The Whole Story
Part 2
US fears come to life, warhead launched at US, shot down by US ready air defenes, however, possible fallout is likely

The US was right about a warhead targeted at America, however, the US was prepared for such an attack and was able to track the warhead and shot it down.

However, as the warhead was destroyed, a burst of gas from the warhead has left a haze where the warhead was destroyed, and it seems to be moving.

There was a new problem, the warheads gas was not eliminated from the explosion, instead, it was released after it was destroyed and is now spreading across North America and is moving with the help from the wind currents from the atmosphere. 

Scientists say that within about a month, the gas will be spread through most of the world.  And it is already starting to effect in parts of southern Canada and northen parts of America.

However, a bit of good news from Europe says that the gas is slowly dissapearing from most of Europe, in fact, it has been stated that within six months, the gas should be at low levels.

This bit of good news is the only hope the free world has left to hold on to, as the GLA movement is now showing extreme growth, and they are closer than some have realized....
Pockets of GLA members in western countries, such as England, France, and even the US, take advantage of chaos they have created and now are taking control, US now in battle with the GLA at home and abroad

The US now is in the thick of battle with the GLA within the US, Europe and in Asia.  The US will try to muster up any forces left in Europe's fallout and also in China.

This is the free world's last days, as this war will decided the fate of how controls this world.  Will GLA crumble under the might of the US and China?

Or will the GLA gain the upper hand and will finally have a world to rule with an iron fist?  Only you get to decided that for yourself, general!  In late 2002, you will choose...

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