Freedom! Dark Sun Classes

This is all inofficial material. Although we are working on getting some of it canonized ;)

  • Drake Guardian PrC
  • Athasian Armourer
  • Seer
  • Healer
  • Transition Medium
  • Shaman
  • Psiducer
  • Eleganta
  • Rogue Life-shaper
  • Character kits in brief

  • The Drake Guardian (PrC)
    by Lastard & Wintergreen

    "I am lacking respect for your Master? Why worship a Sorcererking when you can worship a true godly being?'
    --- Drake Guardian to Nibenese Templars before seeing them swallowed by his Master

    The class is typically taken by druids and clerics who have multi-classed as psions, though some psions choose to enter into an elemental pact to come closer to this natural source of power. The psion, druid or cleric has to have an affinity for the same element as the drake.

    Drake guardians are a mixture of druid, cleric and psion. They have harsh and eccentric masters but are given great powers in return to protect the drake and its environment. To be chosen by a drake is a dubious honour bestowed upon very few people. These individuals are usually alienated from human society or value power and knowledge above all. Drake guardians are bound to serve their master's interests and if they do not prove worthy they know what terrible fate awaits them… Successful drake guardians gain more similarities with their masters over the years in terms of their appearance and their abilities before finally ascending to a state of near perfection as a half-drake.

    Hit Die: d8
    Alignment: any non-good
    Skills: Knowledge (planes) 8 ranks, Survival 5 ranks,
    Feats: Great Fortitude
    Abilities: Str 13+, Wis 13+
    Spells and Powers: Ability to cast protection from energy as a divine spell, ability to manifest energy bolt
    BAB: +3
    Special: Must be accepted and initiated by the Drake
    Class Skills
    Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Handle Animal (Wis), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Psicraft (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis).
    Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Spells per day/Powers known
    1st 0 2 2 2 Tooth and claws of the Drake, Elemental Affiliation, Elemental Power -
    2nd 1 3 3 3 Energy Resistance 5, Heart of the Drake +1 level of existing divine caster level
    3rd 1 3 3 3 Scales of the Drake (+2 natural armour) +1 level of existing manifesting class
    4th 2 4 4 4 Favour of the Drake (1 reroll/day) +1 level of existing divine caster level
    5th 2 4 4 4 Elemental Shield (1/day) +1 level of existing manifesting class
    6th 3 5 5 5 Energy Resistance (10) +1 level of existing divine caster level
    7th 3 5 5 5 Aspect of the Element +1 level of existing manifesting class
    8th 4 6 6 6 Favour of the Drake (2 rerolls per day) +1 level of existing divine caster level
    9th 4 6 6 6 Elemental Attack (1/day) +1 level of existing manifesting class
    10th 5 7 7 7 Drake Ascension, Favour of the Drake (Luck) -

    Class Features

    Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Drake guardians do not carry armour apart from their natural armour. They are proficient with natural and simple weapons.

    Spells per Day: At 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th levels, levels in the class, the character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained, except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming an arcane trickster, she must decide to which class she adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.

    Manifester level advancement: At 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th levels, a guardian gains additional power points per day and access to new powers as if she had also gained a level in whatever manifesting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus feats, metapsionic or item creation feats, psicrystal special abilities, and so on). This essentially means that she adds the level of guardian to the level of whatever manifesting class the character has, then determines power points per day, powers known, and manifester level accordingly.
    If a character had more than one manifesting class before she became a guardian, she must decide to which class she adds the new level of guardian for the purpose of determining power points per day, powers known, and manifester level.

    Elemental Affinity: All drakes, elements and paraelements have an associated energy type. The drake's class features are affected by this relationship. The following table details the affiliation between element and energy type (Element: Energy type).

  • Air: Electricity
  • Earth: Acid
  • Fire: Fire
  • Water: Cold
  • Magma: Fire
  • Rain: Electricity
  • Silt: Acid
  • Sun: Fire

  • Elemental Power (Ps): The drake guardian adds to her powers known an additional power determined by her elemental affiliation. In addition, each drake guardian can manifest that power as a psi-like ability 1/day as a manifester of the level in the PrC and manifested as if the guardian had spent a number of power points equal to their levels in the Drake Guardian prestige class. This may augment the power in some way but does not actually spend power points. The applicable DC of any save against the psi-like ability is 10+the level of the power+ the drake guardian's Cha modifier.

    Fire: Control Flames
    Air: Control Air
    Earth: Swarm of Crystals
    Magma: Matter Agitation
    Sun: Control Light
    Rain: Grease, Psionic
    Silt: Body Equilibrium

    Energy Resistance (Su): Drake guardians become more resistant to the type of energy associated with their drake's element. At level 2 they gain a resistance of 5 against this energy type, at level 6 they gain a resistance of 10. This resistance stacks with that granted by certain cleric domains.

    Heart of the Drake (Su): Drakes are in essence living vortices, similar to the vortex that allows sorcerer-kings to grant spells to their templars. The guardian can draw power from the drake to achieve two effects. They can stop any defiling effect on land by providing the energy themselves (though this means that the guardian takes damage equal to 2hp/level of the spell). Additionally Spells cast and powers manifested by the guardian that have the energy descriptor affiliated with the guardian's patron element have their spell save DCs increased by 1.

    Aspect of the Drake (tooth and claw) (Ex): The guardian takes on certain physical characteristics of the drake. The guardian gains a primary bite attack (at her full base attack bonus) and two secondary claw attacks (at her base attack bonus -5 and adding only half her Strength bonus on damage rolls). The bite attack deals bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage equal to a short sword of the guardian's size (1d6 for a Medium guardian, or 1d4 for a Small guardian), while the claws deal piercing and slashing damage equal to a dagger of the guardian's size (1d4 for a Medium guardian, or 1d3 for a Small guardian).

