People and Places


  • The Twin Moon Circus
  • The Jilin Order of Mages
  • The Brotherhood
  • The Voluca/The Shadows
  • Elfclans: The Songweavers and the Fireshapers
  • Elfclans: The Sand Dancers and the Cloudmakers
  • Sea of Silt Pirates
  • Survivors of the Great War
  • Places

  • Maharduk - The Leviathan Village
  • The Ancestor Lands
  • Storm-Giant City Ruins
  • The Rhulisti Caverns
  • Tar Honak - The Elven City
  • Rhaltivar - Dragon Hold
  • The Spitting Holes
  • The River of the Dead
  • People

    The Twin Moon Circus

    The Twin Moon Circus was inspired by a visit to the British Museum in London with Jon the Oracle & by a clip of the Cirque du Soleil show 'KA'.

    The Twin Moon Circus is a group of travelling artistes who perform colourful and mysterious shows against the backdrop of the Athasian nightsky. The group travels with an array of beasts, but the one that is the most important in their show is a gigantic mekillot. For the performances, the mekillot transforms from a mere beast of burden into a dramatically moving stage whose movements, according to a fixed script, are directed by Jhair, the animal trainer. In the past, the circus has also been known to use driks, especially retired war driks.

    The Twin Moon Circus is a very unique group on Athas. They entertain with non-violent, acrobatic shows which feature music and lots of 'alchemical' (non-magical - at least they say so...) effects such as spark rains or coloured smoke. The troupe is both revered and feared. Revered for their spell-binding performances, and feared, because the artistes are so supernaturally good that the superstitious Athasians believe that something must be 'not quite right' about them. Nevertheless, their shows always attract a large audience, especially from the upper castes.

    The troupe is directed by a half-elf known as Mareyis. Mareyis takes on anybody as long as the person is a brilliant performer - or has the potential to become one. Gender, race and origin are irrelevant - with one exception: no defilers. While Mareyis personally does not care about defilers, they have tended to get the troupe into trouble with authorities, audiences and druids, because, according to Mareyis's experiences, they cannot control their drive for destruction and follow it in the most inappropriate moments. Mareyis knows this best from his own experience - he is an ex-defiler (and bard) who is now taking a neutral path.

    Mareyis has two artistic directors, the half-elf Zaritha and the mul Kel. Zaritha is responsible for the stories and the costume and stage design, while Kel, an ex-jaszt, directs the physical movements of the artistes. The rest of the troupe consists of musicians, arcobats and a few special effects people from a variety of origins. Many of the performers started out as street children, slaves, thieves, or arena performers. Even the animals are 'outcasts' - either from herds or from the military. The animals are fiercely loyal to the troupe as they are well looked after (one could even say: spoiled rotten) by the performers.

    The cities tend to tolerate the Twin Moon Circus. Over time, it has built up a reputation for outstanding performances and none of the leaders of performers have shown tendencies to support controversial causes. In fact, the circus often performs for the regents themselves. The circus also hardly sees any attacks outside the cities. Despite having no visible defences, the members of the circus have been known to be quite capable fighters. This is not surprising considering the ex-gladiator, ex-street kid or bardic origin. These guys don't only have physical dexterity, but ropes, hooks, strange chemicals and poisons to hurl at you! And one mustn't forget the beasts!

    What is behind the circus? You decide:

  • Mareyis could just pursue his dream of providing entertainment with a difference and, through that, a refuge for outcasts like himself. It's about leaving a bad past behind and survive while taking your physical skills to a higher level.
  • The circus could support a good cause such as smuggling information or people for the Veiled Alliance.
  • Mareyis could be an bard with a number of enterprises for which the circus is but a tool. He could be the leader of a strange cult or bear grudge against one of the Sorcerermonarchs. He could also have a psionic mutation which requires him to feed of the emotions of the circus' audiences. Something to do with mass-hypnosis is another option. Or contacts to organised crime.
  • Mareyis could even be a deranged artist who takes on weak-willed subjects and transforms them into super-natural artistes through psionic/magical experiments or strange symbionts.
  • The circus could be affiliated with one of the Sorcerermonarchs and serve as spies. Oronis of Kurn would probably a good choice.
  • The circus hides - and is controlled by - undead who feed off the audience's minds - when it is safe to do so.
  • One day, Mareyis will draw such a big crowd that it is possible for him to advance a stage in his metamorphosis if he sacrifices it.
  • ...
  • The Jilin Order of Mages

    The Jilin was an order of druid-wizards that existed before the Great War. Allies of the druids, they were destroyed alongside them. One could call the Jilin totemic mages: each of them practised magic according to their totem. Each totem had a 'school'. The most prominent schools were:

    The Scarab School
    The Scarab Mages were the most influential school. They were abjurers and enchanters. They were considered healers, and were often approached for the same services that earth clerics would be approached for.

    The Spider School
    The Spider-wizards were the mystics of the Jilin. They were interested in divination, and sometimes in benevolent necromancy. They lived a very withdrawn life and were very feared, although when one actually met one, they turned out to be rather kind, ordinary people.

