Ice Cave at top of Aiguille du Midi - Spring 2003
June 2003

Check Chamonix Meteo site for updates to the local weather.
Skiing has ended, and it was a pretty good season, with lots of snow in February. Melted too early as far as we were concerned.

Robert is working at home for the summer,
doing tiling and re-doing the kitchen in our apartment. Click the link to track our progress.

Kobi celebrated his first birthday on May 16th.
Updated photos are HERE.

We didn't ski-tour as much as we'd hoped to last season, mostly due to Robert's illness. But he is doing OK now, on dialysis, which does suck a bit. We can travel anywhere in France quite easily, but getting to other places involves much more arranging due to the cost of the procedure, and whether or not the health care is re-imbursable under the system.

We are off to the beach in Cassis for a week in mid-June. There is rock climbing there on the Calanques, which are limestone tower formations at the seaside. It will be hot, so likely we will divide out time between early AM climbing and mid-afternoon lounging!

Rob's parents will be visiting us in mid-June, Robin and Alison and their boys will visit in August. We will then join them for a week in  Tuscany near Florence.

Much progress has been made on our attempt to purchase
another place . The mortgage has been approved and we will start a search for renters and roommates as soon as we sign the paperwork on the loan. We hope to be signing by September 1st. The chalet is currently called Chalet Jacques. We may rename it,. The UK owners have misspelled it as Chalet Jaques in their web advertising (it was run as a catered chalet and B&B for English tourists previously).

June 2002 Wedding Celebration in Las Vegas Nevada Photos

Words & Lists:
Our Love/Not Love Relationship with the Haute Savoie /  France

Picture Galleries:

Milano and Switzerland
September 2002

Hiking to Gelten Heutte
Near Lauenen Switzerland
July 2002

Kobi (our 3/4 Bernese Mountain Dog)
Photos of Kobi in action as he grows (and grows!) 2002 Summer/Fall
Birthday Photos Here

Provence (Lourmarin) Visit Aug 2002
Visit with Robin and Alison & the boys

Skiing Photos from the Winter 2002
photos by Nate Fisher & Kate Steptoe

Attempt on Mont Blanc du Tacul:
October 14 2001

Hike on Mer de Glace: --
October 16/17 2001

Alps Cow Fights
October 7 2001

Trip to Bourgogne Wine Region:
Gevrey-Chambertain, Fixin, Nuits St. George, Couchey
September 29/30 October 1 2001

Argentiere Town:
Summer 2001

Visit from Alison and Robin:
Summer 2001

Going Away Loft and Gen Party:
April 30 2001
Pound of Flesh and Lite FM played.
Photos by Mitch Cerrone - thank you Mitch.

Gen's Last Midwest Climbing Trip:
Devil's Lake Wisconsin
May 2001

Radio Mont Blanc
Climbing/Mountaineering Links
Chamonix's English Language Home Page (online version of magazine)
Banff Centre for Mountain Culture
Our Wedding Website June 8 2002
[email protected]  [email protected]
Genyphyr Novak  and Robert Farwell
Contacting Us
     +33 (0)4 50 53 93 70 home     
Genyphyr and Robert at Home Tiling
Listen to Gen's Yahoo Radio Station
Genyphyr's Virtual Tourist Home Page

Past Home Pages:

Arrival (July-ish)

See Genyphyr's Art and Documentary Photography from the 80s and 90s
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