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The Krisis Space 

a    c e r a m i c    i n s t a l l a t i o n 
 This work is originally created for my final project back in 1994.
It consists of about 86 pieces of painstakingly handcrafted translucent
ceramic pieces carefully set in a darkened room .

It was first exhibited in October 1994 in Soemardja Gallery
of  Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
as part of  'October Forum', an art festival for young artists.
An improved version was then reconstructed for a solo exhibition 
in Cipta III Gallery, Taman Ismail Marzuki,
Jakarta, Indonesia in November 1995.

Many has expressed their observations and experience with this  work;
how it has evoked certain feelings and thoughts in them.
It was surprising and touching at the same time
to see how deep this work has moved some audience,
how far it has probed into their personal reflections,
and how differ their perceptions on it  sometimes.

I'm humbly mentioning here
that most of them were agree about one thing:
It was a new,  impressive experience for them.
Some were scared 'though... ;-)

Now here  I am tentatively attempting to 're-reconstructed' it
on the internet for larger audience to experience it.
Of course it wouldn't be the same as being actually there
inside my factual installation work in a factual room.
This is kind of a new challenge in how to reach the audience
into experiencing it with this illusive space in the net.
taste the experience now

RestlessSoul                  WanderingMinds                IdleDreams
krisis - reflection - onArt - onLife - poetry - shortstory - semeru - fullmooncafes - fancynites
collaborativeplay - selfportraits - illustration&graphic - my favorite things - gifts

share your impression in   My GuestBook    or   Mail  me
original works and design copyrights by Lie Fhung the FreeFire, 1994-1998

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