
Druids have been my favourite character class in Dark Sun for a long time. I have played some as a player and many as a DM. Here is some of the stuff that has come together during many games...

Druid Kits

Druid Kits

Athasian Adviser

Advisers have the ambition to influence how a city conducts its dealings with nature after the fall of the city's dragonmonarch. Advisers will try to rise as high as possible in the new governements to ensure that the needs of either the land in general or their respective sphere of interest are seen to. Depending on the character of the druid, an adviser can be more of an observer or downright manipulative.

Athasian Avenger

This is a very common druid type. Nowhere do druids see the land suffer as badly as on Athas. The defilers must be stopped by any means. And an avenger has got the amount of rage and hatred it takes to get rid of at least a good few of them!

Athasian Beastfriend

Athasian beastfriend are vicious saboteurs of trophy hunts and arena spectacles. They try to set examples what happens to people who do not respects animals. They often risk their lives for this, the most recent example being the druid who was dubbed the Bane of Gulg.

Athasian Desecrator

Desecrator druids seek to destroy symbols of a Sorcerermonarchs power. These can be illusions of nature a Sorcererking has set up to pretend, for example, a garden. A druid could use his powers to change or re-shape the vegetation into something that mocks or offends the Monarch such as covering a Dragonking's sanctum with mould.

Athasian Explorer

An explorer druid is constantly looking for new plant life that has developed on Athas. He is interested in the uses and potential of mostly plant, but also animal life and is trying to spot any mutations. Explorers have different motivations: curiosity, economic potential, finding a cure for something, finding a weapon against the Sorcerers, ... or sheer madness.

Athasian Guardian

There are lots of places on Athas that need special guardianship. Usually the most important ones have been protected by Pyreen for millennia. From personal experience guardians don't make good player characters, but great cranky NPCs!!

Athasian Hivemaster

There are usually two types of hivemasters: kreen druids who take naturally to this kit, and non-kreen (usually humans, half-elves or elves) who tend to have more sinister goals than their insectoid colleagues. Ah, and there are the wanna-be kreens of course, those who admire and try to emulate the insect people...
While especially kreen hivemasters have a strong tendency to try to convert non-kreen to more communal living patterns based on their respective kreen society, non-kreen with the same ambitions are definitively the more fanatic folks in this respect. However, they have managed to find a multitude of other satisfactions ranging from infiltrating courts, kank-farming, poison trading to pest controlling or punishing people who harm insects/spiders. One hivemaster is even known to provide a rare type of exquisite kank honey to the Oba of Gulg. His fellow druids in Gulg do not dare thinking about what makes it so special...

Athasian Lost Druid

Athas is the world with the proportionally largest number of Lost Druids thanks to too many little talented magic-users called defilers. When a druid's land is defiled, he/she is either expected to nurture their guarded lands back and if possible hunt down the source of destruction.
A fairly constant number of druids, especially high-level druids, are driven insane each year by the destruction of their guarded lands. As a result they may even turn to defiling magic to destroy the people who destroyed their land... they may even want to destroy all magic-users regardless of their definition as defiler or preserver. They will eventually succumb to the temptation of defiling anyway...

Athasian Outlaw

All Athasian druids used to be outlaws during the time of the Cleansing Wars. After the former Champions realised that the land which powers their magic will die without druids, this class was not hunted down anymore.
Few Athasian druids are still openly pursuing the guerrilla warfare of the time when they were outlaws. The 'new outlaws' usually have become more subtle. However, there is rumour that a large band of druids has formed, united by the belief that the time has come for the druids to reclaim the land from the perverted rulers of Athas. Indeed, many outlaw druids aspire to revive the ancient guerilla warfare in some way or another...

Athasian Pacifist

Pacifist druids are rare on Athas. They are frowned upon by fellow druids and often not even respected by the ones they intend to protect. Pacifist druids believe that all life is sacred and that even the life of a defiler should be protected. They will not kill or attempt to kill a defiler. They would try to negotiate and let the defiler see his twisted ways. One has to admit that some pacifist druids have developed interesting methods to make defilers realize their errors, especially those with psionic powers. Maybe they are not crazy after all...

Athasian Savage

Athasian Savages can belong to a savage tribe such as a feral halfling tribe or they can be part of a slave-tribe either as a non-literate ex-slave, an educated 'enslaved' druid or as a free druid who joined the tribe.
However, there are also 'solitary savages' that have embraced a 'savage' lifestyle as a more 'natural' or 'honest' option to other ways of nature experience...

Athasian Shapeshifter

Shapeshifter druids are quite numerous on Athas. Athas loves its mutants... What sets Athasian shapeshifters apart from shapeshifter druids on other worlds is that they cannot train to become shapeshifters.
Athasian shapeshifter druids have to be born with this ability. It is a mutation which usually occurs in people with a druidic gift. People not becoming druids remain 'wild talents' or simply pass on this ability to their children.
Most shapeshifters feel that they are closer to nature than any other kind of druid.

