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Sorry, no videos here.  Sometimes, you just need to practice before you can improve.  Read your instructions below.  When you feel you're ready for the next lesson, go ahead to the next video...
Play a lot of games against people your rating and higher rated than you.  Sometimes, you may know everything that you need to in order to get a higher rating, but you still need to play many games and give your mind enough time to understand the material.
Rated below 400:
Rated below 700:
Chess is 99% tactics.  Continue solving puzzles and putting the things you've learned into actual play.  Make sure that every move you make has a purpose and that you follow chess principles most of the time.  Give yourself time to adjust to this new level of understanding.
Going above and beyond 1200
Watching all the videos in the world won't help you if you don't put the work into it.  This means playing in plenty of serious games, reading books about different phases and ideas of the game, playing through master level games, tactics training, and learning from your mistakes.  You are bound to lose many games as you improve. Ideas in chess take time to digest and understand, so don't give up!  Before long, you will reap the benefits of your hard work.  Around this point, you will need to study opening lines for long periods of time and learning the ideas behind them.  Also, you may want to start working with a computer program, such as Fritz, to help lessen blunders in your play.  You can get Fritz from our downloads page if you desire.
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