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Button Style (contd) (see sample here)

7.Fill the space between the lines using the fill tool with the color of any of the rectangles.
8.Right-click anywhere between frames 1 and 20 of layer2.Choose the frames option and select shape tween from the tween drop-down menu.
9.In the layers palette drag the layer 2 below layer1.
10.Now go to Insert-New symbol & check the button radiobutton.In the button editing mode insert the graphic1 from the library for the up state of the button. For the over state of the button insert movieclip1 from the library.

11.Revert back to the scene.From the library drag the button you just created
and place it anywhere on the stage.Play your movie & move your cursor over the button to see the effect.You can use such buttons for your web pages by defining its hit area & linking it to any other part of your website or to any other site on the web.


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