Athasian Totemic Druid

Totemic druids worship a particular kind of animal they identify with. They either pick an animal native to their guarded lands or serve the animal instead of taking responsibility for an area of land. I am currently working on some Athasian totems which will hopefully soon fill the section below.

Athasian Village/City Druid

Village or city druids believe that humans are just another type of sentinent creature and thus need protection like any other part of nature. Cities and villages are their habitat so they live with them. Village or city druids usually seek to promote druidic ideas about nature which can get them into trouble with the templars if they get too explicit... Many of them have other jobs and try to influence people's thinking more subtly.
There is also another type of city druid which is in the service of a Sorcererking/-queen. Either voluntarily or involuntarily...

Athasian Wanderer

There are lone wanderers and there are gregarious wanderers. There are wanderes who are curious and wanderes who don't feel they want to settle just yet. There are wanderers who don't want the responsibility over guarded lands and there are wanderers who have lost their lands and want to take a break before taking on new lands... Different druids wander for different reasons...


Here are some ideas if you choose to play a totemic druid.

I have dropped the 'no larger than a bear and no smaller than a mouse' rule of thumb from the original druid guidelines as Athas is a world of superlatives and eccentricity. I don't think there were many druids with stats above 20 in the original setting...

I have written down three primary character traits that are associated with the animal totem. I thought it would be logical if feats are chosen for the character that are also owned by the totem. The 'feats' section gives suggestions for choosing feats (I have not got a list of all the feats, so forgive the incompleteness...
The 'special' section gives additional ideas for possible advantages or disadvantages of the totem.

Character traits: Self-reliance, Sincerety, Survival.
Feats: Endurance, Alertness.
Special: Aprig druids are natural survivalists. They can sleep anywhere, eat anything, and they seem to have an innate danger sense. On top they get on with people easily, despite their often unkempt looks and prejudices against their totem animal.

Character traits: Strength, Power, Sincerity.
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Toughness, Run.
Special: Bear/Takis shamans are rather placent people most of the time, but they also can be overcome by a powerful rage. Never enrage a bear shaman!! Bear/Takis shamans should get bonuses to STR and CON or have them major attributes.

Character traits: Alertness, Self-reliance, Loner.
Feats: Alertness.
Special: Boneclaw druids are immune to boneclaw saliva and the poison of other reptiles. They are rarer than boneclaws themselves and usually loners.

Character traits: Nurture, Endurance, Protection.
Feats: Alertness, Endurance.
Special: Carru druids, however cranky they may be, have got a caring side to them. They receive a bonus on healing.

Character traits: Strength, Transformation, Survival.
Feats: Alertness, Toughness.
Special: Cha'thrang druids are immune to all reptile/amphibian poisons and a number of other animal poisons. They also have a bonus on 'hide' checks and when able to transform partly, they get the ability to make their skin blend into vegetation around them.

Character traits: Power, Speed, Resilience.
Feats: Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush.
Special: Due to the enormity of the totem animal the druid is not able to shapechange into a full adult drik from the start. He either partly shapechanges into a drik or into a younger drik rather than a full adult. At higher levels, however, the druid can shapechange into an adult drik. The druid gets a bonus to dealing with driks.
Drik druids are immune to all known poisons and can analyse them by ingesting them. Drik druids are sturdy people with an exceptionally high constitution.

Character traits: Endurance, Social, Alertness.
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Improved Initiative.
Special:Erdul/Erdland/Cordlu druids tend to be restless, edgy fellows. They feel they need to be on the move and have a very high danger sense.

Character traits: Gregarious, Loyal, Transformation.
Feats: Bluff, Spell Penetration?
Special: A gorak druid has the ability to 'paralyse' an opponent as both animal and human. Gorak druids work well together with other people on missions. They are charismatic fellows who can pull people together. They also tend to go for rather colourful items of clothing e.g. brightly patterned scarves or wrap skirts.

Character traits: Ferocity, Cunning, Adaptation.
Feats: Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack.
Special: Hatori druids are surpringly calm people. You don't want one as an enemy, though! Hatori druids also make good hunters and survivalists.

Character traits: Endurance, Loyalty, Force.
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge.
Special:Inix druids are, like their totem animal, a lot stronger than they look. They are quite social and often end up helping less able people to carry their things... but when angered they might just pick you up and throw you against the next wall...

Character traits: Protection, Curiosity, Social.
Feats: Improved Initiative,
Special: Jankx druids are immune to jankx poison and other mammal-secreted poisons. They are usually quite pretty/handsome and usually have no trouble proving to non-druids that their totem has its uses, especially when it comes to part-shapeshifting - ouch!!