    The Snake School
    The Snake Wizards specialised in transmutation magic. They were known for their eccentricity and had a fondness for altering their own bodies, e.g. the colour of their hair or eyes, or the patterning of their skin.

    The Dragon Fly School
    The Dragon Flies were illusionists and evokers. They were sought after by the nobility as entertainers, and, more importantly, as providers of illusions that would protect valuable goods. The money would then be invested in the Dragon Flies' research.

    The Jilin loved looking after plants and animals, especially exotic ones,so wherever they resided, you could find astonishing specimens from flora & fauna. The Jilin were rumoured to know the whereabouts of animals and plants long considered extinct. Despite their druidic side, many Jilin lived in rather ostentatious buildings (from a druid's point of view). Their ruins can still be found in remote locations, some giving shelter to mysterious plants and animals.

    The Brotherhood

    Once there was an allegiance of psionicists that were known as 'The Brotherhood'. Who they were and where they have gone is a mystery. Lor'Enar, a talented mutant psionicist, found records of this mysterious allegiance and tried to track them down. First he found nothing. But then he realized that there was a fortress where there was nothing. But he could not enter. After a long quest for the key to the fortress he managed to enter. It was just the right time - the Order was after him. They could not allow a mutant, a renegade in their ranks.
    Lor'Enar started to explore the fortress, but there was not much he could explore. Things had been taken, destroyed, hidden. But he had a space, a refuge.
    Alone in the fortress, Lor'Enar was getting old - and starved for knowledge. He wanted a disciple to inherit his knowledge and the secret of the fortress. A druid appeared. He had watched him all these years. He, too, wanted a disciple. He was going on a quest to look for one and he would think of Lor'Enar, too.
    After years had passed, the ancient druid brought him a little girl, Djarya. Like Lor'Enar, Djarya was a mutant. Lor'Enar was shocked at her young age. But the druid promised: she would be a disciple for both of them. And this is what she became...

    A few decades later...
    Lor'Enar is dead, the druid still lives. Djarya, white hair and purple eyes, has gathered people around her. She gives everyone a chance who does not fit. Mutants, half-breeds, wild talents, chaos-bringers. If they want to leave, they can go - but they cannot pass on the knowledge of the fortress...

    Djarya (Humanoid female)
    Djarya is the leader of a refuge of mostly mutant psionicists which she dubbed 'The Brotherhood' after the previous inhabitants of the fortress.

    STR 19 (mutant)
    DEX 19
    CON 22
    INT 20
    WIS 19
    CHA 21
    WEAPONS bone knife
    ARMOUR -

    The Voluca/The Shadows

    The Voluca are a prostitute ring working with illusions to satisfy their customers' needs. Countless scandals adorn the long history of this association.
    The Voluca offer their abilities exclusively in the city states. For each city there is an administrator. These administrators, who recruit new men and women and who see to their employees needs, meet once a year in a different city. The volucas' common method is to probe their customers' minds to look for an image of the person or type of person they desire most. This is done in a special reception chamber. When the customers enter the actual room, the voluca has already taken on an illusion of their desire.
    There are rumours that the Voluca are controlled by a sorcerermonarch or the Order or another Athasian power to gain information about influential people.
    Voluca could be of any race (since they work with illusions). Most of them seem to be human and half-elf, however.
    In reality, the Voluca are controlled by the Shadow elves who have been known to use the information they gain from their customers for other purposes than just finding the right stimulant. That danger does not deter people from using them. The promise is too great...

    In our campaign, the Shadows are a bit more secretive and sinister than elaborated in the Dune Trader supplement. They have a history as an assassin guild/espionage ring in the Green Age and are the only elf tribe who has managed to carry their function, structure and influence through to the Age today. This worked as they had already been a guild/tribe in the Green Age and did not need re-structuring. Also, they had more ways to survive than any other part of elven society. On Athas today, the Shadows have more influence than even the most imaginary mind of an elven chief can imagine. To cover up their real power they maintain the image that the Night Runners are a competition or even a threat to them.
    The Voluca is just one of their covert operations. On the outside the people who run the Voluca seem to be humans or half-elves. In reality, they are puppets of the Shadows.

    Miseki (elven psionicist)
    Miseki is the Shadow elf in charge of the smooth running and the operations of the Voluca. He is quite old and has a dangerously sharp mind.

    STR 14 (+enhanced)
    DEX 17 (due to age, used to be higher)
    CON 12 (due to age, used to be higher)
    INT 22
    WIS 23
    CHA 21
    WEAPONS Miseki is proficient with most weapons.
    ARMOUR magical

    Typical Voluca Representative
    Human or half-elf (or in rare cases a Mul)
    in most cases psionicist or trader

    STR 13
    DEX 18
    CON 16
    INT 18
    WIS 18
    CHA 20
    WEAPONS specialised in at least one weapon
    ARMOUR magical/psionic
    NOTES Most Voluca representatives have no
    idea who controls the Voluca.
    If they do, it is concealed in their mind with
    powerful barriers.

