Lightning Ridge.

One of the Countrylink Jolly Swagman Black Opal Tours

click on thumb nails for the big picture.

Sculpture by John Murray Monday Morning & Jessica takes off! Myself outside unit 4. Our Motel Rooms. Barbara of Black Opal Tours. Jessica boarding! Outside Mr Opal One of the bottle houses on the Opal Fields.
Living on the Fields. Art in living. Serbian Orthodox Church on the Opal Fields. Amigo's castle, taken from the mini bus. There was some lovely Bougainvillea
Amigo's castle, without the bus window. The "walk in Mine Shop." Outside the mine itself
Walk in mine. Info. point 4 Andrew underground. Jessica underground. The Group fossicking. Jessica & I fossicking - we found some potch. Lightning Ridge Information Centre.
War Memorial outside Tourist Information Centre.
Gemopal Pottery - I think. Bevan's Black Opal & Cactus. Business Hours! Ahead with Bevan's A variety of Cacti Us amid the prickles. Birth Place of Hoges. Wrapping my cactus garden.

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Updated on 25/12/2007

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