Character traits: Persistence, Ferocity, Alertness.
Feats: Track, Mekillothead.
Special: Jhakar druids are known among all druids for their stubbornness. They tend to be awesome trackers...

Character traits: Observant, Defensive, Social.
Feats: Dodge.
Special: The druid can reproduce the effect of 'aversion' in both bird and human form. Normally kes'trekel can only do that as a group. The kes'trekel tends to chose very destitute people as its druids and empowers them with its gifts. This is why kes'trekel druids are so extremely devoted to their totem. Kes'trekel druids are good survivalists as they stay out of trouble where they can. They need to have a very good reason (e.g. 'we outnumber them' or 'i desperately need this spell component') to engage in combat. Kes'trekel druids have no problems living off garbage and lesser quality food. In fact they sometimes deliberately choose such foods & devour them with pride.
Kes'trekel druids look down on all people who think they are something better than someone else & tend to side with the 'underdog'.

Character traits: Strength, Power, Passion.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack.
Special: A kirre druid is usually also a psionicist or at least a wild talent. Kirre druids have a strong connectin with forest areas. They can be quite arrogant, even towards nobles, and are not terribly social.

Character traits: Intelligent, Dextrous, Protection.
Feats: Alertness.
Special: A kivit druid is immune to kivit musk and other mammal-secreted poisons. Kivit druids are much more social and less arrogant than kirre druids.

Character traits: Wisdom, Strength, Patience.
Feats: Improved Initiative.
Special: Kluzd druids are usually quite restricted in their territory. They get a bonus on intimidation.

Character traits: Flamboyance, Strength, Majesty.
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes.
Special: The druid can imitate a lirr's stun roar. Lirr druids are quite laid-back. That is usually because they are aware of their/their totems greatness. Lirr druids can be told from other druids by their eccentric clothing which is even more eye-catching than that of a gorak druid...

Character traits: Endurance, Force, Reliance.
Feats: Toughness, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Mekillothead.
Special: Due to the enormity of the totem animal the druid is not able to shapechange into a full adult mekillot from the start. He either partly shapechanges into a mekillot or into a younger mekillot rather than a full adult. At higher levels, however, the druid can shapechange into an adult mekillot. The druid gets a bonus to dealing with mekillot. Mekillot druids, like Jhakar druids, are notorious for their stubbornness, but also their persistence, sacrifice and great courage.

Character traits: Intelligence, Cunning, Curiosity.
Feats: Alertness
Special: The druid is immune to plant poisons, at higher levels his skin may develop a metallic shine and become natural armour. Rasclinn druids are usually vegetarians. They are quite peaceful and social people and are very good at identifying and looking after plants. Rasclinn druids take well to travelling.

Character traits: Power, Passion, Ferocity.
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude.
Special: Due to the enormity of the totem animal the druid is not able to shapechange into a full adult roc from the start. He either partly shapechanges into a roc or into a younger roc rather than a full adult. At higher levels, however, the druid can shapechange into an adult roc. The druid gets a bonus to training and riding a roc.
Roc druids are often loners. They can be quite aloof and can fall into terrible rages when angered/attacked. The totem can be quite a harsh master and will only take druids that can stand up to it.

Character traits: Force, Endurance, Determination.
Feats: Endurance.
Special: A sandhowler druid is able to imitate the howl of the sandhowler. At a higher level sandhowler druids will gain the ability to paralyse anyone looking at them. Sandhowler druids favour sandy terrain.

Character traits: Communication, Entertainer, Social.
Feats: Alertness.
Special: Sitak druids are dependent on the company of humans or animals. They have a very good memory. They could be quite eloquent and possibly the only type of druid that makes a great entertainer at parties...

Character traits: Ferocity, Loyalty, Fortitude.
Feats: Great Fortitude.
Special: Sloth druids are immune to poisons and are usually not on good terms with half-lings... they don't eat them though! Sloth druids will fiercely defend any people they consider their family, friends or proteges. They receive a bonus on intimidation checks.

Character traits: Nurture, Independence, Alertness.
Special: Sygra druids quite are never entirely comfortable among people and prefer to live as hermits or travel by themselves. If travelling with a group, they will keep a bit of distance and occasionally wander off.
They are usually light sleepers...

Special Totems

Character traits: Power, Transformation, Invincibility.
Feats: according to element
Special: To be chosen by a drake is an honour bestowed upon a very special kind of druid - and very rarely. Drake druids are a mixture of druid, cleric and psionicist. They have harsh and eccentric masters but are given great powers in return to protect the drake and its environment.
Wintergreen and I made this character into a special prestige class:
The Drake Guardian

Insect druids usually fall into the category of 'hivemaster'. There may be exceptions e.g. a mastyrial druid (Character traits: Precision, Silence, Intelligence) or a kank druid (Character traits: Nurturing, Gregariousness, Adaptability).

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