Ectoplasm-- What's it all about?
When a researcher first hears about Ectoplasm he thinks of a cloud, a spiritual manifestation, or  some type of spiritual energy. When did this start?
In the beginning this term was used to describe the strange white substance that came from the body of the medium during seances. Decriptions are of all shapes and sizes but it seems to look like a  gelantinous, mostly white jelly like substance that would flow from different parts of their bodies mostly their mouth. Many believers at the time thought this was actual manifestation of an astral body. Mediums claimed that this substance caused them pain when exposed to light or touched. Now whether or not you believe this is entirely up to you

Paranormal researchers began using this term some time later to describe spiritual energy or a spiritual manifestation. They believe it to be the "residue" left over by spirits or spiritual energy of a ghost that is made manifest when captured in pictures (or) with the naked eye. These manifestations are often captured on film, sometimes varying in color, and not always a recognizable shape. Some theories include actual spiritual energy from ghosts, sometimes it can be fog outside, smoke, haze, or other natural causes, and others call it electromagnetic energy from the earth. Whatever theory you believe in, the evidence of Ectoplasm is very real, very compelling, and often hard to disprove. It is important to understand that there is alot of fakery going on in the world and many pictures, however believable are simply caused by natural occurances. I don't have all the answers and I suppose no one does.
If science could disprove alot of the evidence from investigations such as Orbs, Ectoplasm, and strange paranormal activity then Im sure they would. Whatever you may believe in: the validity of Ectoplasm or not, the evidence is apparent, countless pictures exist that cannot be explained naturally but it is very important that all pictures be scrutinized thoughoughly before any official "Ghost Sighting" is rendered.
As with taking pictures, using EMF meters, video tapes and the like, extreme care should be given to any serious investigation. It would be great to get actual ghost photo's or apparition's on tape but we all know it isn't that easy. Always be aware of your surroundings and the weather. In pictures, fog, gas, smoking cigarettes, campfires, steam, glare, reflections from something else, smoke, condensation, "methane", rain, snow, sleet, etc, etc.  can all be contributing factors in any and ALL photographs. If you
cannot rule out all of these natural occurances then chances are your picture will be discredited even if you feel it was real or not.

Ghosts-Why are they Here
The Science
Sites to Hunt
What to Expect
Equipment to Use
The Trouble with Orbs
Electromagnetic Fields
Solar Reports and Weather
Ectoplasm-Is it Real?
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Typical pictures of Spiritual Ectoplasm.
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