Single Player Modes
In C&C games there is usually two modes of single player.  The campigan and skrimish. 

There has actually been a rumor that the skrimish has been taken out of CNC Generals, but its not true. 

here for the full story.  Anyway, here is how both of the modes will play thus far.
The campigan mode is usually the story of the game.  The way it works in CNC Generals is that you play as the US, China, or the GLA (Global Liberation Army), and they have ten missions each. 

However, the way you play the campiagn is different from other CNC games.  In those games you pick a side, and try to win the war.

But in Generals, you pick a side and play out their part of the Generals story, i.e. you dont pick the GLA and take over the world, you just play their part of the story.

Now I could be wrong and misintrupret how the campigan is played, so hopefully I will find out more info and make updates as I need to.

For more on the sides of the game, their units and buildings, click on the side you which to look at on the table to the left and click on which info you wish to know.
Campigan Mode
The skrimish mode is a very popular mode in CNC games.  This mode will allow you to take on a computer opponet with any side that you choose. 

You also get to customize the match by choosing the map, how many other computer players are in the game, what side they have, set up teams, starting points, how much money, and how many units they start out with.

The Skrimish mode is very fun mode for you can climb the tech tree and you can learn how to use certian untis and buildings, you are not tide down to certain objectives like in the campiagn mode, the only objective is to destroy your opponets base!

It is also good practice for mutilplayer because the skrimish maps are the same ones in multiplayer so you can learn the map and know where everything is and know where a good ambush point, or a sneaky way to invade your opponets base!

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