Jessica the reject

by Andrew Blair

Jessica , the reject, I found her on the garbage tip,

In a garbage bag, she smelled, did she,

I thought I'd found a skunk, I did.

At first I did not know t'was she,

Until I heard this whine..

My name is Jessica and I'm a reject!

Jessica, I said, now who are you?

And what is this tip to you? Said I.

It is my only home, said she, and  I've been here so long.

A skunk, I am, a reject too,

I stink and no one wants me, they don't!

My name is Jessica and I need love.

A reject cannot need love, I said, because even love rejects.

Love rejects the painful one, the one who will not

Suffer love to love and let it be.

Jessica, I said, I can love you even if on this tip you stay.

Yet all my love is wasted until you can love you!

But I/m a reject, she said, how can I love garbage.

So on this tip I'll stay, she said, until the World loves me!

The World might love you, the sun might caress you,

Even the Moon, in gentle femaleness might kiss your face.

Yet until you love yourself, accept you as you are ,

Then even all of this will bind you as a miasma,

Of mist within your  self rejected Self.

Come down from there! You Skunk, you dirty reject you.

Claim the love that self respect will give.

Walk tall upon this Earth.

Jessica   Elizabeth Blair!

I call you woman,

I call you friend.

 (C) 1998

Updated on 23/04/2008

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