War Generals: News Archives
The War Has Begun!
Posted by GSJ, Sunday, March 17 2002 @ 11:19 AM PST

Welcome to the front line soldier!  I, General Superfly James, will give you intel on the next C&C game, Command & Conquer:  Generals!  I'm very excitied about this game and you should too!

This site will be fully dedicated to C&C Genreals, none of those other cream puff games are allowed here!  Anyway this site has some work to do, so why dont you go down to the other web generals and check out their sites while this site is under development.  Dismissed!

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--Game Info
Single Player
History of C&C Generals




Concept Art
In Game Images
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--For the Fans
Fan Art
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--Other Fellow Web Generals

CNC Generals
CNC Matrix
Generals HQ
CNC Bunker
CNC Generals: Command Center
C&C Generals World
Headlines! Headlines! And possible worldwide deployment
Posted by GSJ,  March 18, 2002 @ 1:38 PM

Hello again my friends, GSJ here (GSJ means General Superfly James :) )

Here's whats on today's agenda.  I just finished my story section, click here to read on.  I added a little intrupation of my own, but its the same story you all have heard before.

I also sent an email to Maniac, famous for creating
Red Alert 2 Xtreme and being the first to have a CNC Generals Site called.....well CNC Generals! So click on the names of the sites or go to the links on the list on the left to go to these and other great sites!

Hopefully he will post this site on CNC Generals and I can get a good turn out!  Remember, this site is still in the early stages (as most sites are at first) so email me on any inprovmetns that I should make or how I can get cool fourms like other sites have, anyway, thanks for visiting CNC War Generals!
War Generals goes worldwide! (Sort of)
Posted by GSJ, Tuesday, March 19 2002 @ 10:50 AM PST

Whoo!  Thanks to Maniac from CNC Generals and all of the other Web Generals out there, War Generals now has been unleshed to the Generals Commuity!  Thats great news for this stie, not to metition great recongtion. 

I thought I would not get this great honor, but I'm glad I did.  Thanks to all who have visited this site.  Click
here if you have any suggestions that you wish for me to make on this stie! 

Again, thank you all!  Now read the next story below to see how you can help the War Generals site grow!
War Generlas needs new soldiers!
Posted by GSJ, Tuesday, March 19 2002 @ 11:00 AM PST

I need your help grunts!  War Generals will be growing in popularity quickly thanks to the help of CNC Generals! So I need some soldiers to help me out. 

I need a news updater, and a person to check my spelling errors (I suck at spelling) and someone who can help me set up cool stuff like fourms,  polls and a commets section.

here to help out in the war effort!  No html knowledge needed!
Previews, USA Side Sections Ready!  And help is on the way!
Posted by GSJ, Tuesday, March 19 2002 @ 7:00 PM PST

The Previews section is now up and running, so if you are looking for a wealth of info on Generals, then the Previews section is a gold mine!  I will also post my own preview up soon, so keep an eye out for it! 

I also have the USA sides section finished, which is mostly a sum up of why the USA is in the war.  I hope to have the Single Player and Muliplayer sections started up by tomorrow.  And last, great news!  I already have a fan out there interested in help me out with the site!  I'm very excitied about that someone is very interested!  Anyway, I'll need more help so keep sending me email if you want to help!
New Updater.
Posted by Magnum,  Thursday, March 19 2002 @  10:16 AM EST

Well Magnum here, i'll posting up the latest Cnc: Generals news. I should be posting up some fan art soon. So keep checking back. General Superfly James and I still need some help with stuff so email me or him. Look below. Late all.
Whoo!  Lets do the time wrap again!  (Just kidding) Cool stuff, MicSco, thanks!  Head over to C&C Generals World to check them all out!

As for the forums, I think it is time to lauch those mothers up!  So click
here to start some forum love! Or look for the link in table to the left, I'm also going to make links to every new news story I will post so you can take about that specfic story.  Ok thats it for now, see ya soon!
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