The Science Behind the Investigation
The science behind ghosts can sometimes be tricky and often unexplained. I have pointed out a few tips and suggestions below to help your hunts become more interesting.

I have heard and read on several websites that Albert Einstein taught us that energy is all around us, in everything we see and in everything we touch. Energy can never be destroyed nor created. Only energy can be changed from one form to another. What this means is that energy can never be destroyed, it cannot wisp out of existence, it cannot be turned off.
Human Beings are electrically charged. We have electrical energy operating our brains, chemical energy which governs alot of our bodies, as well as other types of energy that I am unfamiliar with. When the human body dies we begin decomposition whereby the chemical energies in our bodies begin to change. We decompose and the energy changes into a different form. Now.. the electrical energy that all human beings possess, where does it go? We have already stated that it cannot be destroyed, it cannot be turned off or just go away. The energy is still there but it has merely changed into a different form of  energy. Where this energy goes, or more importantly, what this energy becomes after we did, is left up to you....

EMF Detectors

Almost every ghost haunting there are electrical energies at work. This is apparent by using EMF meters and measuring these electrical forces. Everything gives off some type of electromagnetic field including ourselves. By using EMF's detectors researchers can measure slight changes in the electromagnetic force around us. I would highly suggest an EMF detector for any type of ghost hunting. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to get. The only caution in using EMF's detectors is the amount of EMF's already around us. Electrical wires, radio's Televisions, etc all give our electromagnetic energy and one must be careful when measuring. What you think may be a sudden change in EMF readings, may just be a radio instead.
Recording temperatures are also helpful in detecting ghosts. I do not know the exact theory on this but I do know that ghosts are known to absorb energy, light, and heat thus reducing the core temperature around them.
The scientific evidence of ghosts is from educational sources, countless hours of research, invetigations, and experience. Eye witness accounts all point to these facts but yet sceptics abound. For every skeptic, there is a believer. Until (science) explains facts such as energy, heat, light, and the such the thoery of ghosts will always abound.
Science is not religion, it is not faith. In all my days I have come to the conclusion that ghosts are nothing more than people who have passed on. They have kept their personalities, there intelligence, and their emotions. They are not evil and they do not wish evil. Now I will say that I have run across some negative energy from time to time but you learn how to deal with that. Just like their are negative people in the world I feel there are "negative" ghosts. Treat them with repect, thank them for speaking, talk to them during investigations, and keep an open mind and you will find that your investigations will go farther.

Solar Activity

During Geomagnetic storms, most researchers tend to get better results while hunting for ghosts. We know that spirits often disturbs the electro-magnetic energy in the area and soloar weather (may) affect their environment as well. Many times I have learned that spirits (feed) off of electrical sources such as appliances but on days when geomagnetic storms abound they have VAST amounts of energy to tap into thus increasing their power so to speak and the sightings. So in saying so, always keep an eye out for geomagnetic storms when conducting investigations.


It is always a good idea to keep an eye on the weather for many reasons. First and foremost you always know what kind of clothing to wear. If it is cold you can better explain breath, fog, and the like. On extremely hot evenings stream is capable of rising from ponds, sewers, etc. If it is very windy we can assume dust will be a bigger issue outside as well as pollen and other airborne particles.


Ion's are a scientific term to describe basically positively or negatively charged atoms or molecules in the air. If your very interested in chemistry than Ionization can be very interesting. But many researchers use Air Ionization Detectors to measure Ion's in the air. It is said that Ghosts give out Ion's because they give off Electromagnetic energy. Whether ghosts actually use up ion's for energy, or they give up ion's because they emit EMF's, an Ion counter can keep track of changes in the air. It is a theory that ghosts gain in power and strength during solar storms and thus would make them stronger after thunderstorms, thus a Ion counter could be a
nice piece of equipment. But.... they do not come cheap...
Ghosts-Why are they Here
The Science
Sites to Hunt
What to Expect
Equipment to Use
The Trouble with Orbs
Electromagnetic Fields
Solar Reports and Weather
Ectoplasm-Is it Real?
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