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Once you've changed the ringtone on your mobile to something a bit more style, and got yourself a cool and trendy cover, you might want to take a look at your phone's menu screen. When you buy your mobile, it'll come with the phone's company logo on the screen (or the operator's logo after you inserted your SIM card) - you need to get rid of this straight away, it's boring and not exactly the last word in cool.

The latest trend is customising mobile screens by downloading new icons to replace the dull phone company logos. You can download pictures of an animal or cartoon character, your name or the name of your favorite band or television show. You can even create your own logo if there's nothing already out there on the net that takes your fancy.

Not all mobiles will allow you to change logos, check in your handset's manual to find out if yours will. The website you use to download your icons should also tell you if your phone is compatible. At the moment, it's mostly Nokia mobiles that will support this, but this should change soon.

Design Your Own 
When you've chosen your favorite website, you'll be offered the choice of designing your own logo, or picking one from the many pre-designed icons shown on the website. Designing your own logo is easy - you'll be shown a grid made up of hundreds of tiny squares. Click on the square you want to start from to color it in. After that you can happily click away on each square of your choice until you have come up with a design for your logo that even Van Gogh would've been proud to have on his mobile.

Buy Online 
If you aren't feeling particularly creative, or you like one of the logos you've seen on the site, you'll just need to click on the Order Box underneath your chosen icon. Most sites will charge you a small fee for sending you a logo and some sites offers it for free but needs some cable attached into your computer in able for you to receive one. Some sites will let you pay for the cost of a phone call, so you won't need a credit card for these, but like the ringtone calls, these can be quite costly so watch it!

Your new logo should be sent to your mobile fairly quickly, normally within just a few minutes of ordering. Your phone will tell you it has received an Operator's logo and you then need to press Show, followed by Save. Be careful here, if you press discard by mistake, you'll erase the message and have to order another one.

Picture Message 
Some logos can also be sent as picture messages to your friends. These are twice the size of normal logos, and are sent as attachments to the text message. They can be downloaded in the same way as the normal logos. At the moment, your friends will only be able to receive picture messages if they have compatible handsets.

These downloadable logos are more complicated than the kind of pictures you can create on your mobile. Some text can also be added to the messages. If you have Nokia 3310, you can also use any of the funky logos you downloaded from the net as a screen saver just like the picture message that's already included in your mobile.

Caller Logos 
The operator logo isn't the only icon you can change. If you have a Nokia 61 series handset, you can also change the caller group logos. These icons tell you who the person calling is. But like the operator logos, they're pretty boring - so dumped them for something funkier.

Once you received it, just press Show and then Save. Now choose which caller group you want it to replace - e.g. family, friends, VIP. Your new logos will now be stored in your phone.











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