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You have come across the fiction that Gay is 'Un-African'

Or that 'There are no homosexuals in Africa.'

Ok, there are no homosexuals in Uganda. That's what M7 said once.

A Myth, all that

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Gay people have existed through out the history of mankind, in all cultures, with all peoples.

We Africans and Ugandans are no exception.

For a thorough study of worldwide LGBT history, Check here

Africa is special in many ways. Especially Sub-Saharan Africa

  1. There is little 'written' history.

  2. Accounts that exist are of colonialists, missionaries, explorers-
    but they do exist, so check them here.

    And here.

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But I am a Ugandan, interested in Uganda.

Did you know that the Famous Story of the Uganda Christian Martyrs was because Kabaka (King) Mwanga was gay?

The authority is the official Buganda Kingdom website.

They say that homosexuality was introduced by the 'Arabs'. The fact is that the Kabaka was an absolute ruler with demigod status who was infuriated that these young men rejected his advances. He ordered them killed.


There was Homosexual Practice at the Royal Court of Buganda before the Christian Missionaries came.

The Kabaka, Mwanga, was Gay

(so, what came first to Buganda? Christianity or Homosexuality?)

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Do you know the word for Homosexuality in a Ugandan Language?

  • The fact that a people developed a term for us means that we were there!

    Here are some of the words. I want more please! Email them.

  • Abasiyazi in Luganda and Lusoga

    Thoko in Luo (Kenya)

    Swahili seems to have an abundance of words; a few
    hanithi, mahanithi,
    shoga, mashoga
    senge,(msenge, wasenge)
    for a bottom
    for a top
    these were got from the Kamusi Project

Let no lies be told about us.

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Hate of Gay People has also been around for years

  • In Biblical times, they were to be stoned to death.

  • Laws against gays came with the colonialists (former British and not French colonies)

  • In World War 2, Hitler and the Nazis forced gays to put on Pink Stars and killed them in Concentration Camps.

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In 1973, after years of debate, Psychiatric Associations started the long road to stop classifying homosexuality as a disease.

In 1990, the World Health Organisation approved the International Classification of Disease-10 and it came into force in 1994.

It states clearly that

'Sexual orientation by itself is not to be regarded as a disorder'

Check out these facts here.

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In the 1970s, after years of oppression, gay people in New York rose up in anger and rioted after a police raid on a gay club, Stonewall.

That was the beginning of the Gay Rights Movement.

We  we are as human as anyone else.

We assert that we should not be killed, tortured, arrested, blackmailed, murdered, or otherwise looked down upon simply because we are gay.

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Take Pride in these Gay Symbols

  • In Victorian England, Green was the Gay Colour

  • In the 1960's, 70's the colour Purple (Lavender) was the one.

  • Nazis forced gay men to put on a Pink Triangle
    It was worn with pride in 1970s


  • Then we adopted the Rainbow Flag, symbol of our diversity, inclusivity and pride

Now, we gay Africans, Kuchus need a symbol of our pride. Any Suggestions?

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