    Elfclans: The Songweavers and Fireshapers

    The Songweavers and Fireshapers are two relatively small elfclans which both are the guardians of a peculiar kind of Athasian "magic". Those few who have dared to analyse the clan members' ablities which are genetically passed down from generation to generation have not yet come to a conclusion if this "magic" is a form of psionics or elementary magic - or something entirely different.

    The Songweavers

    The Songweavers are the smallest of the two clans. There are currently only nine Songweavers on Athas, four of which are children. Songweavers have the unique ability to manipulate sound. Their senses are extremely highly developed and the power they are able to wield is enormous.
    Luckily, the Songweavers are neither an aggressive nor an irresponsible clan. They rather focus on the study and of their inherent abilities than on the exploration of their destructive potential.
    Songweavers are confident, yet at the same time very sensitive people.
    Techniques: Songweavers are, amongst other things, capable of sonic attacks, the manipulation of speech and sound, and teleport at the velocity of sound.
    Commerce: Songweavers have a tradition of earning their living with the construction of muscial instruments. Some examples are the windchime, different kinds of flutes, subtle percussion instruments or ampliphication devices.
    Ayala Songweaver became head of the Songweaver clan after her eccentric father, Khoran Songweaver left the hierarchy of the clan for a life as a Brown Elf. Calm and charismatic, Ayala is a respected advisor to other elf clans as well as to individuals of other races.
    Khoran Songweaver has had enough of elven tribe and clan politics and especially his own family which he sees as doomed. Instead he prefers to travel Athas and visit his "friends", for example the rhul-thaun "Birdmaster", the shaman Akaa of the Innik or many beautiful women from his turbulent past... Khoran is no typical Songweaver. That is probably why he gets on so well with Hakaar Fireshaper...
    Tayo Songweaver is a true Songweaver hermit who prefers to spend his time meditating and contemplating the decline of Athas. His most striking physical feature are his deep blue eyes.
    Shani Songweaver does not quite know yet where her place in Athasian society is going to be. She is committed to her studies and appears very positive and carefree, but inside she is very unhappy. This unhappiness is also a result of the pressure she feels from her family to save the Songweaver clan from extinction by producing an "heir".
    Arijan Songweaver, song of Ayala, also feels the pressure of his clan, but for slightly different reasons. Unlike Shani, he has turned his back on his clan and has become a healer. He has an uneasy relationship with his grandfather Khoran. One reason is that that his father was a human Nibenese noble and therefore his gift is not as strong as that of a "pure" Songweaver. The other reason is his presence for male lovers (which he shares with Tayo) which Khoran sees as a curse of Songweavers. Despite only being a half-elf, Arijan is a fully accepted member of the clan, which is probably due to the clan's paranoia of becoming extinct and to the efforts of his mother who truly loved his (now deceased) father.

    The Fireshapers

    The Fireshapers are the most know of the two clans. They are more numerous than the Songweavers and have a stronger public presence due to their manufacture of excellent weapons and armour. Fireshapers, as their name already implies, are capable of shaping and "weaving" light. Their close relationship with the element of fire and the rays of the Athasian sun gives them the fire temper of an elemental fire cleric. Fireshapers are notorious for being stubborn, blunt, vengeful and fiercely proud of their clan. But their are also known for being honourable, charming and hospitable.
    Fireshapers are more generous with the use of their abilities, but refrain from openly displaying too much power, especially among "the superstitious humans".
    Techniques: Fireshapers can create fireballs or bundeled light rays, similar to laser rays, which they can direct at opponents. They can also weave light into a solid protective shield or use it to teleport at light speed. Some fireshapers even deal in lightning and radiance.
    Commerce: Fireshapers produce rare and expensive weapons. The most famous ones are the Sunblade, the Firedagger, and a type of heat-resistant armour.
    Haakar Fireshaper is the eldest of the Fireshapers. He is the official head of the clan, but shares his responsibility with his twin brother Kassio. Haakaar is the archetypal Fireshaper and enjoys to deliberately enact every cliché of Fireformer behaviour. Hakaar is never seen without his fluttering red robe and his personalised golden scimitar.
    Kassio Fireshaper is a little bit more relaxed than his brother. His humour is not quite as shrewd and he is seen in other clothing than the typical Fireformer garb. Kassio and his brother compete with each other in a playful manner, especially when it comes to women and Fireformer tricks.
    Tamana Fireshaper is the daughter of Kiraya Fireshaper, the sister of Hakaar and Kassio who died while fighting a magical disease in a village in the Ringing Mountains. Tamana can be spotted at long distance by her wild, flame-red hair and her Fireshaper robe. Like a fire cleric she has coal black eyes and a strong presence. Her uncles absolutely adore and respect her and are proud of her immense talent. Despite her flamboyant appearance, Tamana is a great deal quieter and more rational than the rest of the clan, but otherwise is a true Fireshaper in every respect.
    Iniko Fireshaper Tamana's extremely charismatic son. He has earned himself a reputation for being the most prolific lady-killer the clan has ever seen and even Hakaar is worrying about him and the numerous off-spring he randomly produces.
    Ajani Fireshaper is Iniko's younger sister. She has inherited the appearance of her mother and the spirit of Hakaar. The two get on extremely well and love to play a game similar to poker together. Hakaar likes to take his grand-niece to the markets to drive poor traders insane with their combined haggling skills...