    Scales of the Drake (Ex): The guardian takes on certain physical characteristics of the drake. His skin starts to resemble drake hide, giving her a natural armour bonus.

    Favour of the Drake (Su): At 4th level, the Drake gifts his guardian with a token (typically a scale, tooth or nail) that grants the bearer some of the fabled luck of the drake. You gain the power of good fortune, which is usable once per day. This extraordinary ability allows you to reroll one roll that you have just made before the game master declares whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the original roll. The token allows at 8th level this power can be used twice a day. At 10th level the token also acts as a stone of good luck (see DMG). Another can use the token but if the guardian does not carry it then it loses its powers (It takes one day/guardian level for the powers to fade). The token will also lose all its powers if the drake itself dies.)

    Elemental Shield (Su): Once per day, drake guardians can wreathe themselves in their element. Any creature that attacks the drake guardian using handheld weapons or natural weaponry suffers damage from the environmental shield (1d6+1 point per drake guardian level). The damage inflicted is of the energy type associated with the drake's element. Note that handheld weapons with reach can be used safely against the drake guardian. The elemental shield lasts 1round/level of drake guardian).

    Aspect of the element (Su): As a standard action, the guardian may assume the aspect of the element alternate form. The guardian can assume the form for a total number of rounds per day equal to their level in the drake guardian class. These rounds need not be consecutive

    The guardian's body becomes gaseous (as the gaseous form spell, except that she can fly at a speed of 100 feet with perfect manoeuvrability and doesn't lose her supernatural abilities while in this form). While in this form, the guardian has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning, as well as any other immunities provided by the gaseous form spell. The guardian cannot cast spells while this aspect is in effect.

    The guardian's body becomes stony and rocklike. While in this form, the guardian has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. She gains a slam attack that deals bludgeoning damage equal to a morningstar of the guardian's size (1d8 for Medium guardians, 1d6 for Small guardians). Her natural armour bonus becomes +8 (replacing any other natural armour bonus the guardian has, though enhancement bonuses to natural armour still apply normally). She also gains damage reduction 10/magic. The guardian cannot cast spells while this aspect is in effect.

    The guardian's body bursts into flame. While in this form, the guardian has immunity to fire, poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. In addition, any creature struck by the guardian in melee (whether with a weapon, unarmed attack, or natural weapon) takes an extra 1d6 points of fire damage and must succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 guardian level + guardian's Con modifier. Creatures hitting the guardian with natural weapons or unarmed attacks while this aspect is in effect take 1d6 points of fire damage and also catch fire unless they succeed on the Reflex save noted above. The guardian also gains damage reduction 10/magic.

    The guardian's body becomes semifluid. While in this form, the guardian gains a +10 bonus on Escape Artist checks, resistance to fire 10, and immunity to poison, steep, paralysis, and stunning. She gains a swim speed of 90 feet and a +8 bonus on her Swim checks. Her touch puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are Large or smaller. The guardian can dispel magical fire she touches as if she had cast greater dispel magic on it. She also gains damage reduction 10/magic.

    The guardian's body becomes hot and viscous. While in this form, the guardian has immunity to fire, poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Anyone she touches must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10+ guardian level + Con mod) or take an extra 1d8 points of fire damage as clothes ignite or armour becomes searing hot. The damage continues for another 1d4+2 rounds after the guardian's last successful attack. In this shape, the guardian can also ignite flammable materials with a touch. Anyone within 20 feet of the guardian must also succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10+ guardian level + Con mod) or take 1d6 points of heat damage per round from the intense heat. Any metal weapon that strikes her must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10+ guardian level + Con mod) or melt away into slag.

    The guardian's body becomes gaseous and radiates hot and blinding light. While in this form, the guardian has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning, as well as any other immunities provided by the gaseous form spell. All within 30 feet who look upon the guardian must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10+ guardian level + Cha mod) or be dazzled. While in this form the guardian has a power similar to Fiery Discorporation except that it works through sunlight rather than fire.

    The body of the guardian becomes steam-like. While in this form, the guardian has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning, as well as any other immunities provided by the gaseous form spell. While in this form, the guardian also gains a +5 bonus on Escape Artist checks, resistance to fire 5, and immunity to poison, steep, paralysis, and stunning. The guardian gains quench as a spell-like ability at a caster level equal to the guardian levels.

    The guardian's body becomes a blurred shape of powder. While in this form, the guardian has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning, as well as any other immunities provided by the gaseous form spell. A guardian in silt form can engulf opponents and fill the air around them with silt. For this, she must hit with a slam attack (Improved grab). She can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. The target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10+ guardian level + Con mod) or inhale the silt. The victim can hold her breath for 2 rounds per point of Constitution. After this period of time, she must make a DC 10 Constitution check in order to continue holding her breath. The save must be repeated each round, with the DC increasing by +1 for each previous success. When the character fails one of these Constitution checks, she begins to suffocate. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, she drops to -1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she suffocates. Also, the guardian can blind a character with the silt. Affected opponents take a -2 penalty to Armour Class, lose their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), move at half speed, and take a -4 penalty on Search checks and on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Spot checks) automatically fail.

    Elemental Attack (Su):

    Elemental Attack (Air) - Whirlwind (Su)
    Once per day an air drake guardian may create a whirlwind that lasts for 10 rounds. The whirlwind is 10 ft. wide at the base, 50 ft. wide at the top, and 100 ft. tall. The drake guardian may form a smaller whirlwind if she wishes.
    Medium or smaller creatures might take damage when caught in the whirlwind and may be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 30) or take 2d6 points of damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking 2d6 points of damage. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave it the save is successful. If the whirlwind's base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision beyond 5 ft. Creatures 5 ft. away have one-half concealment (see Concealment, Combat Section in the Player's Handbook).
    Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC 30). The save DCs are Strength-based.

