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Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity - Founded October 4, 1968

Tau Gamma Phi
is Triskelion Grand Fraternity, My Fraternity is the Supreme Fraternity


Filipino Community in Dubai, U.A.E.

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Thinking about that marquee scrolling down my Home Page??? Well, it's  the first's 2 & 3 letters of my sibling's first name... It's like this, JO is for  Joel (the oldest), MA is for Marisol (the only rose amongst the thorns),  FI is for Fidel (and that's meeh), and ROM is for Rommel (the youngest). Got it !!!!!!! And don't get me wrong, I'm not that bearded, fatigue wearing  president of Cuba. It's a long story and me, myself can't figured it out  why...

Born under the sign of Virgo during the Philippines' Marshall Law, and grew  up in the city of the Cunetas. Ooppss... I think it's Peewee Trinidad's City  now... Well who cares, the city is still the same anyway then and now. I'm  currently working here in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (that's right, Dubai  is in U.A.E. and not in Saudi Arabia as many Filipinos think so). I've been  here for more than 7 years and working as a Restaurant Manager in Burger King. Actually, I started here as a crew member and worked my  way up to my current position now. It's been a lot of hard work and  patience and I'm telling you, it's not that easy (there's no easy job in these  days anyway), specially when Homesickness strikes you, you feel like  hanging yourself up on the roof or jumping on a 20 storey high building.  But guess what??? I'm still here and I survived.

When I was a kid, I used to play a lot and I mean a lot. That's why I still  got these marks from bruises and accidents I had then. I remember the  time  when I was keep on crying because of my relatives going out of town as they don't want to bring me with them  during family outings. One good reason is that they're afraid that something might happen to me because I'm very prone to accidents. I don't know why, but I think it's the other way around, the accident is very prone to me, he! he! he! or maybe because I'm still a kid at that time and just like any other kids in the block who wants everything that he could have (attention, toys). My Mom used to tell me that they always  keep on looking at me and where they could find me??? Up there on the  ceiling of our house hanging. Also one time when my Mom was cooking for our lunch, she saw our casserole of rice bubbling too much and when she  opened the lid, there was a bar of soap inside and I'm the culprit. Every time I remember these things, I just smile and shake my head about it. But  no regrets, I had the fun of my life during those days.

Loner??? Some of my friends think so... I don't hang-out that much to  my friends but I still go out with them from time to time. Whenever I go out, I prefer to be alone coz I'm that kind of  guy who will go anywhere my feet will lead me, and you know the feeling when you still want to go around even just to waste time then all of a sudden, your friend will tell you that you all should go home at that moment when you still don't want to, isn't that irritating??? I used to walk from my house in Pasay City to a shopping mall in Makati or Quezon City back  and forth (with only just enough money with me to buy a stick of cigarette).  Now??? I'm not sure if I can do it again with these bellies crumpling around  my waist. I came here to Dubai with a very fine body and I don't really remember how I got these "muscles" (that's what I call them, he! he! he!). I don't think it's from the beer as it's very hard to get one here, or maybe because of the softdrink since it's drink all you can in the restaurant where I'm working here. Anyway, I'm trying hard to get rid of these, somehow everything will get back to normal.

I'm a very funny guy also and I have a lot of humor that's why  most of my friends especially during my College years at Mapua Institute of Technology (B.S. Civil Engineering) wants me to go out with them  most of the times. The funny thing is that they know that I don't normally have enough money with me, just enough for the transportation back home but still, as they say, the group is not complete without me, I'm their joker. Check out the Joke section on my web  page and see if those jokes I complied will tickle your bones.

Want to know more about me??? Check out my Interest page for what  keeps me busy aside from working. Or if you want to know about U.A.E. and Dubai in particular, take a look at the Filipino Community in Dubai section of my website. ENJOY!!!!






Text Message from My One & Only,  Ivy Gwen Bautista



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