Meet Gordon Tracy!
Hi! I'm Gordon Tracy, Aquanaut,
Thunderbird 4. Welcome to Tracy Island!

Gee, I reckon I'm supposed to talk about myself (John's always coming up with these kinds of ideas)! Ok, well I'm the fourth of the Tracy brothers, with Alan being the only one I get to pick on as a kid brother! Ha! Awww, don't feel sorry for him, 'cause Alan and I are really good friends and we tend to hang out together around the island, with Tin Tin usually making up the third of our group.

Let's see---oh yeah! Ok, I love to play pranks and practical jokes on anyone who is around, except on my Dad! He doesn't usually think my gags are funny, even though he's got a good sense of humor, as far as dads go, I guess. My favorite presents for Christmas or my birthday, (I was born on February 14th) are magic kits or puzzles and games. As my birthday is St. Valentine's Day, I also like boxes of my favorite candies as well!

I've led a pretty adventurous life even BEFORE International Rescue, believe it or not! As a high school kid, I gained a slot on the US Olympic team and won a Gold Medal for the Butterfly Stroke. Hearing the National Anthem played as I stood on the podium was a really amazing event for me; my dad even cried, he was so proud! I felt like I was on top of the world! I dedicated my win to my mom; she was the one who taught me to swim when I was only a few months old, so it's all down to her efforts. Thanks, Mom!

I got my training as an aquanaut when I served in the Submarine Service and then the World Aquanaut Security Patrol out of the Marineville headquarters. I was inspired by Troy Tempest, who really put WASP on the map as the captain of the ship Stingray, and like him I served aboard a submarine for a short time. I studied oceanography while there and I spent a whole year at the bottom of the Atlantic in a bathyscaphe, coding and cataloging all forms of sealife. It was an amazing time in my life!

My favorite food is seafood (surprise)! I love shrimp and lobster and my fave dessert is peach pie and vanilla bean ice cream! My hobbies are...well, practical jokes, as I mentioned! Other than that, I love to play guitar. Sometimes I accompany my brother Virgil as he plays piano. When we were younger, we even had a band made up of all the Tracy boys; we called ourselves "The Luna-tix," in honor of our dad's time spent on the Moon!

My Stats:
IR Sash: Orange
Eyes: Auburn
Hair: Auburn Red
Age: 22

Gordon: The Joker
In The Pack!
Meet My Brothers:
Meet Virgil Tracy
Meet John Tracy
Meet Scott Tracy
Meet Alan Tracy
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My Info:
Gordon Tracy, International Rescue Organization
Email: [email protected]

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