    Experimental intermarriages of the two clans have proven extremely fatal for the offspring of the couple. They usually resulted in the insanity of the Songweaver-Fireshaper. In some cases the consequences of the insanity were so severe that the children of such a unity had to be executed by the clans.

    Elfclans: The Sand Dancers and Ice Shapers

    The Sand Dancers (sometimes called 'Sand Shapers' or 'Earth Dancers') and the Cloudmakers are two near extinct elf clans who also make use of a strange kind of magic.

    The Sand Dancers

    The Sand Dancers currently are a clan of one. This may sound illogical as there is so much sand on Athas. The reason for this is that the clan was once made extinct by the Champions when they joined forces with the druids during the Great War. The current only member of the clan, Jarid Sand Dancer was only recently discovered by psionically gifted Fireshaper who managed to free the young Sand Dancer after centuries of being trapped in the shape of a sandstorm.
    After coming to his senses after spending half an eternity as a sandstorm, Jarid now has to come to terms with the current state of Athas, and with the fact that he is the only remaining one of his kind.
    Techniques: Sand Dancers, formerly called 'Earth Dancers', have their name because they shape sand/earth and manipulate gravity and other forces. They can also shapeshift into their element and teleport through it. In the past, Sand Dancers were feared for their ability to create unnaturally fierce sandstorms and deadly quicksands.
    Commerce: Sand Dancer deal with precious things such as glass and jewels. In the past, they used to trade these with the Fireshapers against metal.
    Jarid Sand Dancer
    Jarid is slowly getting used to the new Athas. While he enjoys the abundance of sand, he also deplores that there is little variety of it. He is also mourning the destruction defilers have brought upon the land. After enjoying the hospitality of the Fireshaper clan, he is currenlty travelling through Athas to find a place for himself.
    Quite small for an elf, Jarid has shaggy sand-coloured hair, eyes and clothes. The Fireshapers have outfitted him with a symbol of his clan.

    The Cloudmakers

    The Cloudmakers are a clan of two, a young brother and sister. They are currently trapped in the Snow Crown Mountains (Snow Crowns) of Athas.
    The Cloudmakers are said to be the counter-pole to the Fireshapers, but they are not really. In this moment in time, the Cloudmakers see themselves as 'Ice Shapers'. They nearly exclusively focus on the utilisation of cold. In former times, they were a great deal more flexible in their powers - they focused on the manipulation of temperature and the weather. Now they are but a shadow of what the clan once was, as much knowledge is lost in the winds of time.
    The current Cloudmakers don't live as elves. They live as part of an aarakocra tribe in the Snow Crowns. The aarakocra shield them from the outside world as they fear that harm would be done to them (they remember well what happened to Naru's and Atami's mother). Also, should the cloudmakers leave the tribe, the aarakocra would lose their revered ice wizards.
    Techniques: Currently, Cloudmakers can only do a few things to do with cold, e.g. summoning snow clouds, cooling things or granting immunity to cold. They have only very limited power over storms or the weather in general.
    Commerce: Cloudmakers once produced artefacts such as everlasting ice, thermometers or rain bringers. They also hired out their services for court banquets where the nobles wanted to serve frozen delicacies. Traditionally they were good friends and trade partners with a number of aarakocra tribes. This has resulted in the current co-habitation.
    Naru/Naaruuk Cloudmaker
    Naru is a very studious person. Despite his young age he appears quite wise and serious. Naru's main occupation is to teach himself and his sister their magic. But he also takes part in the tribal life, especially as he has taken over the council seat of his mother.
    Atami/Aataami Cloudmaker
    Atami thinks of herself as an aarakocra. She is deeply saddened by her lack of a beak and wings, and is trying to make up for this by wearing a masked cape that makes her resemble an aarakocra. She also hopes to one day tap into unknown powers that will enable her to fly and have a look at the exciting places her tribespeople go to. She is very talented. This is another reason why her brother is very worried about her.

    The Sea of Silt pirates

    Kenos Unarik (male templar/fighter or ranger) AL: lawful neutral
    Character: calm, introverted, conscientious. See stats below.
    Ayra Unarik (male fighter or ranger) AL: chaotic good
    Character: easy-going on the outside, suspicious on the inside; ladykiller.

    Liyan Unarik (male artist) AL: neutral good
    Character: calm, brooding/ sensitive, nervous (depending on mood).

