The Whole Story
Rising Terrorism spreads through Central Asia and China

The year is 2022, and a terrorist group called the GLA (Global Liberation Army).  Their history is vauge and their rapid spread from Central Asia and into China has caused great fear.

China's efforts to beat back the GLA has had little effect on them.  It seems that when one cell of terror is defeated, it doubles eleswhere.  Also, reports of the GLA stealing China military equipment has also made the GLA army even more dangerous than before.

Another frightening rumor is that the GLA has the capabilaty to luanch bio-chemical warheads of mass descruction, though it was only a rumor....... until now.

Bio warheads detonated in and around China, millions dead, GLA blamed for genocide

Now that the rumors became reality, the Allies now had to act fast before any more warheads could be lauched.  The Allies denounnced the GLA for the acts and marked them as a "non-exsistant people."

Also, the allies were planning an operation to help China push out the GLA, however, they were not going to send their armies en mass.  They figured that the abilities of the GLA to cause a global threat were minimal.

They were not worried about a warhead threating Europe or the US for they figured that the warheads were only short ranged and so they thought that is why they targeted China, because they were the nearest enemy.

However, this neglagence on the part of the Allies would soon prove to be a vast mistake......

Warhead lands in Europe, vast number of dead and dying too numerous to count, chaos through out the country, US fears it is the next to be hit

Just days after the Allies denoucment of the GLA, a warhead detonated in the heart of Europe.  Millions died from the intial blast, and many more will die from the fallout of the warhead's gases.  The arragonce of the Allies was now paid in death.

The president of the US stated "We can no longer ignore the real threat of the GLA.  I fear that we soon will share Europe's fate if we do not act.  We shall spent whatever means it takes to dispatch this group of the face of the Earth, so help me God."  In just moments after the president's speech, Congress decleared war on the GLA.

The US now knows that declearing war on the GLA will make them a more focused target, and will pay a heavy price in the process......

Click here for the rest of the story

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