide Page 9

To create a cohesive brand and strengthen the brand's identity, I created a brand style guide for the company to follow. This guide includes the mission of the company, the font and colors used in the logo, and how to use the logo in different situations. It also showcases the print-ready materials created for Lil'Guppies