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Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity - Founded October 4, 1968

Tau Gamma Phi
is Triskelion Grand Fraternity, My Fraternity is the Supreme Fraternity


Filipino Community in Dubai, U.A.E.

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I liked listening to music very much that's why I have a wide collection of audios in different formats like CD's, Cassettes, LD's, VCD's, DVD's and of course my all time favorite, the Vinyl Records (with tons of dust in my home in the Philippines). I listen to all kinds of music genres except classical and songs from these famous Tenors but my roots is in rock music. When I was growing up, I used to listen to songs from Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin and local bands like Juan de la Cruz Band, Sampaguita, Asin and the likes as my brother always play songs from these bands in our house. I even went with my brother one time to the Asin Concert which I liked very much and give way to my preferred kind of music. During my first year in high school, I got into Punk, Hardcore and Ska music. Those were the days of the Brave New World, from the music of the great Pinoy underground bands like Dead Ends to G.I. & the Idiots and from I.O.V. (Intoxication Of Violence) to R.D.A. (Reformed Destruction for Action / Rapid Deployment and Antidote) and WUDS. From then on, I started collecting Vinyl and Cassette tapes which I bought using some of my school allowance. Right now, I don't know where they're all gone especially my collection of TRC (Twisted Red Cross) released label from TRC 1 to TRC 19. Some I remember I lend to some friends and not returned back and some of them just disappeared. So far I have these much collection with me which I started collecting from the day I started working here in Dubai up to now and still growing. 75% of my CD collection were bought from sales or discount section and the rest I bought from their original price. I only buy a CD in their normal price if it's really a good album from a great band. There's less variety of artists that's being marketed here as most of them were being banned before being released to the country due to either the contents of the albums or the design in the front cover. My CD collection includes only the individual or group artists and I haven't included my Various Artist albums and I'll be including it later on if time permits. Sad to say I can't include my Vinyl Records collection as all of them are in the Philippine Islands. I can remember only few and not all so maybe I'll include it when I take my vacation and that is I have no idea when will it be. so check it out.....collection


Aside from collecting music CD's and other formats, I do collect also other stuff like caps, coins of other countries and shoes. So far I have collected 38 bull caps( all of them hanging on my room's wall), coins and paper currency of 17 countries and 14 pairs of shoes. I stopped collecting for the mean time due to financial crisis I'm experiencing right now but as soon as I'll be able to, I'll start collecting again.

I started to practiced cooking when I came here to Dubai since nobody will cook for you and you'll have to spend more money if you'll always eat outside. I'm actually staying in Sharjah emirate (next to Dubai) and there's no Filipino restaurant here so it's either you cook your own food or you eat some Indian or Pakistani food which anyway tastes good, that is if you like some spicy products. Actually I know how to cook since then coz my Mom and my Sister used to teach me some Filipino delicacies. I always watched them cooking from time to time in our home in the Philippine Islands so with these watching experience, I have a great idea of what quality food means. Only when I came here that I got the chance to explore myself and found out that I have what it takes to make some good food. I think I got this from the family as my Dad is also a good cook as well as my oldest brother. But until now I'm still having a hard time cooking ADOBO (a generic term for cooking meat, fish or vegetables in garlic, vinegar, soy sauce and pepper. It's the name of the dish as well as the style of cooking). Every time that I will cook this viand is that I have to throw the sauce for about 3 to 4 times as I can't get the taste right. The best food I learned from my Mom is the Macaroni Salad and I'm telling you, you might forget your name once you tasted this one. My workmates always asked me to make this one for them every time there's an occasion in the company. I also cook Tex-Mex and Chinese food as these are one of my favorite foods also.

I like sports but since I have a problem on my left arm, I can't join that much any sporting activities. Baseball is my favorite and I had a chance to play this game when I was in grade school. One time when we were playing this game inside the campus that I have to bat for the team. The pitcher throws the ball and there I am looking directly on it and swing my bat hitting it hard. The ball strikes on the principal's 2 flower pots (breaking it definitely) and went through the window of Grade 2 class coming out on the next room. It's good nobody's hurt and it's quite an experience. After then, I tried Volleyball and High Jump. I was about to play volleyball during the School District's Sports Meet when I decided to quit as I'm afraid that I'll break my arm again. I shift to Table Tennis but it didn't last long. I didn't play any sport after that until when I was in 3rd year High school as I played volleyball again during school's intramurals. I got into Skateboarding at the same time and this is where I had so many additional skid marks on my legs and yeah, I broke my right arm with this one now, he! he! he!. I liked this sport very much that I got into this until when I was in my College years. Me and my friends formed a group called the Makati Skateboard Association and we always sponsor tournaments whole year round. We even staged a Skate Rock Festival wherein there's a skateboard competition while there's a rock band playing at the background. It was a lot of fun and until now I'm still into it that every time I will see somebody inside the restaurant where I'm working now carrying a skateboard, I will borrow their board just to try some tricks if I still can. I also tried playing Table Tennis once more when I was in college and I join some try-outs for the school's varsity team but to no avail.

When my Dad decided to stay in the Philippines for good (he worked with ARAMCO Oil Company in Saudi Arabia for 8 years), He taught me how to play Darts. I got hooked also into this sport with my Dad coaching for me and I actually won 3 tournaments already within the neighborhood. Right now I'm practicing Darts again as my neighbors from the Philippines who's also here in Dubai encourage me to join some tournaments here. Hopefully I could join some Darts Club and enter into some big tournaments but not now as I'm busy with my work schedules and my website of course. So far, I haven't done anything worth while except maybe of course, finishing this website which I got interested to last April when I accidentally stumbled into Geocities. Out of curiosity, I sign for a membership and said what the heck, then here it is, I have my own personal website.

What keeps me busy nowadays??? Well aside from updating my website from time to time, I'm into Network Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing right now... I'm trying to earn extra money through this business and Inshaallah (God's Will), I might resign early from my current job to focus and have full time in this business. The good thing in this business is you schedule your own time. The more you put extra time into this, you can actually earn more than what you expected. You can have a part time or full time career in this and your income will definitely be based on your efforts. Thanks to my cousin Michael Romero who introduced this business to me when I was on my vacation last year.  

This much only for now and come back next time for anything that might happen good to me in the near future. I have so many plans in stored for me and hoped that it all materialized. Don't forget to check out the other page of my site and sign my guest book of course. At least by this way I will know if somebody appreciates my homepage...




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