    Elemental Attack (Earth) (Su)
    Once per day an earth drake guardian may gate in 50 cubic ft. of material from the elemental plane of earth. This material is composed of rock and soil and must be gated onto a solid surface but may be in any shape the drake guardian desires. Any one caught in the area the material is gated into must make a Reflex save (DC 23). A failed save means the victim is trapped under the earth and is affected as though by an avalanche (see DMG Chapter 3). The save DC is Charisma-based.
    Elemental Attack (Fire) (Su)
    Once per day, a fire drake guardian is able to gate in a 50 feet diameter sphere of fire from the elemental plane of fire. Any creature caught in the area of effect takes 8d10 points of fire damage (Reflex save for half, DC 21). Any creature that fails its saving throw also catches fire. The flame lasts for 1d8 rounds (see DMG for more on catching fire). Flammable material within the area of effect may catch on fire as well. The save DC is Charisma-based.

    Elemental Attack (Water) (Su)
    Once per day, a water drake guardian is able to gate in a 50 feet diameter sphere of pure water from the elemental plane of water. Any creature caught in the area of effect suffers 4d8 points of bludgeoning damage (Reflex half DC 21) as the sphere collapses. Any creature that fails its save is also knocked prone. If the water is contained within an area, creatures in the area of effect may be in danger of drowning. The save DC is Charisma-based.

    Paralemental Drake Bond (Su): The Para-elemental drakes are not sufficiently powerful to have their own elemental attacks. Paraelemental drake guardians who achieve this level of power have the undying loyalty of their patron drake though and can be assured that it will do their bidding as long as they remain close to their chosen element. The bond is particularly close between a guardian and a paraelemental drake so they share some features of a wizard and his familiar. The drake guardian develops an empathic link with her drake, may share spells and they have the speak with master ability.

    Drake Ascension: At 10th level the drake guardian has channelled her drake master's will and energies so often that they have had a permanent transformative effect on the mind and body of the guardian. They acquire the half-drake template (as in Terrors of Athas).

    Athasian Armourer

    'You want WHAT?!? You've either been out in the sun for too long or you must have looted the Naggaramakam itself! Well, let's have a look at what the caravans are bringing in this week and I can maybe do you a deal.' -- Shaloud, Nibenese Armourer

    Armourers are the unsung heroes of Athas. While many Athasians need to created makeshift weapons and arms from scratch - and even use them, these men and women - and their ingenuity paired with competence - are the ones who truly save your ass!
    There are two types of armourers on Athas - one is in the service of a Sorcerermonarch or noble, the other caters for the masses, often illegally. There are more of the latter. Apart from the selected few who learn how to craft metal, most Athasian armourers have to work with what they can get their hands on: chitin, bone, agafari and cloth. Few of them specialise in one material, nearly all of them work with a combination of things.

    Unlike the blacksmith, the Athasian armourer does not have strength as a primary requirement. Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Constitution are of equal importance. The most important ability is to come up with a viable design - if need be, someone else can make it.

    Adventures Armourers travel for different reasons. It tends to be work-related: the sourcing of new materials, finding work after getting into trouble in a city state for suppying the wrong kind of people - or simply to offer one's services where they are needed.
    Characteristics Athasian Armourers are closer to rogues or Athasian bards in spirit than to fighters. They need to be resourceful and crafty. Many of them do something illegal to obtain their materials. They are highly skilled and with time acquire knowledge of strange ways of improving weapons through the materials they handle. Experienced armourers may craft weapons with such skill that they gain exceptional abilities. Some armourers decide to learn the forbidden arts of magic or psionics.
    Alignment Armourers can be of any alignment, although few of them are lawful.
    Religion Many armourers worship the element/paraelement connected to the material they most work with or worship totem animals.
    Background Athasian armourers have a diversity of backgrounds. Many are self-taught, some were taught by friends or family, some got forced into learning their profession. There is no association of armourers.
    Races Every race on Athas has their armourers. After all, who knows more about protecting a specific race's anatomy than the armourers from that particular group?
    Other classes Athasian armourers both love and hate working with psionicists, bards, clerics or wizards to improve their weapons. They are uneasy around templars. They love barbarians as they are their prime customers. Unless they work with endangered animals, armourers tend to show great respect for druids as they protect the sources of their materials.
    Class Skills Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility)(Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).
    Class Features
    Weapon and Armour
    Armourers are proficient with a considerable number of weapons. While their focus is on making them, they also need to know how to use and to improve them. They do not, however, tend to have the time to specialise in a weapon (unless they were a gladiator first).
    Other features
    From 4th level, the Athasian Armourer attracts apprentices (depending on the area the armourer practices his craft in) which he may or may not take on. After they have been with the armourer for three of his ranks they become armourers themselves.
    Repair Life-shaped Armour At level 6 halfling armourers from the Jagged Cliffs area gain the ability to repair and maintain life-shaped armour.
    Repair Magical Armour
    At level 8 the Athasian armourer gains the ability to repair psionic weapons and armour.
    Repair Psionic Armour At level 10 the Athasian armourer gains the ability to repair magical weapons and armour.
    Master Craftsman At level 12 the Athasian armourer gains the ability to create weapons and armour of such a complexity that they take on the characteristics of magic items. Ranks in the character's craft skill count as caster levels.

    The Seer

    Closely linked to the bard class is the class of the seer. There are several types of seers on Athas. The necromancer or the bard who uses necromancy or related artefacts to talk to the dead and predict the future, the shaman who converses with the spirits of the land and the "true" seer who from an early age receives visions about past and future events.
    This class is based on the AD & D "Sages & Specialists" book - "seers are a special kind of magic-user". They are located somewhere between wizards and psions. Their spells are powered by their own bodies which explains why seers charge so much for their services - they often need to finance medical care for themselves... Seers look down upon "non-genuine" seers who try to find other ways of achieving their level of skills instead of tapping their own power. Seers especially loathe necromancers/defilers since they pay neither the living nor the dead enough respect.