    Kenos, an ex-templar of Balic, is the first Captain of a silt (trailer) that belongs to the Veiled Alliance. Kenos comes from a family of templars. While he and his elder brother Ayra fought among the templars their younger brother Liyan fought to be a sculpturer. However, the careers of both Ayra and Kenos did not last long. The lively and temperamental Ayra was soon in trouble because of his affairs and heavy excesses. When slaves broke out while he was next door with a girl (and inebriated) he was arrested and made a slave himself. However, he also managed to break out and escape to the Sea of Silt where he joined a slave tribe. One day the tribe raided a silt skimmer of which Kenos was the captain. Meanwhile Liyan had confessed to Kenos that he was a member of the Veiled Alliance. First Kenos was shocked but after a while he understood his brother's motives and kept his confession a secret.
    When the silt skimmer was raided and Ayra's tribe threatened to kill Kenos, his elder brother suggested that he should join - otherwise they would really have to kill him and he could most possibly not prevent it.
    Standing between his loyalty to Balic and his family and his wish to stay alive he chose the latter and went with the tribe, hoping to escape at a later point.
    But then there was the ship. While the tribe wanted to destroy it and take some components or use it as housing material, Kenos proposed to keep it as a means of transport so that the tribe could trade with people who did not care where the ship came from. Ayra liked the idea and offered to contact the undead preserver Haakar who had helped them before. What he had in mind was an invisible pirate ship with a magical engine that did not need man power - which was of course not what Kenos had had in mind.
    What has now become of the ship is indeed a camouflaged "slave freer". However, the tribe also uses the ship to explore and cartograph the Sea of Silt and it takes orders from Haakar and Sadira of Tyr.

    Kenos Unarik

    STR 17
    DEX 16
    CON 18
    INT 15
    WIS 15
    CHA 17
    WEAPONS obsidian long sword, knife
    ARMOUR magic bracelets +4
    NOTES Wild Talent: Navigation

    Ayra Unarik
    STR 17
    DEX 17
    CON 17
    INT 14
    WIS 14
    CHA 18
    WEAPONS magic scimitar, dagger

    Lian Unarik
    STR 15
    DEX 19
    CON 14
    INT 16
    WIS 16
    CHA 16
    WEAPONS artist tools
    ARMOUR -
    NOTES Works as a sculptor

    Survivors of the Great War

  • Athasian Wemic
  • Half-wemic
  • Athasian Gnome
  • Athasian Troll
  • Athasian Orc
  • Athasian Ogre
  • Athasian Pixie
  • Athasian Kobold
  • Athasian Goblin

    If we are honest we are glad that all these "fairy-tale" races like kobolds, pixies etc. do not play a part in the Dark Sun game world and that even "formerly annoying" races like dwarves or elves have been adapted and made "bearable". So, if we ever suggested that there are survivors, they would have to undergo an Athasian "makeover". There are numerous possibilities of how the races could have survived. Here are a few examples:

  • A pyreen or powerful druids hid children of each race (like Noah's Ark).

  • Some clans/tribes/families etc. managed to hide somewhere safe, e. g. in a protected oasis (pixies).

  • Some people escaped through portals and now want revenge

  • No survivors, but new creations from the Pristine Tower or people from another plane who found out what had been done to members of their race on Athas (e.g. Scro/orks)

  • Only a handful of members of one particular race were able to escape. To ensure that their race would not die they developed rigid mating practices. After generations of incestuous relationships their race began to degenerate/to develop strange character traits or physical peculiarities.

    So which races have been extinguished? (Please correct us if we're wrong, it's such a long time ago...) Kobolds, pixies, ogres, trolls, goblins, orcs, wemics (hey, we like those!), gnomes...

    Here you will find a few suggestions for a "Survivors" campaign:
    (please see "New Races" for character details)

    The Athasian Wemic
    Description: A wemic looks like a cross between a halfling and a lion. That means from the waist down their body is that of a lion and from the waist up they can easily be confused with halflings because of their thick wild mane.

    Once wemic nomads used to roam the Athasian desert in tribes of about 50. Yet not all wemics lived as nomads - at least not all their life. Since wemics were known for their artistic skills they were often hired as painters, sculpturers or even architects. This way quite a number of wemics became permanent residents of cities and even made their way into politics.

    Unfortunately the wemics were the first to die in the War. They were more emotional than rational, too disorganised and too predictable to have a chance against Rajaat and his ambitious 9th Champion Tectuktitlay. Today only few things remind of the extinguished wemic culture. Wemic architecure is said to have been a model for the city of Urik and certain strong alcoholic brews were certainly invented by the leonine creatures.

    How wemics could have survived:

  • Certain half-wemics could have hidden in cities. From their genetic material preservers and psionicists extracted wemic genes for magical breeding. Alternatively somebody very powerful (an rebellious Champion for example) could have cast the spell "Pure Breed" on half-wemics...

