Preview Guide
Here is the place to find to lastest previews of C&C Generals and a little quote from each article!
Gamespot Preview
(The first and probably best preview out there!  Full of info and pics!)

"By now, you've probably read The First Hours of Command & Conquer: Generals, our story that chronicles the birth of the latest entry in Westwood's venerable series of Command & Conquer real-time strategy games."

PC Zone Magazine Preview
(Another good preview, a little light on info, but a good read anyway!  Also has pics!)

"Generals is Westwood Studios' next game in its hugely popular Command & Conquer, and with this title the developer is taking the franchise into the world of full 3D."

PC Games Portal
(Well, I dont know how to read German, but it looks like the preview has some healthy content and pics!)

"Der Bulldozer ist das Kernst�ck des Spieles. Sie erm�glichen es, dass Geb�ude �berall in der Landschaft plaziert werden k�nnen. Aber sie sind ebenfalls mit einer heilenden Wirkung best�ckt, d.h. sie reparieren automatisch besch�digte Geb�ude. Aus diesem Grund sollte man auch ein Hauptaugenmerk auf diese Gef�hrte haben da sie sehr wertvoll sind f�r unseren St�tzpunkt. Alle Einheiten k�nnen in 4 Stufen gebaut bzw. erweitert werden."

(Good luck trying to read this:) )


(Not much of a preview, more like a blurp, but its good for a quick read, no pics)

"Sure, everyone's known about the existence and even the name of this one for a couple of weeks now, but now EA and Westwood are revealing details of their next game in the Command & Conquer series of RTS games that has made the company so famous over the years."

epiGamer Preview
(Again, not really any new info, but still a darn good read!  Pics are also included

"Perhaps it's because this game isn't being developed by Westwood that that policy has gone out of the window, never-the-less judging from screenshots Command and Conquer: Generals is going to put any fears to rest that the move to full 3D will be a worthwhile one."


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