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The Philippines

Time Zone
    UCT (Universal Co-ordinated Time - formerly known as GMT) plus 8 hours.

    Filipino is the national language. English is widely spoken and is extensively used in business and government.

Getting There
Manila and Cebu are international gateway cities. Philippine Airlines, the country's flag carrier, links Manila to 26 cities in 20 countries. Major international carriers and cruise liners serve Manila. Cebu services chartered flights from Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Entry Regulations
    Valid passport. Except for stateless person and those from countries with which the Philippines has no diplomatic relations, all visitors may enter the country without visas and may stay for 21 days provided they have tickets for onward journey.

Health Regulations
    A certificate of vaccination against yellow fever is required for travelers coming from an infected area.

March to May is hot and dry. June to October is rainy. November to February is cool. Average temperatures: 78 deg.F / 32 deg.C; humidity: 77%

What to Wear
    Light, casual clothes are recommended. An umbrella and a raincoat are must during the rainy season. Warmer garments are needed for trips to the mountain regions. On formal occasions, a dinner jacket and tie or the Philippine Barong Tagalog may be worn.

    Unit of currency: Pesos (P) = 100 centavos. Bank notes: P5, P10, P20, P50, P100, P500, P1000. Coins: 1C, 5C, 10C, 25C, P1, P2, P5

    Tipping is expected for many services. The standard practice is 10% of the total bill. Tipping is optional on bills that already have a 10% service charge.

    In Metro Manila and most large provinces, a wide selection of deluxe, standard and pension-type accommodation is available. There are 7,708 hotel rooms in Metro Manila and approximately 29,698 hotel rooms accredited by the Department of Tourism throughout the country.

    The Department of Tourism has a homestay program in 15 destinations outside Manila. This program offers visitors the inexpensive comfort of modest homes and an insight on Philippine life. There are currently 295 homeowners accredited under this program. Visitors interested in the homestay program may contact the Tourist Information Center located at the Gallery Area, Department of Tourism Building.

Business and Banking Hours
    Private and Government offices are open from 08:00 to 17:00 and from 09:00 to 18:00, Mondays to Fridays. Some private companies hold office on Saturdays from 09:00 to 12:00 noon. Most shopping centers, department stores, and supermarkets are open from 10:00 to 20:00 daily.

    Banks are open from 09:00 to 15:00, Mondays to Fridays.

Credit Cards
    International credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, Bankamericard, Mastercharge, Diners Club and American Express are accepted in major establishments.

Electricity and Water
    The electricity supply is 220 volts, A.C., 60 cycles while most hotels in Metro Manila have 110 volts outlets.

    Water in Metro Manila and in most cities and towns is potable and safe for drinking. Bottled drinking water is available in many hotels, restaurants, resorts, supermarkets and 24-hour convenience store.

Communication Facilities
International direct dialing, telex, facsimile, worldwide express delivery, postal and telegram services are available.

    Most of the country's newspapers are in English while the rest are in various dialects. Foreign newspapers and magazines are sold in major hotels and big supermarkets and bookstores in Metro Manila.

Convention Facilities
    Manila, the pioneer convention city in Asia, has played host to a number of prestigious international events. The Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) is equipped with modern convention facilities and services. It can accommodate 4,000 delegates in its Plenary Hall and 5,700 persons in its Reception Hall. Smaller meetings can be held in hotels and other establishments. Out-of-Town hotels and resorts are alternative convention sites.

Medical Services
    There are hospitals and clinics in the country equipped with modern facilities to meet any medical need.  Most hotels and resorts provide medical assistance. Hospitals are listed in the "Yellow Pages" or local telephone directory.

Visitors can choose from an exciting selection of great buys in a country known for export-quality items at reasonable prices: South Sea Pearls, hand-woven cloths, porcelain, coral and mother-of-pearl home accessories. Artifacts, pineapple fiber shirts, pre-historic jars, native handicrafts and footwear are interesting items too. The Philippines also produces fine basketry, furniture, fresh and processed fruits, exquisitely crafted jewelry and gifts made of shell, wood and stone.

Dining Out
Filipino food is an exotic, tasteful blend of Oriental, European, and American culinary influences. There is a wide variety of fresh seafood and delectable fruits. First class restaurants offer gourmet specialties as well as a combination of local and international cuisine.

Tours and Special Interest Activities
    Exciting tour packages, from day trips to five-day programs, provide glimpse of the country's diverse attraction. Special interest activities include golf, game-fishing, water-skiing, diving, mountain climbing, and trekking. Fiesta and village tours, cultural and historical tours, and visits to farms and ancestral houses are special way of discovering the Philippines and its wealth of culture. Information on tours may be obtained from travel agents, tour operators or the Department of Tourism.





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