  • A wemic druid managed to hide a whole wemic tribe in an unknown oasis.
  • A courageous tribe of wemics undertook a murderous journey into unconquered lands. Few members survived the journey, but finally they ended up in another desert/savannah/steppe/rocky area/... where they built up a new wemic realm (or just lived in peace and multiplied).
  • During the Cleansing Wars an elite association of preservers, druids, psionicists and shamans of all races formed to secretly work against Rajaat and his Champions. Astonishingly "The Invisible Force" was never discovered, because they always found martyrs who wanted to die for them in order to protect their mission. When the the group planned to make an attempt on Rajaat's life himself they decided to split up for safety reasons. The assassins would have been successful if there had not been a traitor. Since the traitor could only stay with one group he did not know where the others were. One day they got their revenge on him and nobody has heard of them ever since...
  • ...
  • Also see the "Official Version":

    The Half-Wemic

    Description: A half-wemic is the result of a union of a human and a wemic. Half-wemics are almost human in appearance: apart from a leonine face and a tail, and sometimes a mane, claws or fur covered skin their body looks entirely human.
    Most half-wemics had parents who truly loved each other, few were the result of rape (of wemic females by humans) or magical breeding. However, this offspring was accepted neither by humans nor by wemics. Often both parents were killed defending the child from angry wemic or humans or slave hunters. The latter had special clients on the slave market: assassin trainers, bored nobles and brothels. For all the contempt the other races had for half-wemics they still feared the creatures or were fascinated by their exotic appearance.

    Tectuktitlay might not have been able to detect half-wemics with his spell since they are NOT wemics.

    The Athasian Troll

    Surviving trolls could either be the offspring of rebels or of pacifists who preferred to hide rather than to fight the Troll Scourger's army. Windreaver, the last troll knew about both of them, but successfully hid it from Hamanu. His bitterness could not conceal his sarcasm that Hamanu did not kill the last of the trolls.

    Athasian trolls are very different from their relatives on Krynn. They are far from being as uncivilised as these instinct-driven flesh-eaters. Imagine them more like the "Earthdawn" trolls (if we may suggest so...).
    Adventure Hook:

    Most trolls have gone back to their original life-style. They have forgotten the threats of the past and live a peaceful life outside the reach of the Champions. Almost all Trolls have never even heard of the War.
    However, there could be a group who have not forgotten history and who want revenge. These trolls will try to ally with other survivors to eliminate the Champions.

    The Athasian Gnome

    A gnome looks like a slightly undernorished dwarf with pointed ears and a sharp nose (but don't tell them!). They are smaller and of a lighter build.
    Unlike the Athasian dwarf the Athasian gnome possesses facial hair. Gnomes are very proud of their hair, especially of their artistically shaven beards. It is not only vanity that drives them but the acquisition of a rather martial look. This impression is further increased by their choice of clothing. Gnomes love dark clothing, and especially dark armour, be they a fighter or not.

    Athasian gnomes, like their peers, are proud of their numerous inventions which have helped them to survive the War and the cruel land. The style and history of many inventions can be traced back to the art and philosophy of the life-shapers.

    An area where the gnomes are likely to have hidden are the Spitting Holes or any volcanic terrain. Since they are creative inventors they could have developed a method to use the volcanos steam and heat to power engines to help them build their homes on and inside the rocky surface. If a settlement was located in the centre of the mudwells, the wells would function as wards.

    (Please see Rhaltivar - Dragon hold (Places) for more information on Athasian gnomes.)

    The Athasian Ogre

    This strange race seems to be most unlikely to have survived. At least if you keep to the original Monstruous Compendium entry where the creatures are describes as thoroughly plump stupid and evil creatures.

    But then there are the ogre mages! Imagine an Athasian Ogre more like an ogre mage who maybe even had access to the planes or was so clever that he managed to trick their pursuiters...

    Adventure Hook:

    Ogre mages would not have rallied together to fight against the Champions, but they would each have thought of a separate way to get themselves out of trouble.
    Since they were so powerful, the other races loathe these creatures for only thinking of themselves and not helping anybody else.

    The Athasian Pixie

    Pixies: Mischievous, malicious, fun-(at innocent travellers' expense)-loving creatures with a strange taste in fashion. One could almost thank Rajaat for successfully getting rid of them. (sorry for not being very p.c. ...)
    But what would an Athasian Pixie be like?

    A good suggestion can be found on the net in form of the "Dead Lands of Athas" project by Gerald A. Lewis (see Dead Lands supplement:The Cities and City-States of the Dead Lands:Small Home) which can be found and downloaded somewhere on the following site:

    Here is what we have come up with:

    The Athasian Pixies were protected by nature and by the Pyreen. Since that time the life-style of the Pixies has changed:

    Most of them live in oases protecting their environment from defilers, "invading" caravans and disrepectful travellers.

    The Athasian Kobold

    Kobolds will most likely have smuggled themselves in when another species was projected my somebody else. Being underground-dwelling creatures, they might even have hidden in the Rhulisti caverns. Either the Champions did not dare following them or the kobolds discovered powerful magical wards which protected them or distracted the spell.

    The Athasian Orc

    Athasian Orcs could flee to another country. They have been living as nomads since. Athasian Orcs have adapted a lot of customs from other nomad-tribes and city-dwellers.
    One day they might roam across the Athasian desert again...

    Adventure Hook:

    The Orcs are asked by the Trolls to unite with them against the Sorcererkings for revenge.