    Adventures Many seers do not like to be in a fixed place. Seers are a target of abductions since people want to use them for their own personal plans. They like to wander from place to place with people they can trust, people who can protect them. This way they can use their gift to make a living as well as help the group. Some seers are thrill-seekers similar to bards, some seek a way to rid them of their gift or help them to control it
    Characteristics Seers receive visions. Most Athasian seers also receive spells which can be neither be classes as preserving or defiling. Their spells are mostly divination spells. Seers receive a lot of knowledge from their visions.
    Their spells have a cost similar to psionic powers.
    Alignment Seers can be of any aligment. Most seers are of some form of neutral aligment.
    Religion Seers tend not to believe in the elements. Their experience with the supernatural has makes them believe in what can be described as the place their visions come from. Some seers actually believe in an entity who communicates those visions to them.
    Background Seers are born with their gift. Most seers are not so lucky to find another seer who guides them, although there are a few concerned seers who seek out children with the gift in order to help them. They have to learn to control their gift themselves which is often a very scarring experience that marks the seer for life.
    Races Elves, humans, dwarves, aarakocra,half-elves, halflings. Elves have the highest number of seers. There are rare cases of pterran seers.
    Other classes any class
    Class Skills Scry (Int), Concentration (Con), Spellcraft (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Knowledge (other cultures) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Speak Language (Int), Appraise (Int), Profession (Wis), ... (optional)
    Class Features:
    Weapon and Armour
    Seers often learn weapon skills to protect themselves. These are usually daggers, staffs, or other weapons that can easily be concealed or disguised as something else. Some seers also use paralysing poison on their weapons.
    Spells 0-level (cost: 1 hp): Legend Lore, True Seeing, Vision, Foresight, Detect Undead, Detect Thoughts, Darkvision
    1st level (cost: 3 hp): Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Magic, Find/Know the Path
    2nd level (cost: 6 hp): Detect Object, Tongues, Dream, Discern Location, Read Magic, Mind Blank, Identify disease (know cure), Calm Emotions,
    3rd level (cost: 9 hp): Hypnotism, Sleep, Alarm, Dispel Magic, Confusion, Seeming,
    4th level (cost: 12 hp): Detect Scrying, Scrying, Contact other plane, Prying eyes, Emotion,
    5th level (cost: 15 hp):Greater Scrying, Daze, Whispering Wind, Fear, Dismissal, Lesser Planar Binding, Suggestion
    6th level(cost: 18 hp): Charm Monster, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Nightmare, Ghost (Unseen) Servant, Magic Mouth, Summon Creature, Mind Fog, Limited Wish
    Other Seers have something similar to bardic knowledge. They learn secrets from the people they receive visions about. Rarely, however, will a seer part with such personal information.

    The Healer

    Healers are very common on Athas. They heal without magic. For adventuring PCs this class could be interesting as a dual- or multiclass. While healers tend to have pacifist nature, they also see the necessity to defend themselves or their patients on the harsh world Athas. Travelling healers are usually martial arts experts. This is part of their apprenticeship and not only benefits their survival but their physical health. Healers are hard-working people who encounter all sorts of diseases or violent patients and need to maintain an excellent constitution by all means.

    There are two kinds of healers on Athas (leaving clerics, wizards, psionicists aside): Healers who heal without spells (like your average doctor...) and healers who heal with spells. There is a specific kind of healing magic on Athas which requires healers to use their own bodies as a source of power.

    Adventures Healers travel with adventurers for several reasons. Less altruistic healers offer their services to adventurers, because they hope to earn great riches while travelling with them, quite a few healers work for the Veiled Alliance and perform tasks for them, there are healers who would like to help people in more remote places, other healers who need to flee from somebody and still other healers who just like adventuring/travel/fighting against evil in general.
    Characteristics Healers have the ability to draw on their own life energy to heal other people. Some healers can also draw upon the energy of other people.
    Concentration check. Healing check. Then they suffer the hitpoint loss of the person they are treating.
    Alignment healers are usually of good or neutral alignment, however there are a number of evil healers. Evil healers usually work for personal wealth or prestige and only treat people who can afford their exorbitant rates.
    Religion Many healers are deeply religious. There are two types of beliefs: the belief in the elements and the belief in the Good. Some healers worship a famous healer they have chosen as their role-model.
    Background It is usually an incident early in a healer's life that reveals the gift to him or her. This can be a wounded animal, a sick sibling or an insane beggar. The child instantly knows it can help the person/creature. In most cases, the child is not able to do anything. Extremely talented healers might be able to help, but as a child, their energy is not strong enough and they will faint (or die) in the attempt. Later in life, the potential healer can look for a mentor. Few healers are self-taught.
    Races Healers tend to be humans, dwarves, aarakocra, halflings, half-elves and elves. But theoretically healers can be of any race.
    Other classes The preserver is a very common second class for healers. It allows them to draw upon other sources than their own life-energy. The second most common classes are psionicist, cleric, fighter and bard. Healers work with any class except defiler.
    Class Skills Concentration (Con), Heal (Wis), Speak Language (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Craft (Int), Knowledge (Medicine, Nature) (Wis) Profession (Wis),
    Class Features
    Weapon and Armour
    Most healers are pacifist, but often see the need to defend themselves, especially when travelling. It has become a tradition of mentor to instruct initiates in unarmed combat/martial arts. It is a very effective form of unarmed combat using the healer's knowledge of sensitive body areas, nerves etc.
    This form of combat can be compared to that of the monk. In addition, a healer usually carries a number of "protective devices" such as irritating plant spores or simple weapons.
    Spells Healers have one ability: to heal physical and mental illnesses and wounds. Like psionicists, they draw upon their own energy, but in their case it is their life energy and sometimes that of others.
    Other Purity of the body (see monk), Ki Strike (see Monk), Diamond Body (see Monk), Quivering Palm (evil healer or for self-defense only; see Monk), Timeless Body (see Monk)

    Transition Medium

    The transition is the point in life where a person's psionic powers manifest. The stronger one's powers the more violent the transition will be. Usually psionic powers manifest during puberty. If they manifest earlier or later, it will influence the transition. Usually, these are extremely bad side effects that influence a person's mental health. It is not uncommon that people die during a violent transition.

