RestlessSoul                 WanderingMinds                IdleDreams
krisis - reflection - onArt - onLife - poetry - shortstory - semeru - fullmooncafes - fancynites
collaborativeplay - selfportraits - illustration&graphic - my favorite things - gifts

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Seni Rupa Fancy Nites

two times a year on graduation days
on the fourth week of April and October
under the moonbeam and the stardust
we have funky funtastic fabulous fancy nites!

it's wild


funny & witty

it's just not to be missed!

only at

Seni Rupa ITB

The Art & Design Faculty of Bandung Institut of Technology
Ganesha 10, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Share Your Thoughts                       Others Thoughts

RestlessSoul                 WanderingMinds                IdleDreams
krisis - reflection - onArt - onLife - poetry - shortstory - semeru - fullmooncafes - fancynites
collaborativeplay - selfportraits - illustration&graphic - my favorite things - gifts

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Against Racial Discrimination

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