    The Athasian Goblin

    The goblins changed themselves through extreme rituals that took their remaining 'humanity' from them. When Athasians encounter a changed goblin they mistake it for an undead creature.

  • Places

    Maharduk - The Leviathan Village

    Many moons ago, a tribe of fierce halflings lived in the oasis of Maharduk who prided themselves in being the best hunters. To become part of the circle of great hunters, an aspiring halfling had to kill a particularly large and fierce beast that he would carve out and preserve as a home for his family. Thus, the oasis of Maharduk became populated with numerous 'leviathan huts' ranging from mekillots to sandworms.

    You can use this oasis the following way:

  • One day, a halflings drew the wrath of Hamanu upon them by killing one of his precious war driks. The oasis got raided and all of the halflings were killed. At first the army wanted to destroy all the huts, but as the huts were large enough for humans and even half-giants, they decided to re-use them and turn the oasis into a trading post.

  • The oasis now stands empty or is populated by another tribe.

  • The original tribes still lives there and is after the players and their mounts for food.

  • The halflings drew the wrath of a druid upon them by killing some of his or her proteges/companions. The oasis is now empty apart from some strange halfling stone or wood sculptures and leviathan spirits.

    The Ancestor Lands

    Landscape-wise, the Ancestor Lands resemble the Grand Canyon (or the Bad Lands). Unlike the rest of Athas this place has a rather cool climate. The wind howls around the huge stone shapes that cover everything with their shade. Everything looks to bland and quiet that the ignorant adventurer would assume that hardly anything grows or lives there - at least nothing intelligent. But, just as in the desert, there is plenty of "hidden" life. A particular characteristic of this region are the Birdmen or "Innik": they are a race of humanoids with feathers clinging to their skulls instead of hair.
    Birdmen can transform themselves into a small type of birds. This way they can scout out the area for game or visitors. The Birdmen dwell in caves or clay-and-stone-buildings integrated into the rock. They have a tribal society led by a chief and a shaman. Most Birdmen are latent mages (preservers/druids) rather than psionicists.
    On special occasions Birdmen celebrate or have rituals on top of the rocks they live in (see races).
    Other "monsters" (suggestion): In our campaign we make use of the Shadowrun-Compendium "Paranormal Animals of Europe", especially for this area. One of the dominant creatures is the "Wild Minotaur".

    Storm Giant City Ruins

    In the mountains near the Last Sea lies a gigantic ruined city. The majority of buildings are actually inside the rock. Huge entrances lead visitors into halls of enormous size. Artistically sculptured stone pillars are more decoration than a support. From the stone furniture in these "rooms" it is obvious that the people who lived there must have been at least 20-25 feet in hight.
    The most elaborate building is a temple dedicated to the element of Earth. Other temples can be found which are all dedicated to one element.
    Nobody has lived here for centuries, but still intelligent beings can be found within these ruins. There are raaigs, krags and guardian spirits, for example. Also, various kinds of animals have made their homes within the ancient city.
    Sites of interest: Inside the water temple a magical well can be found. It is protected by Lyena, a raaig. Although she used to be a water cleric she was transformed into this strange being after her death. She will let friendly and peaceful people drink from the well which also has some healing abilities (judgement of the DM). Lyena knows all about the city which was called Urgath. The city was deserted by the giants during the War in order to fight the armies of Rajaat. Only few stayed who later had to flee to the Last Sea.

    The Rhulisti caverns

    A great mystery remain the Rhulisti caverns underneath Athas. Do they really only cover the Jagged Cliffs region or do they expand to all of Athas?
    Our suggestion: The caverns are an ancient underground/subway system. They might have worked like psionic portals or there have been life-shaped vehicles which transported the ancient halflings around Athas. Most of the entrances (or station) lie hidden under tons of sand.
    Maybe a party once discovers a strange entrance in a ruin and takes the irresistible invitation to follow the channel (or staircase or pit...) and ends up in a new hidden part of Athas?

    Tar Honak - The Elven City

    It is not known if anybody in the table lands area of Athas has ever heard of the last elven city of Tar Honak. It was the first non-rhulisti city to be built and the last to remain. Its history can be traced back until the 8th World Age over 14,000 years ago. How the city survived the Cleansing Wars and elven wars:
    Here are some possibilities. Feel free to use any which are suitable for your campaign if you like this city.

  • The Earthdawn:"Parlainth" idea: Any knowledge about the city was erased by one powerful spell developed by a group of preservers and/or psionicists. In addition the city was hidden.
    Should one of the Sorcererkings ever hear what happened they will a) want to have their revenge and b) be determined to get hold of this spell and certainly nobody (well, almost nobody) would ever wish to see a Sorcererking with a copy of that scroll!
  • "The site has moved": The city was moved to a different location by a powerful spell. In this case the only people who know about Tar'Elon for sure are the Sorcererkings. Amongst the elves the city is only a legend.
  • Tar'Hoank was hidden by a druid or was secured with help of magical traps like mazes, maddening illusions, neverending roads etc.