    A Transition Medium is a very sought-after profession, a psionicist who has a positive influence on the transition process, who can guide and help the Gifted during this phase. A Transition Medium faces and extremely high risk of being killed in the attempt to soothe the victims' pain. TMs face an extremely high status among psionicists and often the nobility who hire them to check their children for potential psionic powers (another ability of the TM). Should the gift be detected the TM is paid to regularly pay the family a visit and assist the child during the transition period.
    A person cannot chose to become a TM. He/she has to be born with this extremely rare gift. It especially seems to manifest in dwarves (and pyreen). There are very few elves with this gift.
    A handful of TMs have know to be NO psionicists. They just happened to have a very strong influence on people in transition. Not being a psionicist as well as a TM put the Medium at an even higher risk.

    Adventures A Transition Medium either travels alone or in a group or lives somewhere where they are needed. A few TMs live in isolation when they feel they cannot bear another transition. Often, noble families or organised criminals will fight over a Transition Medium. It is not uncommon, that TMs are kidnapped and forced to aid specific people. Many TMs travel with armed bodyguards (or adventuring groups) and in return give them a percentage of their payment they receive from families (most TMs also help poor people in transition - without wanting any payment).
    TMs often feel drawn to people who will soon enter transition or who are going through transition.
    Characteristics The key feature of a transition medium is his/her ability to help psionically gifted people through the transition process. A transition medium needs to have a high constitution and good reflexes in addition to their ability. Most transition media are skilled fighters and specialise in unarmed combat.
    Alignment Most TMs are either of neutral good, lawful good, lawful neutral or neutral alignment. However, in the past there have been chaotic neutral, chaotic good and even lawful evil TMs.
    Religion Elemtents or atheist
    Background When the ability of a transition medium is discovered the person is often immediately forwarded to other people in need without receiving any "training" at all. Transition media tend to learn with experience - if they survive that long. Few are lucky to meet a mentor.
    Races The most common classes are dwarf, human, half-elf, (pyreen)
    Other classes Most transition media are gifted psionicists. However, there are a few TMs who do not have any psionic ability at all. Instead they seem to absorb the impact of psionic techniques. Common combinations are healer, fighter, seer, craftsman, cleric, bard.
    Class Skills Concentration (Con), Knowledge (Transition) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Tumble (Dex)
    Class Features
    Weapon and Armour
    Usually, the only time a Medium has to fight is during a person's transition. Some TMs see it necessary to get training as fighters - in case they are attacked during the transition. Few rely solely on their mental powers and become skilled martial artists. TMs are no cowards. Outside the place of transition they will come to peoples' aid.
    Spells The TM has an ability which works similar to a "Calm Emotions" spell. It helps the person in transition to get control over visions, nightmares, physical/mental pain, emotions etc.
    Other from 9th level the Transition Medium is able to self-heal at a fast rate (regeneration) when hurt. At 6th level a TM gains Improved Evasion (see Monk) and Fast Movement. At 5th level the TM can use Stunning Attack (see Monk)

    The Athasian Shaman

    (for details see AD&D Shaman Supplement or mail us)
    A shaman functions as a bridge between the physical and the spirit world. The shaman is not a necromancer, although they are both in contact with the Grey. The shaman sees himself more a servant than a master to the spirits, no matter what alignment she has.
    The contact of the shaman is not exclusively with the Grey. She can also engage with spirits in the world of the living e.g. animal spirits through the Spirit of the Land.
    Shamans divide into three character types, depending on their personality and the focus of their powers:
    The solitary shaman, the spiritualist and the tribal shaman.

    Solitary Shaman

    Solitary shamans dedicate their lives to the spirits of nature. They prefer to live alone in the Wilderness and avoid towns and cities.

    Adventures We recommend the solitary shaman rather as an NPC than player character. He makes a good source of information and is an unusual person who can create a lot of misunderstanding and confusion.
    Characteristics Solitary shamans, as their name implies, are loners. Their goal is to melt in with the spirit world. They have the closest connection to the spirit world but at the same time they become estranged to their actual environment.
    Alignment Solitary shamans are of neutral alignment.
    Religion Spirit World, often tolerant and open to different religions
    Background Few solitary shamans take apprentices. Most solitary shamans learn with a tribal shaman or spiritualist and then decide to take a different path which will bring them greater understanding of the spirit world.
    Races Half-elf, (Brown) Elf, Human, Halfling, Mul, Aarakocra,(Dwarf)...
    Other classes Some solitary shamans are rangers as well as shamans. Their only goal is to become one with the spirit world, but they also need to survive in the harsh, very physical world of Athas.
    Class Skills Concentration (Con), Craft (Objects for Rituals) (Int), Dream Interpretation (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Spirit World)(Int), Knowledge (Ancient Geography)(Int), Spellcraft (Int), and often Wilderness Lore (Wis).
    Class Features
    Weapon and Armour
    Solitary shamans avoid fighting at all costs. If they are forced to fight they try to avoid physical combat and summon spirits to help them.
    Other With each progressing level the Solitary Shaman's social skills and the ability to communicate regress.

