White Magic


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Blitz Ball
Monster Arena
Al Bhed


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White Magic Name MP Cost Description
Cure 4 MP Restores a small amount of HP. The caster's Magic attribute determines the strength of the spell.
Cura 10 MP Restores a substantial amount of HP. The caster's Magic attribute determines the strength of the spell.
Curaga 20 MP Restores a massive amount of HP. The caster's Magic attribute determines the strength of the spell.
Esuna 5 MP Cures the target's status ailments. Removes poison, darkness, silence, sleep, petrification, confusion, berserk and slow. Ineffective against zombie, curse, Doom and K.O.
Scan 1 MP Displays key information about the target, such as its HP, attributes, immunities, weaknesses and methods of attack.
NulBlaze 2 MP Grants each party member immunity from one fire attack. Nullifies fire-based physical attacks as well as spells like Fira.
NulShock 2 MP Grants each party member immunity from one lightning attack. Nullifies lightning-based physical attacks as well as spells like Thundara.
NulTide 2 MP Grants each party member immunity from one water attack. Nullifies water-based physical attacks as well as spells like Watera.
NulFrost 2 MP Grants each party member immunity from one ice attack. Nullifies ice-based physical attacks as well as spells like Blizzara.
Life 18 MP Revives a K.O.'ed ally.
Full-Life 60 MP Revives a K.O.'ed ally and restores his HP to maximum.
Haste 8 MP Accelerates the target so that his turns in battle come up sooner than normal.
Hastega 30 MP Accelerates the entire party so that all members' turns in battle come up sooner than normal.
Slow 12 MP Slows the target down.
Slowga 20 MP Slows all enemies down.
Shell 10 MP Helps the target better withstand magic attacks by raising his Magic Defence.
Protect 12 MP Helps the target better withstand physical attacks by raising his Defence.
Reflect 14 MP Bounces spells cast at the target towards the enemy. Deflects both damaging and healing spells alike.
Dispel 12 MP Negates any spell effects that are currently active on the target, such as Shell, Protect, Haste and Reflect.
Regen 40 MP Gradually restores the target's HP for a time.
Holy 85 MP Deals holy damage to the target.
Auto-Life 97 MP Automatically revives an ally the next time he is K.O.'ed. The target will instantly awaken from K.O. with a small amount of HP. Effective only once per casting.
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