  • The city of Tar Honak is incredibly big and incredibly beautiful. Its huge population consists solely of elves. In the beginning of the Vanishing there had also been a few humans and half-elves, but after thousands of years of interbreeding hardly any traces of human characteristics are visible apart from a slightly stouter built of most Tar Honak elves and less sharpened senses which can also be a consequence of city life.
    From above the looks like a spiral. Because of the spreading population the city had to be expanded century after century. This was not accomplished by setting up new quarters or adding "rings", but by building an open ring of buildings around the old city centre so that buildings can be added. This way, the main road is a spiral though it is crossed by smaller roads which go out like rays from the spiral's heart. This way you are literally able to follow the city's history.
    Government: Tar Hoonak is governed by a the Council of Eight, which was only recently called The Council of Nine. To understand this one has to know that the city has a system of guilds. These guilds elect their member for the coucil. The Eight are: The preservers (called mages), the clerics, the druids, the bards, the merchants, the psionicists, the soldiers and the workers. And the ninth guild were the nobles. The nobles faction was abolished because more and more people were suspicious of the nobles growing influence on other factions. The nobles used to be the only faction which was allowed to join different factions than their own and were steadily increasing their power by having more and more candidates in other guilds.

    The current council consists of

  • Andin Taahar (preserver(+fighter), lawful neutral)
  • Chimitii Iphsha (earth cleric, neutral good)
  • Dayanuu So'al (psionicist, lawful neutral)
  • Airaan Yinek (merchant, lawful neutral)
  • Cassis (bard, chaotic neutral)
  • Kainaan Osakis (soldier)
  • Haaya Ima'iin (druid)
  • Siyana Kaih'al (worker)
  • The leader of the officially abolished 9th faction is Riial Dabuu (noble (fighter/wild talent)).

  • Since the beginning of the Cleansing Wars the Tar Honak elves have become paranoid about the outside world - after they had witnessed what was done to the city of Tar Elon (see The Valley of Dust and Fire: "The Sea of Silt"). Even after decades of isolation they did not dare to leave their city. However, the council has always had spies. It is not that the paranoia results from ignorance but from the certainty that as long as the former Champions are alive the city cannot be safe. Therefore, nobody is allowed to leave the city apart from the Watchers. This used to be a problem especially with the young people.
    Therefore (you may chose from these or take your own idea)...
  • ...the council decided to remove all knowledge about the outside world with another powerful spell to keep the people from making their escapes.
  • ...magical traps and barriers were formed around the city. They make an escape almost impossible...but only almost (GDR syndrome)! The players might encounter a Tar Honak elf who has made his/her escape and now wants to go back/is in the custody of an inquisitor/tells people about the city to bring it freedom.
  • ...the people are fed up with hiding and determined to defend their city.
  • ...The elves have constructed an underground adventure and leisure park or links to other hidden settlements.
  • ...

    Rhaltivar - Dragon Hold

    Rhaltivar is a city constructed by Athasian gnomes. It is more like a mighty fortress than a city. Its massive obsidian walls form a pentagon with three sides melting into the stone.
    Rhaltivar is a masterpiece of organised chaos. Completely illogically constructed to strangers and enemies - at first sight - it embodies protection for thousands of inhabitants.
    From its peculiar functions it is obvious that the architects of the city knew of the Dragon, but misinterpreted its existence: Rhaltivar can entirely seal itself from the outside world. Should an ordinary dragon ever attempt to fly an attack on the city it will encounter a rather annoying surprise: The Guardians of the City will initiate a mechanism to bring out thick sheets of obsidian or simple stone. These sheets will cover up the entire city. Normally they are hidden within house walls or gangway-like connections between important buildings. Unfortunately Dragons are not ordinary reptiles...
    The Sealing is not the only security measure. Rhaltivar was mainly built for war and hides countless functions from repeating canon-like weapons to underground tunnels and emergency supply halls. Even inside the buildings the inventions of the paranoid gnomes does not stop. If enemies managed to enter the city they would probably be driven insane by mazes, traps, illusions etc.

    The Spitting Holes/The Spitting Mouths

    The Spitting Mouths are hot mud wells located near the Valley of Dust and Fire. The are continuously bubbling with a greyish strange-smelling substance that is spat out every couple of minutes. If a person is covered by the slime the he/she suffers damage not only from the heat but also from its aggressive acid.
    This area is not only dangerous because of its geographical peculiarities, but also because it is the site of a war between a magma cleric and a powerful defiler. The wells originally result from a dormant volcano, but were modified as deadly traps.

    The River of the Dead

    The river of the Dead is a black oily "stream". It really only appears as a river, because of its shape and its shiniy surface. But it does not move. The phenomenon of the River occured after a life-shaper vs. defiler duel. A rumour that it is "semi-intelligent animated EVIL matter" has never be proven right. It could literally be anything from harmless life-shaping waste to a strange evil intelligent life form which requires huge amounts of positive energy to neutralise.

    One thing is certain: Occasionally smaller life-forms separate itself from the river and return to it...after they have consumed a person's magic powers...

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