Meet Virgil Tracy!
Virgil Tracy's my name, and it's great to be able to say a few words to all the loyal International Rescue agents out there! (Grand idea, John)! I suppose I should start with a few things about myself, just so you'll know what I do when I'm not piloting our heavy transport vehicle, Thunderbird 2. I've also piloted Thunderbird 3 on occasion, by the way, but I guess you know that all of us have some practice at handling all vehicles, just in case we're needed to do so during rescue operations.

I've always loved music and art and have dabbled in both for as long as I can remember. Our mother, Lucy, was a gifted pianist and painter who passed that enthusiasm on to her children. My favorite instrument is piano, which I began playing as a toddler; my white Steinway Baby Grand was the very first piece of furniture brought into our new home when we arrived at Tracy Island. I also play electric guitar and experiment with that from time to time. When I get to the mainland to shop, I pick up music to listen to while I'm painting or reading. I love pop music as much as most young guys do, but I really like classic recordings from the 20th Century even more. For my birthday last August 15th, Grandma gave me some recordings of Artur Rubinstein which her gran' had given to her. Wow---that man sure knew his Chopin! (The Polonaise in A-flat Major, Op.53 is my favorite--it gives me goosebumps, and boy, is it tough to play)! Jazz and Swing are favorites of mine too, with the Gershwins, Irving Berlin tunes and Benny Goodman recordings being some of the greatest music I've ever heard.

You'd think with my interests that I would have majored in art or music, but instead I chose a more technical field of study and attended the Denver School Of Advanced Technology with an emphasis on engineering. This certainly came in handy as we began brainstorming our needs of equipment for International Rescue and for the various bays we needed to construct underneath our island home. I guess all of this makes me sound kind of serious, and I do have a reputation as "Mr. Fearless" as second in line among the team members, but not to worry---I've got a great sense of fun, which I suppose couldn't be helped after growing up with a pair of pranksters like Alan and Gordon in the family!

My Stats:
IR Sash: Yellow
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Medium Brown
Age: 27

Virgil: A Study
In Contrasts
Meet My Brothers:
Meet Scott Tracy
Meet John Tracy
Meet Gordon Tracy
Meet Alan Tracy
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My Info:
Virgil Tracy, International Rescue Organization
Email: [email protected]

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