The Effects of Solar Reports and Weather

Alot of this information is old school but one question seems to be asked alot by those beginning investigation. What does solar reports have to do with ghosts and why should I watch them?
I do not profess to be a scientist and I will not even begin to dive into a expose' concering solar radiation and the sun's effects on the earth, but, I will give you a little bit of information concerning these events and why most ghost hunters look to solar reports before beginning investigations.

There are essentially two things on a solar report that one should be aware of. One is
Solar X-Rays and the other is Geomagnetic Field. They are both equally important and it is wise to have an understanding of these two facts before moving on.
Solar X-Rays are basically caused by Flares which are extremely powerful explosions on the sun or huge energy eruptions. The Solar report describes and classifies the X-Rays by the intensity of the burst or (flare) that the sun emits. When a solar flare occurs, it emits matter in the form of protons and electrons that escape the sun's magnetic field. In addition to charged protons and electrons, regular flares emit x-rays, and gamma rays. These charged particles are blasted into space by the intensity of the flare at a speed of nearly 1.5 million miles per hour. Within a day or two these charged particles hit earth. Typical flares that occur would be equivelent to millions of Nuclear explosions on the surface of the sun.
Solar X-Rays are classified by the intensity of the eruption. "M" Class Flares and "X" Class Flares tells you that a solar flare has occured as well as the intensity of the eruption. Afterwards you can expect these charged particles to hit earth within a day or two.
Phenomenon occurs sometimes in the form of radio reception, strange lights in the sky, and other explainable facts.

For more reading about Flares and the (scientific) fact behind solar x-rays and flares please see
The Space Environment Center

Geomagnetic Storms are the result of solar flares and the charged particles hitting earth. After we experience a Class M flare or a Class X flare the charged particles create a geomagnetic storm on earth. Solar Reports can classify the Geomagnetic field as "Quiet", "Unsettled", or "Storm".
Nearly all ghost encounters exhibit some form of electrical energy that can be tracked with proper EMF equipment, ION detectors, geiger counters and the like. With the energy hitting earth during a geomagnetic storm ghosts and other entities can use this energy thus becoming stronger and more intense. Therefore ghosthunters keep careful eye on the Solar reports and geomagnetic storms knowing that there is a good possibility that these storms can make a more interesting and sometimes exciting ghost investigation.

Lunar Activity

I confess that I do not use lunar activity during investigations but several knowledgable individuals and organizations use Lunar Reports and Moon Phases in regards to paranormal activity. It is reported that investigations that are around Full Moons and New Moons play a part in ghost investigations.

Typical Weather

Again, I do not profess to be a weatherman or an expert in weather patterns but a few things about the weather. Probably the biggest thing I know about the weather is conditions when investigating paranomal activity. Alot of researchers will not investigate outside when it is raining, snowing or extremely cold. Besides behind uncomfortable weather can effect a variety of things. The most irritating thing is trying to photograph something in the rain or snow. This can cause alot of unwanted (strange) pictures that are nothing more than natural causes. When it is very cold outside your breath can look like fog or clouds when you snap a picture in the dark. It can lead to "false" representation in the pictures. Extremely dusty areas such as Arizona or high pollen areas can also cause "Orbs" in your pictures that are nothing more than dust.
If you need to investigate under these conditions you need to be very careful of these things. Hold your breath when snapping pictures in the cold. Let dust settle before pictures are taken, make sure you don't take pictures facing the sun, and keeping your camera lens clean and free of dirt, snow, condensation and other debris.

As far as other elements in weather to consider there (might) be other suggestions, hints, theory, but these are just some basic facts of what i deem most important.
Remember what they always say...... A good investigators stays objective, they adhere 100% to science and use of scientific equipment, they will eliminate all other possibilities, and they will present only what is found.
People do get strange feelings, eerie feelings, they may see shadows in the dark, hear strange noises, and swear they are not alone, but these facts (although interesting) do not prove anything.

Ghosts-Why are they Here
The Science
Sites to Hunt
What to Expect
Equipment to Use
The Trouble with Orbs
Electromagnetic Fields
Solar Reports and Weather
Ectoplasm-Is it Real?
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