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TigerLilies by Mamats Just Begun! by Oliver 

  Mt. Semeru 
Semeru by RakhmatTengger Dessert by Rakhmat 

I participated in a mountain climbing expedition with some other friends; two American who were doing their internship, and 5 new friends who were studying in Yogyakarta, Central Java. Almost all of us were amateur climbers. And as for me, it was my first date with a mountain and it was fantastic!!!! I've never climbed any mountain before. Only some hikings or campings experience ages go... And I haven't done any physical exercise these last 3 years... Obviously, I was drained and exhausted..... My body felt like falling apart..... And the cold.... oh, it was almost unbearable! Oh yes, no kidding.... Mount Semeru , 3676 meters high, is the highest mountain in Java Island. It's an active volcano with an eruption for every 20-25 minutes.  

We're driving from Yogyakarta in Central Java to Malang in East Java for 8 hours. Starting at about 10:30 pm, we got to Malang at about 6:30 am. We took a rest in a friend's house for a couple hours. It took another 2 hours to get to Tumpang, a very small town, to get a jeep to carry us all to the starting point in Ranu Pani. It was an open back jeep and we were all riding on the back, standing. So exciting! With the curvy, bumpy, hilly road! We're driving pass Mount Bromo and Tengger Dessert on the way. Oooooh... what a view! Marvellous! Wonderful! I was enjoying every moment immensely! Yeah, including the 'tummy shaker' as the result of generous potholes along the road combined with poor shock- breaker system of the jeep.... 

We got to Ranu Pani at about 3 pm and after a little rest, we started right away to Ranu Kumbolo, the first base. It was a late start. Then we got lost. And soon it got dark and cold.. We were all hungry, cold and tired; our bodies were aching with our heavy backpacks, our legs were sore from walking and climbing, and this journey seemed to be endless.... We could make out the lake which meant that the first base was close by but the first base itself was out of sight. To make it worse, the wind blew very strong, and the path was very narrow and tricky, next to the cliff. Lost your footing, off you down to the dark depth below.... *Uh oh*  

But the view....... ooooh..... it worth all the hardship! Really....!!! I've always love the night sky. And this was the most breathtaking night sky I've ever seen.... So clear and crisp, the blues were so dark and intense... And the stars..... never before in my life I've seen stars as rich and as bright as this night.... There were soooooo many many many stars... and each of them was so bright and alive. It was gorgeous! More than words could tell... Made me wish I could fly and surf the stars above... It was so dreamy!  
Anyway, we've made it to Ranu Kumbolo at last, until 6,5 hours of walking and climbing with a lot of bumpings and trippings... We did take some little rest from time to time, needless  say. But maaan, it was really tiring! Oh well, here came the base to shelter us from the harsh cold wind....  

Bad news! The base was packed! And there were some idiots who set their tents inside the base which meant that they're setting the tents indoors! It was built to protect those without tents from the severe wind although it was not really a wind-proof structure. We're too tired to argue, and decided to make the best out of what's left and soon prepared dinner together. I was forever thankful for the guys! They're a bunch of good cooks! hehehe....  

Kumbolo Base Camp by BayouKumbolo Lake by FreeFire

Savanna by Rakhmat
Sleep was hard.... These amateurs were too exhausted and the weather was too cold.... The next morning, we're refreshened by the serene beauty of nature unfolded before our eyes under the bright, warm sun.... The glassy lake, the curvy green hills, the clear blue sky... Oh! Fascinating! This was the last place with water source so we had to fill in our water supply for the rest of climbing here. 

The next day was another hours of walking, climbing, bumping, tripping, and even crawling and sliding sometimes ( we're a bunch of newbie here, mind you...) with little rest in betweens. And of course, pictures taking! :-) Along the way, the magnificent beauty of nature held us in awe. The rich, everchanging landscape fascinated us endlessly..... What a wonderful world we're living in! Cute little wild flowers nodded gently and smiled cheerfully, lightened up our slackening steps... (Not always 'though! hehehe.... *wink* ) The majestic Mount Semeru seemed bigger and bigger as we're getting closer.... Its eruptions seemed to hurry us up.... 

Semeru by FreeFireSemeru Crowded by Oliver

We reached the next base, Kalimati, before dark. Fortunately, the base was empty so we could use it effectively. The scenery was a bit different. It was drier, like a steppe and the voice of the wind was engulfing us even louder. The voice like I've never heard before. It was like the mixture of voices of waterfalls with rolling seawaves and wind itself. It was so loud and all over us, circling  
around us, wrapped us in its cold, stirring fingers.... I wished to stay outside for a while to devour the divine starry night once again but the cold baffled me. We're huddled up inside the too-much-ventilated hut together and had the tastiest instant noodles of our lives there! Sleep didn't come easier, but I was grateful for the chance to just lie down and rest my weary muscles. I could almost hear my legs muscles moaned... My Kickers mocassin boots were actually fine except that they're high heels...!!!  

It was set that the best time to start to climb up to the summit was at 2:30 am. And it was clear enough that only the two Americans would do it. The rest of us were too cold.... It was about 8*C out there! And up to the summit at the height of 3676 m would be freezing to us! We would do it next time, with better preparation. At the moment, after goodluck wishes were delivered and they're gone off into the dark cold out there, the rest of us were trying to get back to our fitful sleep....  
We woke up early in the next morning and monitored our brave friends with binoculars.  The first part was a climb through a forest and considered to be the easier one. The  last part toward the summit was the hardest one. It was very steep and slippery for it  
consisted of dry, sandy earth. We clearly saw how difficult it was for them... but  they made it! They made it at last! Yessss!!!!  

 Semeru Top Dong! by Oliver

Kerajaan Awan by Rakhmat!

They commented that it was the hardest thing they had ever done in their entire life! But the exhilirating feeling they gained was worth it. From the summit, they saw the most magnificent, wonderful, fantastic view they've ever seen... It filled them with tremendeous awe...  
The journey back was easier since we knew the ways and what to expect next. And also because there was more going downs than going ups like before.... We enjoyed the journey back! And the wondrous landscape fascinated us to no end....  
Do I sound too enthusiastic? Well I am! This is my first! And it was incredible! It was an unforgetable experience for us! And it has bonded our friendship! We've just met and been together in this expedition only, but it felt like we've known each other for long!  
They're such nice friends! We've shared too many hearty laugh and were not willing to let it just go away. We decided to do this again.... To another mountains, to another places.....  


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RestlessSoul                 WanderingMinds                IdleDreams
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