    Spiritualist Shaman

    The Spiritualist is a mysterious and often sinister type of shaman. According to the Shaman Book he is "a dark and brooding figure, who speaks with rats and wolves, commands vengeful spirits, and often serves forgotten gods".

    Adventures Spiritualists sometimes join groups to get more safely around Athas. Some seek dark or forbidden knowledge in old ruins and from people like bards. Spiritualists of good alignments would like to establish contact with spirits of the past to learn more about it and maybe use this knowledge to understand and help restore Athas. They might work for the Veiled Alliance or offer their knowledge to them. Powerful evil spiritualists could be the centre of an entire campaign. The Shadowking Nibenay for example could use a spiritualist against one of his competitors and drive him mad without anybody being able to detect the source (at first).
    Characteristics The motivation that drives a spiritualist shamans is power. They use spirits to perform tasks for themselves or others. This can be in the name of Good or in the name of Evil.
    Some shamans take the spiritualist path after they were refused to become a tribal shaman.
    Alignment Self-serving. Very few of good or lawful alignments.
    Religion ancient gods or other
    Background Few spiritualist shamans are interested in taking apprentices. Some do it for a reward or to get a different view which might help them in their own personal goals. Most spiritualists are self-taught, and usually adventure to acquire new knowledge.
    Races Human, Elf, Half-elf, Mul, Halfling...
    Other classes A great number of spiritualist start off being a defiler as well as a shaman. After a while, however, they notice that the defiling path is a growing impediment to their connection with the spirit world. Bard, Rogue and Trader are frequent dual-classes. Spiritualist/fighter is less common...
    Class Skills Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Profession (Wis), Craft (Objects for Rituals) (Int), Appraise (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Dream Interpretation (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (Ancient Geography)(Int), Knowledge (Spirit World) (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Perform (Cha), Use Magic Device (Cha), Spellcraft (Int) and frequently Alchemy (Int).
    Class Features
    Weapon and Armour
    Often cowards who avoid physical combat. Spiritualists like to manipulate spirits and people alike for their own dark purposes. They don't value any life except their own. If spiritualist use weapons they tend to be either magical or poisonous.

    Tribal Shaman

    Tribal shamans serve their tribe as a councillor using the wisdom and experience of the spirits. The spirits they deal with are the spirits of their tribe. These can either be the spirits of deceased members of the tribe or nature spirits, depending on what the tribe reveres.

    Adventures Tribal shaman PCs are either on a quest or their tribe has been extinguished by the wrath of a sorcererking. Tribal shaman NPCs act as healers or provide the PCs with information or ask the PCs for help against something threatening their tribe.
    Characteristics Since she was a child the Tribal Shaman was taught about spirits. Tribal shamans take their position very seriously and are solely concerned with the well-being of their people. Tribal shamans are similar to Athasian bards. They keep their tribes knowledge and pass it on to other generations.
    Tribal shamans are also performers, law-keepers, negotiators, advisors and healers.
    Alignment Tribal shamans tend to be of good, neutral or lawful alignment, but theoretically tribal shamans can be of any alignment. Evil tribal shamans might use their powers to cause and win a war with other tribes to increase their power.
    Religion Ancient Spirits
    Background Tribal shamans traditionally learn from a very young age from the current tribal shaman. The apprentice becomes a tribal shaman if the previous shaman died or left the tribe to become a solitary (or spiritualist) shaman.
    Races Human, Aarakocra, Elf, Halfling, Birdman, (Muls or half-giants in slave tribes)...
    Other classes Some tribal shamans are also Healers, Druids, Preservers, Rangers or Fighters...
    Class Skills Concentration (Con), Craft (Objects for Rituals) (Int), Dream Interpretation (Int), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha), Knowledge (Ancient Geography)(Int), Knowledge (Spirit World) (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Intimidation (Cha).
    Class Features
    Weapon and Armour
    Tribal shamans value the life of their people more than their own. They are brave and clever fighters never to be underestimated. Usually shamans of one tribe have a certain fighting style passed on from shaman to shaman. This will often include ritual weapons.
    Other Tribal shamans have a very high charisma.

    Special Abilities:
  • Shamanic Ritual
  • Medium
  • Omen Interpretation

  • Other:
  • All shamans carry a badge of rank that identifies their status to members of their tribe or culture. This may be a staff, jewellery, garment, weapon or any other valid object. These tokens are usually carefully made and elaborately decorated.
  • In addition to any ordinary weapons a shaman carries two knives, one of bone and one of stone, which can only be used for ritual purposes.
  • Musical Instruments and Masks: instruments can be used as an aid to call the spirits. Usually this is a drum made from hide and agafari, the sticks are made from bone. Masks are magic items serving as "a focal point for both spirits and shamans." Each mask is intended for a different spirit.
  • Patron Spirits: Every shaman starts off with a patron spirit who grant the shaman's spells.

  • If you want to now about spells, spirits and other things regarding the shaman, please write me an e-mail. Don't know about copyright stuff...

    The Athasian Psiducer

    This this character class is partly taken from and inspired by "The complete guide to unlawful carnal knowledge for fantasy role-playing games" (we'd like to thank the author(s) of this guide - it has been a great enrichment to our campaign! *grin*). Psiducers are psionicists who use their power to manipulate people for pleasure and power.

