Meet John Tracy!
Hello, fellow International Rescue agents! This is John Tracy, Space Monitor and astronaut, calling out from IR's "ear in the sky," Thunderbird 5. As you know, it's my job to monitor broadcasts in every language from all over the world and then relay urgent distress calls back to our secret base on Earth. Good of you to lend an ear; it gets a bit lonely up here, what with being by myself for a month at a time...or MORE, if my brother Alan is goofing off somewhere, since I must rely on him to cover for me when I'm not here!

Beyond minding the broadcasts piped in from speakers here on the main deck, I'm also responsible for monitoring rescue operations that my brothers go out on; I relay instructions from the base to the other ships of International Rescue---Thunderbirds 1, 2, 3 and 4. Those amazing rescue vehicles are manned by my elder brothers Scott and Virgil, and my younger brothers Gordon and Alan. When Alan is aboard the satellite, I'm the pilot of Thunderbird 3, and I also ride shotgun with Virgil on rare incidents when I go out on a rescue. On rare occasions, I also communicate directly with FAB 1, the souped-up Rolls Royce owned by our London Agent, Lady Penelope, if the need arises. In my spare time, I use my telescope stationed up in the sky dome to scan the universe, searching out new stars, traveling comets and other stellar objects. (Well, after all, I am an astronomer)!

When I'm not doing all of the above, I garden. This may sound a bit strange for someone perpetually aloft in space, but I have some potted plants and a small container-grown vegetable garden which I care for. It's nothing like the lush greenery we have back on Tracy Island, but it's as close as I can get. I've learned a great deal about plant care from my father's friend and our Tin Tin's dad, Kyrano. He's an expert horticulturist, and he's been very kind about sharing his expertise with me. Gardening makes life more tolerable up here in this sealed-off environment!

A brief run-down on me: Born the third son of my astronaut father, Jeff Tracy and my artist mom, Lucille, on October 8th, 2040. I was educated at Harvard University and earned a degree in Laser and Electronic Communications, with a minor in Astronomy. Next, I attended The Tracy College Of Space Studies in Kansas and trained to be an astronaut like my dad. While I was studying, I was also writing based on my research; this resulted in four published textbooks on Astronomy. A promotional tour for my books afforded me a chance to visit elementary and high schools in an effort to interest more young people in space studies and research, an opportunity I found to be both rewarding and enjoyable. I also love astral photography, playing music with my brothers (I play drums), skin-diving, sailing, swimming, painting, baking and horticulture. Also, I spend a great deal of time studying languages! This really comes in handy when I have to gather information for rescues in diverse areas around the globe. Quite often, Scott has to use the Mobile Control Unit to create a three-way hook up so that I can translate what's being said by the local rescue units in a given spot. It's not the same as being there, but I really feel more a part of the rescue efforts when I'm called upon to assist in that manner.

I hope you'll check in here from time to time. I've always got some news and information to pass along, emergency or not! 'Course my father won't be pleased to find I'm using the airwaves for non-emergency broadcasts, but I think we can keep this from him! (He doesn't have to know everything that goes on up here)!

My Stats:
IR Sash: Lilac
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Ash Blonde
Age: 25

Monitoring calls 24/7the whole world 'round!
Meet My Brothers:
Meet Scott Tracy
Meet VirgilTracy
Meet Gordon Tracy
Meet Alan Tracy
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John Tracy,
International Rescue Organization
Email: [email protected]

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