Gay Uganda

Gay Uganda: The Law


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'Homosexuality' is illegal in Uganda.

Or is it?

Legal/illegal implies that it is mentioned in the written law.

So, what does the law of Uganda actually say?

Penal Code (Uganda) Act

Section 145

Any person who

a) has carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature,

c) permits a male person to have carnal knowledge with him or her against the order of nature commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment for life.

Section 146

Any person who attempts to commit any of the offences specified (145) commits a felony and is liable to imprisonment for seven years

Section 148

Anyone who procures or attempts to procure for acts of gross indecency between men in public or private commits a felony and is liable to imprisonment for 5 years


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So, what is 'forbidden'?

The 'Act' of 'sodomy' and trying to do the act.

soliciting for the act.

'sodomy' being penetrative penile anal sex.

What is not 'forbidden'?

Homosexuality is a feeling of sexual attraction.

It is not outlawed. It cannot be outlawed.

It is not illegal to love and to be loved.

It is legal to touch, to feel, to know.

It is legal to hope, to expect

It is legal to meet and debate.

It is legal for me to be me,

Legal for you to be you

Legal for us to touch

Legal to love and be loved.

That is the Codified Law of Uganda (Nov 2006)

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The Constitution

In 2005, the Constitution was amended, it now states that;-

'marriage is lawful only if entered into between a man and a woman'


'it is unlawful for same sex couples to marry'

Thus Uganda became the first country in the world to actually state in the Constitution that marriage is only between heteros.
Others have followed.


This Amendment is yet (Nov 2006) to be followed up by appropriate 'laws' in the Penal Code. This may happen in current parliament (2006-11)

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I mean, legal problems-

if you are arrested, or charged, or accused, or anything

what do you do?

Check out the Next Legal Page for Pointers.

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