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RestlessSoul                 WanderingMinds                IdleDreams
krisis - reflection - onArt - onLife - poetry - shortstory - semeru - fullmooncafes - fancynites
collaborativeplay - selfportraits - illustration&graphic - my favorite things - gifts

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Crazy Funky Fun at The FullMoon Cafe!

Just the right unique combination of
creative energy and relaxing atmosphere 
where people are connecting and relating. 
Where friends and colleagues are gathered,  
building a larger, diversed networking. 
 Where talents and possibilities merged,  
 Where potentials and opportunities incorporated,  
   Where fun and business blend in harmony!  
held once a month during the Full Moon
under the clear moonlight in the fresh outdoors.  
entertaining music, various performance and SeniRupa Flea Market
enliven the enchanted evening,
providing endless excitement through the night.

The August 1997
FullMoon cafe
Click to Enter! The September 1997 FullMoon cafe!
Click to Enter! The November 1997 FullMoon cafe!
Click to Enter! The October 1997 FullMoon cafe
Click to Enter!! The December 1997 FullMoon cafe!
Click to Enter!

click on any of the images to take a peek at the FullMoon cafe!

Share Your Thoughts                       Others Thoughts

RestlessSoul                 WanderingMinds                IdleDreams
krisis - reflection - onArt - onLife - poetry - shortstory - semeru - fullmooncafes - fancynites
collaborativeplay - selfportraits - illustration&graphic - my favorite things - gifts

The FullMoon cafe Logo and Designs are for screen viewing only.
Logo and Designs Copy Rights by Lie Fhung 1997.

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Against Racial Discrimination

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