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Kita terus makan
dan tetap terasa enak

Malam-malam jam setengah sepuluh.
Baru pulang rapat.
Lapar menyergap.
Sambil mengobrol tertawa-tawa
kami duduk di warung kakilima
pinggir jalan Merdeka.

Cukup ramai di situ.
Ada tukang sate.
Ada tukang soto sulung juga.
Jeruk peras segar terasa
nikmat di kerongkongan yang parau
kebanyakan bicara tadi.

Haaa... sate ayam gemuk-gemuk
sudah siap...!
Mengepul-ngepul asapnya
harum menerbitkan liur.
Ahhh, lezatnya mengunyah
daging ayam empuk gurih...
Ya, ya, enak! Enak sekali!

Kami bicara-bicara.
Kami tertawa-tawa...
Ya, kami capek,
tapi senang dengan pekerjaan kami.

 Mendadak ada ribut-ribut.
Orang-orang bergegas
penuh rasa ingin tahu
mata melotot
berhamburan ke jalan raya.
Tukang sate, tukang soto sulung,
tukang minuman berlari
meninggalkan dagangannya
dikejar rasa penasaran.

Pembeli mendadak bangkit
meninggalkan makanan lezatnya,
berlomba-lomba melompat
ke keramaian yang segera saja
terbentuk di pinggir jalan raya.

"Ada orang dilempar ke jalan.
Kelojotan dia.",
kata mbak-mbak berkerudung
yang duduk sederet dengan kami.
Dia terdiam sejenak,
tangannya dengan sendok penuh soto
terkatung di udara.
Lalu dia menunduk dan
menghirup sotonya dengan nikmat.
Dia terus makan diam-diam.
Laki-laki di sebelahnya,
mungkin pacarnya, telah ikut berkerumun
di tengah-tengah keramaian itu.

Kami saling pandang.
Kami melongokkan kepala
dan menjulurkan mata
ke arah kerumunan yang semakin ramai.
Tak nampak apa-apa kecuali
orang-orang yang menyemut
menonton ingin tahu.

Kami meneruskan makan sate.
Kami berhenti tertawa.
Kami terus makan.
Mengunyah sate ayam gemuk
yang empuk dan gurih.

Tetap terasa lezat.
Kami meneguk jeruk peras segar.
Tetap terasa menyejukkan.

"Mungkin ribut, diculik, digebuki
dan dibuang ke jalan",
kata salah seorang
di antara kami memecah sepi.

Kami mengangguk-angguk setuju,
mulut berkecap-kecap mengunyah
daging ayam gemuk empuk yang gurih.

Kami mereguk jeruk peras segar.
Kami terus makan.

 Orang-orang mulai kembali
ke tempat masing-masing.

Gumam-gumam tak jelas
terdengar samar dari mulut mereka.
Beberapa dari mereka menggeleng-gelengkan kepala.
Beberapa dari mereka tertawa-tawa.

Laki-laki yang mungkin pacar
mbak-mbak berkerudung yang duduk
sederet dengan kami juga
sudah duduk di sebelahnya
dan menggumamkan sesuatu.
Lalu mbak-mbak berkerudung
di sebelahnya terbatuk-batuk.
Laki-laki itu menghentikan
makannya sejenak.
Mbak-mbak berkerudung itu
terus batuk-batuk.
Laki-laki yang mungkin pacarnya itu
melanjutkan makannya.

 Kami juga terus makan...
Hanya suara mulut kami mengunyah
daging ayam empuk gurih.

 "Kenapa jadi diam begini....",
ucap salah seorang di antara kami.

 "Ada orang dilempar ke jalan di sana
dan kelojotan dan
kita makan enak di sini",
ucap salah seorang
yang lain di antara kami.

"Ya, mungkin orang itu kenalan kita...",
ucap salah seorang yang
lain lagi di antara kami.

"Mungkin teman kita,"
ucap salah seorang yang lain
dari yang tadi di antara kami.

Kami mengangguk-angguk setuju.
Kami terus makan.

Lie Fhung, Bandung, 13/14 Juni 1997.

We go on eating
and it's still tasty

Half to ten p.m.
The meeting has just dismissed.
Hunger strikes.
Laughing and talking nonsense
we're sitting down at the food stall
by the Merdeka Street.

Pretty crowded there.
There's satay. Also lambsoup.
Freshly squeezed orange juice's
soon quenching our hoarse throat,
too much talking before.

Haaa... juicy chicken satay is ready!
The smoke's teasing our appetite.

Aaah.., how delicious the juicy
chicken meat tasted in the mouth....
Yes, yes, it's so very tasty!
Very, very tasty!

We're talking nonsense.
We're laughing out loud.

Yes we are tired,
but we're enjoying our work.

Suddenly a commotion.
People are hurrying up,
pumped up by their curiosity,
eyes eagerly popping out,
swarming down the street.

The satay man, the lambsoup man,
the softdrink man, all are running
leaving their stall behind.

Customers are suddenly jumping out neglecting their delicious meals,
racing towards the crowd
instantly taking shape by the street walk.

"A man was thrown out to the street. Quivering now he is!",
says a young woman with a kerchief around her head who is sitting next to us.

She is silent for a moment,
her hand with a spoon full of meaty soup
is suspending in the air.

Then she lowers her head and
takes pleasure gulping down her soup.
She is having her meal placidly.

The man beside her, probably her lover,
has been swallowed in the midst of the curious crowd.

We stare at each other.
We strain our necks out,
we're straining our sight
towards the thickening crowd.

Nothing to see except for
the curious crowd.

We continue eating our chicken satay
before it gets cold.

We have stopped laughing.

We go on eating.
Munching the tasty juicy chicken satay. In silence.
Still tastes good.

We drink the fresh orange juice.
Still tastes refreshing.

"Perhaps there's a fight,
he's been kidnapped, beaten and
thrown out to the street",
says one of us breaking the silence.

We're nodding in agreement,
mouth busy munching and munching
the tasty juicy chicken satay.

We drink our fresh orange juice.
We go on eating.

People are starting back to their place.
Murmuring intelligible words.
Some are shaking their heads.
Some are laughing.

The man who is probably the lover of
the young woman with a kerchief
around her head who is sitting
next to us is coming back,
is now sitting beside her and is now
saying something indistinctly.

The young woman with a kerchief
around her head is coughing.
The man who is probably her lover
is delaying his meal for a second.
The young woman with a kerchief
around her head is still coughing.
The man who is probably her lover
is continuing his meal.

So are we, continuing our meal.

Only the sound of us munching
devouring the tasty juicy chicken satay.

"Why this silence...?", asked one of us.

"There's a man thrown out to the street
and quivering and here we are
nicely eating", says yet another
one of us.

"Yeah, he could have been our acquaintance....",
says the other one of us.

"Yep, could have been our friend,"
says yet another one of us.

We nod in agreement.
We go on eating.
In silence.

Lie Fhung, Bandung, 13/14 June 1997.

poetry                                                          reflection
FreeFire      RestlessSoul      Idle Dreams
krisis - onArt - onLife - poetry - shortstory - semeru - fullmooncafes - fancynites
collaborativeplay - selfportraits - illustration&graphic - my favorite things - gifts

Original Images & Design Copy Rights by Lie Fhung the FreeFire, 1997, 1998

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