Gay Uganda

Gay Uganda Dictionary


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We use words to say what we mean. To communicate.

Since words are used to abuse as well as praise, we will define them.

(Caution; You will only find these definitions in the Gay Uganda Dictionary)

Homosexual: A man or woman who is sexually attracted to a person or people of his or her own sex.

Heterosexual: A man or woman who is sexually attracted to a person or people of the opposite sex.

Bisexual: A person who is sexually attracted to people of both sexes.

Sexual Orientation: Sexual attraction to others, which may be to those of one's sex, or different.

Homosexuality, Heterosexuality, Bisexuality are Sexual Orientations

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These definitions depend on what we call ourselves: Our identity.

Gay; 1)People who say that they are sexually attracted to people of the same sex.

2)A man who says he is sexually attracted to other men.

Lesbian: A woman who says she is sexually attracted to other women.

Gay Ugandan: Any person who is or may have sexual attraction to people of his sex or the opposite sex. May be a Gay man, a Lesbian, a Bisexual human being, a Transgender, or an Inter-sexual. In other words, any Ugandan who is different sexually!

Kuchu: (East African, Ugandan); Means a Gay Ugandan

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Transvestite: A person (man, woman) who feels great and likes wearing clothes usually taken to be for the opposite sex.

Transgender: A person who feels like they are of the opposite sex (male/female)

Inter-sex: A medical term for a person who cannot be classified as male or female.

LGBTI: Short form of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Inter-sex.

Sexual Minorities: We are the Sexual Minorities. We differ from the majority with 'Heterosexual' behaviour.

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