Our Wedding

Andrew & Jessica Blair

 I pronounce you husband and wife.


In the eyes of God...




Taken recently in the botanical gardens.


We met


We met in September 0f 1998, when we went to a dance together, Andrew was my partner, I needed someone to to help get me there. Our second date was at a New Year's Eve party.

 Our courtship

 We started courting and the courtship was very shaky at first, as time went on things improved.

We became engaged on July 15 1999. This was the day that Andrew got his divorce to celebrate our engagement we began wearing identical Elephant rings on our ring fingers - elephants never forget!

 Commitment Ceremony 21/08/1999

We had a commitment ceremony at the Way Side chapel on the 21st of August and celebrated afterwards at St. Canice’s Kitchen.


Our first honeymoon - well we did have two!

Our honeymoon was at Lawson with the Good Samaritan nuns where we had a very peaceful time visiting the surrounding country and towns






We invited our friends to share in the joy as we took our marriage vows and about 50 of 60 of our friends attended the service and most attended the reception afterwards.

Nearly every one who joined us for our celebration brought a plate (of food) for the reception so we had a very well catered and enjoyable reception afterwards.



The Celebrant

The Celebrant: was The RT Rev Ronald Langham Bishop Primus, of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Australia. 

The Celebration was at 4pm on Saturday, the 31/05/ 2003.


At the Procathedral of St John the Beloved.

(In the Unitarian church building).

15 Francis Street Sydney.



 On Saturday 31 May 2003, our hopes become reality, when The Rt Rev Ronald Langham Bishop Primus, of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Australia, in the Procathedral of St John the Beloved, married us in the eyes of God and our government.

More pictures.


Will she show? Yes! Cantor Pax The certificate! Cutting the cake

Go to Our Honeymoon.


Updated on 08/05/2008

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