
There are some rumours surrounding the city of Celik.

The house of Mareneth had to strike a deal with druids when they started settling the city. The druids would help them clear the city of undead bit by bit and take care of the water and food supply a little. In return, the new inhabitants of the city would abstain from (defiling or generally?) magic and smuggle some people and other bits and pieces in and out of the places they trade with.

The house of Mareneth had to strike a deal with elemental or paraelemental priests when they started using the city. The clerics would help them clear the city of undead bit by bit and take care of the water and food supply a little. In return, the new inhabitants of the city would build a temple to the element of the cleric(s) and start worshipping this element.

Korsun is planning to 'clean Kalidnay up' as well - in the near future. He is investigating into how the city can best be penetrated and is looking for capable adventurers.

Celik is wealthier that it looks as it has secretly looted Kalidnay.

Korsun is planning on faking that he is a Sorcererking.

Celik cannot claim the rest of the ruins, as some undead lord is too powerful to be defeated.

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