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Pakistani Food
Chineese Food
Fried Rice
Hot and Sour
Chapli Kabab
Chicken Karahi
Fruit Lassi

1/2 kilo beef
(Ask for Nihari meat at the desi butcher shop.)
salt to taste
1 tsp pepper
1/2tsp haldi powder
1 tsp dhuniya powder
4 tbs oil
3 tbs flour (maida)
1 tsp ginger paste

Grind together the following:

2 tsp saunf
1/2 tsp black pepper,
1/2 tsp zeera,
seeds of 2 small illaichi
10 cloves
2 bari illaichi
1 stick of cinnamon
1 bay leaf
1/4 tsp jaifal
2 tsp dhuniya seeds


Put oil in a pot.
Add meat and fry it a little.
Add salt,chili powder,haldi powder,dhuniya powder and ginger paste.
Mix well.Add a little water.
Dissolve the flour in half a cup of water and add this to the meat and bring to boil.
Put all the grinded spices in a fine cotton cloth bundle
and add to meat.
Add 3-4 glasses af water,cover and leave to tenderize on very low flame.
When meat has softened remove the bundle of spices and make the curry into desired consistency.
Garnish--Fry some onion slices in a litle oil til golden brown and add to Nihari.
Also garnish with fresh dhuniya, ginger and green chilies.

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