Random Tables for Character Generation

I once wrote a handy character creation process for Dark Sun, however, as the editions keep changing, I find it tiresome to update it. So here I am now going to post some ideas and tables that generally may aid with character creation. As you may have noticed - I love random tables!!


1 Teeth: 1 sharp, 2 occasional sharp ones, 3 dark, 4 powerful jaws.
2 Nose: 1 animal, 2 sensitive, 3 sensitive to particular smells, 4 insensitive.
3 Legs/Arms/Wings: 1 (other) animal, 2 longer, 3 double jointed, 4 deformed.
4 Feet/Hand/Claws: 1 (other) animal, 2 more dextrous, 3 ambidextrous, 4 nails thicker/different colour.
5 Skin: 1 scales/chitinous, 2 freckles, 3 darker, 4 lighter, 5 different colour, 6 insensitive,
7 sensitive, 8 more resistant, 9 furry, 10 feathery.
6 Eyes: 1 no whites, 2 different colour, 3 can see in the dark, 4 blind, 5 see aura,
6 improved vision, 7 other animal-characteristic. 8 other.
7 Ears: 1 pointy, 2 animal-like, 3 weird, 4 keen hearing, 5 deaf, 6 can be moved around.
8 Characteristic of other race: 1 aarakocra, 2 elf, 3 dwarf, 4 mul,
5 human (if human already, then villichi), 6 halfling, 7 genasi,
8 other mutant, 9 half-giant, 10 giant, 11 thri-kreen, 12 pyreen.
9 Empathy
10 Hair: 1 no hair, but scales or something, 2 no hair, 3 different texture,
4 different colour, 5 multi-coloured, 6 extremely curly,
7 sparkly, 8 chameleon.
11 Wild Talent: see psionics handbook
12 Internal: 1 breathing-related, 2 metabolism-related, 3 digestion-related,
4 bone-related, 5 blood-related, 6 reproductive-related. 7 nerve-related
(e.g. nervousness, pain-sensitivity), 8 other internal.
13 Characteristic of Animal: see animal table & roll again to see what is affected.
14 Other power-related mutation: 1 extreme power, 2 power-vampirism,
3 no power, 4 new kind of power, 5 different kind of power to parents,
6 different kind of power regeneration, 7 power accompanied with specific
sensory experience (smell, light), 8 other.
15 Sensitivity: 1 light, 2 heat, 3 allergy, 4 smells, 5 sound, 6 touch.
16 Tolerance/Immunity: 1 poison, 2 strong constitution, 3 alcohol, 4 medicines/drugs,
5 poison immunity, 6 disease immunity, 7 magic immunity, 8 psionics
immunity, 9 cannot be teleported, 10 cannot be located, 11 immunity
against undead & undead attacks, 12 immunity against heat or cold.
17 17. Exceptional characteristic: 1 strength, 2 dexterity, 3 intelligence,
4 wisdom, 5 consitution, 6 charisma.
18 Aging/Longevity: 1 ages more quickly, 2 ages more slowly, 3 ages differently,
4 near immortality.
19 Magic-exposure related: roll on Ivory Tower mutation table
(in Dregoth Ascending Part 3)
20 Illness: 1 born with an illness that develops as a child, 2 born with
an illness that develops later in life, 3 born with a mutation
that develops later in life, 4 born with an illness, but one
that also protects against something else, 5 born with a mental illness,
6 extremely hyperactive, 7 born with a mental illness, but one that
also protects against something else, 8 attracts diseases that normally
only manifest in certain animals.


1 like mother
2 more like mother
3 like maternal grandmother
4 like maternal grandfather
5 like other member of the maternal family
6 like neither
7 both parents equally represented
8 like other member of the paternal family
9 like paternal grandmother
10 like paternal grandfather
11 more like father
12 like father

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