    Adventures Psiducer PCs can either live in one fixed city (if your campaign is set in Tyr or Urik for example) or join a group for material reasons.
    Reasons for joining a group:
  • The psiducer has become widely known as what he/she is and has to leave the city.
  • The psiducer has committed/is falsely accused of a crime and must escape the templars.
  • The psiducer is a bored (noble) or curious travelling psiducer or a psiducer with ambitions to have seduced a person of every city/every race/a pyreen who he/she seeks.
  • The psiducer has formed an "alliance" with a member of the group. This person provides the psiducer with treasure while the psiducer occasionally helps them. (A good "pool" character.)
  • ...
  • Characteristics A psiducer is much more interested in material things than "ordinary" psionicists (who despise the psiducers for this trait). They are vain and beautiful (sometimes the beauty is only achieved with the help of psionics...) and always try to shape other people's will in line with their own goals which are wealth and power.
    Alignment Psiducers tend to be of lawful alignments, however, there are exceptions.
    Lawful good psiducers work to make themselves and other people happy. They often "scan" people and alter their looks so that they resemble the person's ultimate desire. The profit they get is partly invested in charity and the power they gain is wielded to achieve social benefits for everybody. Some believe in an ancient lore according to which enlightenment is achieved by overcoming temptation and pleasure while receiving and giving it. Lawful good psiducers often seduce brutal people to first make them sexually dependent and later to teach them a better way. This way especially female psiducers seek to prevent rape with is all too common on Athas.
    Lawful evil psiducers are ruthless egoists. They have no scruples to kill for their goals or even pleasure. They love to play and make people dependent on them.
    Lawful neutral psiducers often work for an influential personality. They are sought after as spies, assassins, secret messengers or are hired to seduce inexperienced young nobles to introduce them to the art of love-making.
    Religion Psiducers tend to be atheists.
    Background Psiducers undergo normal instruction in psionics. Later they use this training to perfect their own personal style/interpretation...
    Races Known psiducers have been Humans, Elves, Half-elves, (male) Mul and Rhul-thaun halflings.
    Other classes The class of the psiducer can be combined with bard, (rogue,) fighter, gladiator, psychic warrior, wizard, trader.
    Class Skills Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (Seduction), Listen (Wis) Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (Int).
    Class Features
    Weapon and Armour
    Most psiducers try to avoid fights, but there are a fair number of psiducers who like to provoke fights, especially with rivals for a potential victim. Psiducers belonging to the first group rely on their psionic abilities, but are also proficient in weapons such as knives, daggers. Psiducers belonging to the second group have access to a wider range of weapons and also non-weapon fighting styles. Psiducers are known to use poison on their weapons and drugs to make victims more responsive.
    Psionics Please see "The complete guide to unlawful carnal knowledge for fantasy role-playing games" for details as well as the psionics handbook for "basics".
    Other At 9th level the psiducer gains "Skill Mastery" (see 3e Rogue class)

    Eleganta (plural: Eleganta)

    The eleganta is a character class adopted from the Dark Sun novel "Cinnabar Shadows"by Lynn Abbey. They are entertainers and prostitutes working for the higher classes, e. g. nobles and templars. We personally found them enjoyable to play because despite the general attitude towards this profession they hold a fair amount of power and very often involved in the intrigues at court.

    Adventures Eleganta PC are either travelling spies, ex-elganta or work within one city state. Eleganta NPCs can be subject to investigation, source of information, a family member or member of the Veiled Alliance.
    Characteristics Like the psiducer the eleganta is interested in wealth and safety and foremost a good reputation that gives them access to a better (off) clientele. However, they are often less aggressive than the psiducer in achieving their goals. Most eleganta spend a large amount of time enhancig and working for their beauty. They almost always are of neutral alignments.
    Alignment Eleganta are of neutral or lawful aligments.
    Religion depending on the individual
    Background An eleganta is usually instructed by an elder eleganta.
    Races any race, especially interesting looking "exotic" characters
    Other classes Fighter, psionicist, preserver (spy for the Veiled Alliance?), bard( though they are very similar to bards), ... feel free to develop unusual and interesting combinations... ; )
    Class Skills Appraise (Int), Knowledge (nobility, seduction) (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (Int), Swim (Str), Use Magic Device (Cha).
    Class Features
    Weapon and Armour
    Eleganta, as their name implies, prefer elegant fighting styles such as martial arts. Since they do a lot of training (for example in martial arts) to keep their body in shape they are often surprisingly good fighters. Many eleganta own expensive metal daggers, magic devices and poison-rings.

    Rogue Life-shaper

    In our campaign we felt the need to introduce this character class since the struggle for power in the Rhul-thaun society was escalating. The rogue life-shaper can be understood in two ways: The "real" rogue life-shapers are abusing their power in evil ways whereas the "involuntary" rogues have been forced to abandon their protected life to fight often very powerful people who lust to take over Athas.

