
There are two main types of camer's you can use. One is a regular .35mm camera and the other is a digital camera. Both have pro's and con's and you will need to find which one works best for you. Any regular .35mm camera will produce a negative whereby a digital camera does not. One type takes film, the other does not. In all my experiences I have come to the conclusion that I prefer .35mm camera's but if you have both, use them. I have noticed that my digital camera does not have the quality of my regular camera and also I get no negative and there are many times I have needed it.

Most experts agree that the Kodak 400 Gold film is the best for .35mm camera's. Much higher speeds can cause a grainy look to the pictures. Depending on your camera you will have to test it out and find out what works best for you. I wouldn't suggest using a digital camera only but if you are just starting out and that is all you have then you will be fine.
I could write pages upon pages of Photography theory but most people know the basics already. I will simply give some hints and tips of picture taking that I have learned.

1. Ghosts could be everwhere. Take pictures anywhere and everywhere. Up high, down low, when you feel an urge. Don't limit yourself to just the ground or five feet ahead of you.

2. Know your equipment, how to use it and utilize all the settings. This includes day/night settings, film speed, exposure speeds, etc.

3. Take lots of pictures. Don't be cheap on a ghost hunt. Take pictures of people, landmarks, buildings, tree's and wherever else you get an urge.

4. ALWAYS be aware of whats around you. This includes ponds, swamps, the sun, headlights, flashlights, people smoking, shiny surfaces, glass or ANYTHING that can alter the picture. Keep a notebook and log down these events. Alot of pictures contain nothing more than a glare off something, mist, dust, insects, and the like. When it comes to photographs, be a skeptic..

5. Keep the camera lens clean but always clean while your changing the roll of film, never in the middle of a roll. This will ensure that strange anomalies are not present and dissapear all of a sudden in your pictures.

6. Remove your camera strap to prevent obstruction, watch out for your fingers (or thumb) being in the way. If you have long hair tie is back. Again, always remember whats around you and be alert. These little things have confused many people.

7. Be extra alert when its raining, snowing, if its foggy, or very dusty. These factors all play a BIG BIG part in your photo's. They produce unwanted (effects) on your film that could be mistaken for anomalies.

8. Be aware of people smoking around you. In cold weather watch your breath and hold it if neccessary when snapping pictures. This can cause strange mists in your pictures that are false. Again I reinterate, be aware of your surroundings and make notes.

9. Photography 101 states ALWAYS keep the sun and bright light behind you. If possible never face the sun when taking pictures. If you must make sure to log it down and take several pictures to note any glares or anomalies.

10. Don't be afraid to talk. Be polite, be courteous. Tell the ghosts what you are doing, tell them you wish to take pictures. Thank them when you are done. It is the belief of many that ghosts can sense your intentional, read your thoughts so always be nice, polite, and STAY POSITIVE!

11. Use your senses. As described above if you have a eerie sense or feel inclined snap a picture and don't be cheap. Take high pictures, take low pictures and try to have a background in the picture.

12. Snap pictures of other people if possible. Keep room on both sides for any particular images. While your walking even take a picture behind yourself. You may be surprised.

Again, I could write pages upon pages on Photography including the uses for Infrared Film but I think most everyone has the idea. I cannot stress enough the importance of being alert and aware of your environment. When you get a picture with an questionable image on it, most will discredit it. Make sure you are aware of smoke, glare, fog, and anything else that can cause the image. Even including your camera strap in the way!
Good Luck!

Ghosts-Why are they Here
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