
The Yellow Monastery
The Yellow Monastery used to be a place of more passive resistance. The monks condemned aspects of Abalach-Re's rule (such as slavery, violence) mainly for spiritual reasons. Since the death of Abalach-Re, the Monastery has become more active, first focusing on creating stability and offering protection in its surrounding area, and later by a series of smaller interventions. In contrast to some more radical resistance organisations, the Yellow Monastery tries not to succumb to violent ways.
This has enabled them to remain in the open, virtually unchallenged. Unlike members of the resistance, they are not perceived as a threat. However, freedom fighters have been cared for by the Yellow Monastery and although it is suspected, no one has been able to prove it so far.
What has also helped these monks is their eloquence. Even if they are accused of something, they have so far always been able to talk their way out. How long they will be able to keep this up is uncertain, although their current leader Shantaru (19th level psion) is not to be underestimated...

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