    Adventures Good life-shapers will oppose the evil life-shapers, mostly from outside the convents. Neutral life-shapers will seek to bring back balance. Evil life-shapers can either be spies pretending to oppose people like Gil-ogres, "mad scientists" trying to find deadly ancient artefacts or agents working for Gil-ogres doing everything from forging and manipulating documents and experiment results to assassinations.
    Characteristics When they flee the convents, good or neutral aligned life-shapers are as arrogant and imposing as their evil counterparts. From the day they entered the life-shaper community they have been taught that they are superior to all non-life-shapers. However, most of them change when they encounter the hardship and danger of the world outside the convents and have to rely upon the mercy of "inferior" members of the society.
    "Evil rogues" are arrogant beyond understanding. They are fanatic, self- confident, greedy and power-hungry (so much for the "evil guy" clichée...). They try everything to spread lies and defame or silence the opposing life-shapers. They do not care the slightest even for a fellow halfling's life.
    Alignment Rogue life-shaper PCs can either be of good, neutral or evil alignment.
    Religion Elements
    Background Rogue life-shapers were educated like ordinary life-shapers until the moment they either changed or were forced to change direction. Evil life-shapers have frequently had evil mentors.
    Races Rhul-thaun only
    Other classes most additional classes have only recently developed, such as fighter, thief, ranger or bard. They are classes who enable the escaped life-shapers to survive. We think that cleric would be a suitable class, since the elements could help form, norish and protect the life-shaped creations (yet too much of any element will destroy the "pith"). Other possibilites are preserver, psionicist and defiler. We were not sure whether a defiler would be be rejected by the "Womb" where potential life-shapers are tested. If the Womb can be manipulated it will certainly be possible...
    Class Skills Knowledge (Life-shaping, Rhulisti Politics), Craft (Life-shaping) (Int), Concentration (Con), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex).
    Class Features
    Weapon and Armour
    Life-shapers are usually not trained to fight, but rogue life-shapers quickly learn that they need to know how to fight. Evil rogue life-shapers or spies will probably use daggers, often life-shaped poisonous ones. Some life-shapers who test the newly crafted weapons know how to use these weapons to a certain degree of dexterity. Generally speaking life-shapers will fight defensively and despite their enormous dexterity, not very skillfully, because they are not meant to fight. Of course there are exceptions, especially with outcasts who had to hide and survive for many years.
    Life-shaping skills
    Other Rogue life-shapers frequently carry a "rogue" innovation with them that is unfamiliar to other life-shapers.

    Character Kits for Athasian Wizards, Clerics and Psychic Warriors. (for Druid kits, please see the Athasian Druids section)

    These kits are based on AD&D Second Edition Supplements, most however are notes on the "Quintessential" guides by Mongoose Publishing.


    Athasian Tattoo Mage
    Arcane writings must be kept invisible and secret at all costs. Few dare what a rare breed of mage is doing: to wear their spells hidden in tattoos on their skin, even if sometimes illusion spells are employed to hide them. There are currently only a handful of masters of this art all of who preservers of the Veiled Alliance - with the exception of one renegade who the other masters have sworn to destroy, among them his former master.

    Athasian Geomancer
    Athasian geomancers are preservers who are able to draw energy to power their spells from sources such as stone, sand, earth, water, fire or air. The technique is incredible hard to master and most preservers attempting to follow this path give up in frustration. Those who persist are rigorous protectors of the land and have earned their respect from the druids.
    Athasian geomancers need a wisdom of at least 18.

    Spell-eater could be a spell as well as a kit. This kit would mostly be taken up by defilers, however it could also be in the interest of preservers to brutally take spells from a defiler's mind.

    A researcher's goal is to track down lost arcane treasures such as fragments of rituals (e.g. how to become and advanced being), magical artefacts and ancient tomes of knowledge.
    A researcher usually supports himself by selling the other treasure he finds.

    Veiled Alliance Justikar
    Some high level wizards in the Veiled Alliance have taken up the habit of monitoring other members of their profession to ensure they are not acting against the goals of the organisation. These individuals are called Justikars and sometimes their monitoring expands beyond the VA.
    The work of the Justikar is made difficult by the cell structure of the VA. Justikars are feared even by people who have nothing to hide.

    Gutter Mage
    I like the name of this character kit. To me it stands for the way most Athasian wizards learn their trade...

    Athasian Provider/Provisioner
    The Veiled Alliance, as well as each respective Sorcerermonarch, employs a number of wizards who specialise in creating magical items, scrolls or potions.

    Athasian Soul-forger
    The Soul-forger kit in the "Quintessential Wizard" strongly reminded me of the halflings of the Pristine Tower and their doings (seeking to create life by animating dead matter in a different way from necromancers).

    Athasian Wordbearer
    Based upon a similar technique to those of the elven Songweaver clan, the Wordbearers are those (usually non-elves) who will never be able to master the powers of the Songweavers, but who share their philosophy of tapping into the power of sound-manipulation.


    (see Races: Athasian Genasi)

    A desecrator is a rather insane individual with a rather short life-span whose goal it is to sabotage/desecrate a Sorcerermonarchs' space.

    There are two types of "clerical avengers": those whose rage was caused by something devastating happening to a large proportion of their patron element and those who have become clerics to use the elemental powers to hunt down their favoured enemies.

    Psychic Warrior

    Elemental Champion
    Elemental champions are temple guardians and messengers, psychic warriors dedicated to the cause of the elements.

    Elemental Master
    An elemental master has the ability to channel the power of the elements for his martial arts. Usually this ability only manifests in elemental clerics who also happen to be psychic warriors or in children of elemental clerics.

    Some psychic warriors prefer a less violent trade and instead of becoming mercenaries they become performers. Usually they work with weapons not unlike jazsts. Visitors to Raam will remember the famous "Dancers" in the arena.

    Introducing the Athasian chiropractor: another less violent trade (that will sound ironic to the people they work on...) chosen by few phychic warriors is that of the bonesetter. They are psychic warriors who use their mental and physical powers to work on people's bones. To the uninitiated this procedure may look like torture and there are stories of bonesetters being employed by templars to do exactly that...

    Vipers are psychic warriors who use dirty fighting usually involving poison daggers, needles and other nasty accessories.

    Mage slayer
    Mage slayers are psychic warriors who seek to destroy wizards. Some differentiate between defilers and preservers, some don't...

    Secret Society Member
    Secret societies have existed on Athas throughout its history. Shortly before and during the Cleansing Wars a number of organisations of psychic warriors appeared. Most were formed by now extinct races such as the wemic, but some of those which were not destroyed are still active today, in addition a number of splinter groups has developed some of which have completely abandoned noble goals. Societies of psychic warriors tend to be small and scattered. The only obvious organisation of psychic warriors are the Villichi. Virtually nothing is known about any others.

    Street Samurai
    Street samurais are currently most commonly found in the streets of Raam - or rather: they find you! There are two types of street samurais: those who mug and those who defend people from muggers.

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