Meet Alan Tracy!
Hi everyone! I'm Alan, the fifth of the Tracy boys and the astronaut chiefly in charge of flying Thunderbird 3, the huge orange-red rocket which we use for space rescues. More often than not, though, we use Thunderbird 3 as a ferry between Tracy Island and the perpetually orbiting Thunderbird 5; this is how my brother John and I trade off on our monthly rotations of satellite duty. Yuck! Being stuck in space is not my idea of a good time, though it seems to agree with spacy ol' John. I'd rather be at home, hanging out with my brother Gordon...and, better yet, with Tin Tin! She's the greatest! This year for my birthday on March 13th, she gave me my very own pygmy alligator, of all things! What a great girl!

Before we moved to the island, I studied Jet Propulsion Engineering at Colorado University, after which I enrolled in the astronaut training program at Space Center, just like John had done before me. Piloting Thunderbird 3 is a breeze...but I bring Scott along as my co-pilot, just to please Dad, of course.

I've taken part in lots of rescue adventures and have logged nearly as many miles as Scott and Virgil. It's really amazing to think that my dad turned around our own family tragedy---my mom's death---and made something so positive out of it. That's what International Rescue is all about: we do all we can to save people in peril, thereby keeping their families from the pain of the untimely loss of someone dear to them. We don't stick around for the "thank you's," though we know people are grateful for our efforts. A job well done is its own reward...and a "congratulations" apple pie baked by Grandma is even better!

When I'm at home, you can usually find me in the pool; I just love floating about in the climate-controlled water. I'm also fond of hanging out with my Dad and watching TV in the lounge with him. I take full advantage of being home because I get really bored on Thunderbird 5, even though Tin Tin and I use one of the radio bands to talk to each other quite a lot. (You didn't hear that, John)! Hey, it keeps me up there with minimal complaint a month at a time, so I think my secret is safe, if you know what I mean...heheheheheh!

My Stats:
IR Sash: White
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Age: 21

Alan: Not All
Fun And Games!
Meet My Brothers:
Meet Scott Tracy
Meet John Tracy
Meet Gordon Tracy
Meet Virgil Tracy
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My Info:
Alan Tracy, International Rescue Organization
Email: [email protected]

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