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Monitors getting smarter
11/12/02: ViewSonic has chosen Microsoft's Mira technology to power its new line of "smart displays," which are expected to available early next year. With its touch screen and wireless connection to a PC, a smart display will allow you to surf the Web and send e-mail without having to sit at a desk next to your PC. After all, you're chained to a desk for enough hours at work each day.
Check it out what is microsoft is trying to do now to improve productivity in the field of computer and IT.

Why Computers

Computers have become the vital part in each and every field of our current system. Teachers, doctors, engineers, constructors, bussiness organization and students, they all are taking advantages of it. The question arises why they are using computers? The simple answer to this can be like because computers can solve their problems in quite fast and efficient manner.

Latest Hardware

A number of organizations are working to improve the efficiency and speed of computers. Some wellknown companies are as follows



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