Sleep Paralysis
Sleep Paralysis is an event which occurs to several thousand people worldwide. It usually happens when you first fall asleep, specifically REM sleep, or when you are first waking up. When this happens the individual is quite sure they are fully awake and coherent which can produce extreme amounts of fear, anxiety while the individual attempts to move or get out of bed.
Many who experience this suffer vivid hallucinations at times. The most common feeling that seems to be experienced is a strong feeling of another presence in the room or some type of entity. This presence or entity gives off a feeling of doing harm and seems to be very threatening. This conception has given rise to the common belief or tale of "Old Hag".

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Typical Symptoms Include:

1. Extreme Anxiety and Fear

2. Total Body Paralysis lasting from a few seconds to several minutes.

3. Feeling that something or someone is holding you down. Usually in the chest area which has produced a choking sensation and difficulty breathing.

4. Unexplained voices, sounds, whispers in your ear, knocking on the wall.

5. Seeing shadows in the room near you. This includes movements and apparitions.

6. A great feeling of terror and evil closeby as if someone is trying to hurt you.

7. Shaking of the body.
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The term "Old Hag" is most often associated with some type of entity that sits upon your chest. it causes paralysis and many note that they find it very difficult to breathe. I am sure there are countless theories as to when and how the Old Hag theory developed but it is a serious condition that affects a great many people. In the last decade science has given us a name to represent the Old Hag condtion which is called Sleep Paralysis. Now that this condition has a name and people are becoming more aware of this and it's symptoms, doctors and scientists are studying it more closely to determine it's exact nature and causes.

The majority of people who have experienced this have described the event as terrifying. Although I am quite sure there are less severe cases throughout the world I am quite sure no one has actually witnessed a Hag sitting upon their chest. Several people credit this phenomenon to ghosts, devils, and aliens as to the cause of the paralyisis and the strange hallucinations that are associated with it. The more we study this the closer we come to discovering the why and how behind it. Scientific explanation is still in the beginning phase but we do understand how it starts.

Sleep Paralysis or (SP) starts when a person is on the verge of falling asleep or just waking up. It could be dozing off whereby you are sleeping but a fragment or your conscience mind is still awake. All of a sudden you realize that you are unable to move and paralysis moves through your body even though you still breathe and blink your eyes. Even though you have begun your drift into sleep you still have retained a portion of your waking conscience. During this phase of sleep transition many people believe that you are more "open" to certain experiences that you may not be used to while fully awake. Once you realize that you cannot move and "something is wrong" you quickly become fully awake but still paralyzed and bound. When this happens sometimes the experience passes quickly and othertimes it does not. Sleep Paralysis has been know to last a few seconds to several minutes before you regain your movements.

This is the basics of Sleep Paralysis; however some who suffer from SP, suffer much worst when their minds become more "open" to other influence. When you are in this state and realize you are paralyzed, hallucinations start, feelings of doom, feelings of evil, voices, and sounds all start. The presence of evil seems very close as if its hovering right next to you but you cannot turn to see it. They also include feelings of being sat upon, heavy pressure in the chest, suffocation, choking, as well out of of body experiences.

The majority of people who have experienced this have described the event as terrifying. There are several theories as to why this happens. This includes scientific explanation such as emotion and stress overload. Other theories invlove ghostly manifestations and spirits. Whatever the case may be we continue to study this strange occurance and look for answers.

If you happen to suffer from Sleep Paralysis, you are not alone. Seek advice from your physician.
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