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Texting is a fun and cool way to be in contact with your friends and loved ones. From the powerful application on your mobile phones, you can get in touch easily and bring a smile to the receiver specially if the messages comes with these cool and funny pictures made from different punctuation marks. However, just like any other things in life, there's a rule even in texting. Here's some of the Do's and Dont's for serious texters.


Keep it short. That's the first rule of texting.

Sign off at the end of every messages. You can't rely on the person you're texting to recognize your number and there's nothing more annoying than an anonymous text. Only ditch this when you're absolutely sure they'll know who's texting.

Reply to every message you get unless the other texter tells you not to bother. Otherwise, how will they know if their message has got through.

If you don't want them to get back to you, simply type NRN (No Reply Necessary) at the end of your message.

Think twice before sending a flame that's an insulting message. Best rule of the thumb, don't text anything you wouldn't dare say straight to their face.

Stick an emotion - one of those little pictures like a smiley face made up of punctuation marks on your messages if you're worried about someone taking it the wrong way. You may know a sarcastic line is just a joke but will they?


Spam someone with loads of pointless messages. If they stop replying, it's a good sign they're getting bored or even annoyed.

Use texting to spread malicious gossip. Apply the same rule as for sending flames. Don't text anything you wouldn't want to say out loud.

Send anything you wouldn't write down. Remember, your message will be stored on their phone until they decide to delete it. Something that seemed funny or interesting at the time may be downright embarrassing a couple of weeks later.

Send a message without double checking the number of the recipient. Imagine sending something meant for your bestfriend to your mom by mistake. Now do you see why this is an important one?

Text personal details to someone you don't know. Treat texting the same as posting information in an internet chat room. And if you're not sure, ask yourself one question... Do I know this person well enough to tell them where I live???



There is so much you can do with your beloved mobile than just make phone calls. If you've started sending SMS (Short Message Service) messages to your friends, you probably already know how much fun it can be. But it's not just text messages that you can send to your friends, you can also create and send fab little pictures and cool ring tones, using only your mobile phone's keypad. You can download icons as well from the Internet to customize your mobile's screen, and send funky logos to your friends.

Mobile phones have come a long way since the days when they looked like black bricks and weighed a ton. These days, there are hundreds of sizes, design and some really cool applications that can make your phone much more fun. And the crazy tech-heads at the mobile phone companies are always coming up with new and better ideas all the time.

WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol. It lets you surf the Internet and check your emails from your mobile phone. So if you're on the move and need to order tickets for the cinema without all the hassle of standing in a long and boring queue, you can just pull out your WAP phone and reserve tickets over the net. And in case you're going out and don't want to get caught out in the rain, you can check out the weather report. You can even use it to take a look at what's been happening in the news or pick-up the latest sports result - all without forking out for a new laptop. The websites you can surf via your mobile don't look like quite the same as the sites you can access on your PC -- they have less detail and fancy graphics - but the basic info is the same, and they're a lot easier to carry in your pocket.

Fashion Statement
Given the right cover, logos and ringtone, mobiles can be fab little fashion numbers, but they are soon to become an even more important part of your wardrobe. Fashion designers have already started using mobile phones in their designs, and clothing companies are now coming up with fabrics that can be used to make mobile phones you can wear. So the next time you see someone tapping away on his or her sleeve, they don't have some kind of nasty rash, but they're texting to their friends on their new designer denim jacket.

Info Service 
If you've ever thought mobiles are just for making phone calls or texting your friends, then have you been missing out? These days, mobile phone companies are offering free alert services. These are sent as SMS messages straight to your phone, and won't cost you money. So you might want to receive the latest results from your favorite sport team, or news, interview and gossip from the music biz. And if you want to make sure you're up to date on who's at number one in the music chart, you can even sent the latest top ten positions. These alerts will not only make you look like you have your finger on the pulse, they can also help you plan your social life - you can check the latest cinema releases no matter where you are.

There are times when you need to talk to all of your friends at once - whether it's to get their opinion on something or someone you've just met, or to find out what everyone is wearing for a night out. But mobile phones will only let you text one person at a time - at least they have done until now. Nokia has come up with a cool new service called friendstalk (Chat), which lets you and a group of friends send instant messages to each other - so now you can spend all Sunday morning chatting about what you got up to the night before. Friendstalk uses an advanced version of SMS, and currently available only with Nokia 3310 mobile.

Dial a Coke
There's nothing more annoying than finding yourself dying of thirst, but with no change to buy a can of Coke from a vending machine. Well this problem might be a thing of the past. Coca-Cola has come up with a "Dial a Coke" idea, which allows you to dial a special number posted on the front of the vending machine, on your mobile phone. The can of Coke will then drop out of the vending machine, and the cost of the can of Coke will be added to your next phone bill. It won't get you a free drink, but it will make buying one a lot more cool. This idea is currently being tested in Australia and will be available in other countries soon.

Fun Mail
Sometimes sending someone a plain old text message just seems too dull. With so many people texting these days, how can you make sue your messages stand out from the crowd? A new craze is sweeping Japan, called FUNMAIL. It will convert any boring-old text message into a short cartoon. So when you send a text message to a friend using Funmail, it automatically turns it into a colorful animation, complete with music and sound effects. You can send a happy birthday cartoon to someone special, or brighten up a message telling a friend you're going to be late. All you need to do is enter the text, and the cartoon message will be sent to your phone. You can then send it on a friend's mobile or PC. Funmail will be available in Europe, the rest of Asia and the US soon.


With thousands of available covers in the market today, sometimes looking for a replacement that suits you is still a big pain amongst us. Have you ever looked at the choice of replacement mobile covers and thought you could design a better one for yourself? It's no good being able to send and receive cool messages if your phone isn't quite up to scratch - but let's face it, the choice can sometimes be a bit sad. Now Nokia has set up a website ( that will let budding artist amongst you design your own covers for their 5100 phones. The website has an online design tool, which will let you draw lines, shapes, colors and even input text on to your phone cover. Worried about your artistic skills aren't up to much? The website also has lots of readymade patterns for you to customize, if you're not quite ready to design the whole thing for yourself. Once you're happy with your artwork, you can enter it into the "Phone Gallery", so other people can admire your work, and even choose your pattern for their phone. Your finished mobile will be sent to you in about two weeks minimum.



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